Republican Councilman Comes Out As Transgender, Trans-Racial In Apparent Mockery Of Left

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I love this guy. He's totally punking the leftists and, frankly, I don't see what they can do about it. By mocking them with their own tactics, he illustrates just how ridiculous all this pretend stuff is.

A Republican Indiana councilman came out as transgender and transracial in what seems to be a mockery of the left.

Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb announced mid-April that he finally felt “comfortable announcing my true authentic self.”

“It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well,” Webb said in a statement posted on Facebook. “I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women. Whew, that felt good to finally get that out there and start living life as my true self. I’m excited to bring diversity to the county council. Until today we didn’t have any females of color or LGBTQIAPC +++ on the council. I’m glad that now we do!”

Webb jokingly added he was “honored” to “shatter that glass ceiling” after he said he is actually the “very first lesbian woman of color” in the history of the county to serve on the council.

Really don't get this. Is all the publicity real? Is there an agenda behind it? If so.........what is it? Is it all insane nonsense? Other than the internet there really isn't too much in the local media. Then again...........the interweb is full of insanity.

Here's a laugh...........

If anyone takes this ^^^^^ seriously they need help. But ya have to admit the title is hysterical.
I just think that those on the right are finally throwing some of this "woke" nonsense back at the left. Mocking them and laughing at them should prove to be highly effective. Indeed, he is simultaneously using Rule 4 and Rule 5 out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals playbook which, as everybody knows, is the left's favorite reading.

Rule 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

Rule 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

I sincerely hope that this will continue to be a trend.

Now, if you all will excuse me, I have to go schedule my next pap smear.
have we reached Peak Woke Insanity yet?
No that will be when republican <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>gits start campaigning with slogans like "the the dems are the real transphobes" and they mean it. Be patient it's not that far away.
Be sure to let us know how it goes, as I'm sure everyone here is waiting with baited breath to hear the results of that.

Thanks. To be perfectly honest, this will be my first one. I always thought that those were strictly for women and something that I really didn't need to concern myself with. But now democrats say that men can get pregnant too, so I thought it would only be responsible to have my reproductive organs checked out. They say that early detection is key if something is wrong.

I must confess that so far I am having difficulty setting up an appointment. Two clinics have already hung up on me and there is some doubt as to whether or not my insurance will cover the costs.
Here ya go..............

In an effort to increase recruitment, the Navy has invited a drag queen, who is an active-duty sailor, to join its pilot “digital ambassador” program.

As America's military faces a historic recruiting crisis, the new tactic is intended to broaden the Navy’s reach of potential recruits through digital and social media platforms, according to a report.

Here ya go..............

In an effort to increase recruitment, the Navy has invited a drag queen, who is an active-duty sailor, to join its pilot “digital ambassador” program.

As America's military faces a historic recruiting crisis, the new tactic is intended to broaden the Navy’s reach of potential recruits through digital and social media platforms, according to a report.


^^^ that'll just get 'em the Bud Light treatment.
Maybe that's what happened to Milley. Drank a Bud Light and now wears bright red thongs under his uniform and carries lip gloss in his ammo pouches.
It's getting to the point where the USA is so messed up that many native citizens no longer wish to be American.
It's getting to the point where the USA is so messed up that many native citizens no longer wish to be American.
That is their point. Break down any national pride you may have. Especially on a family level.
That is their point. Break down any national pride you may have. Especially on a family level.

It is all part of their Cloward-Pivan Strategy. Leftist democrats have been marching towards this goal since 1966.

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