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Russia lost 27 MILLION people!

Sociological service YouGov on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the landing of the Allies in Normandy decided to find out from the residents of the UK, USA, France and Germany, who they thought contributed the most to the victory over Nazism.

The answers vary greatly.

In the UK they think:
Great Britain - 39%
USA - 20%
USSR - 15%

In the USA they think:
USA - 59%
USSR - 13%
Great Britain - 6%

In France, they think:
USA - 47%
USSR - 17%
Great Britain - 10%

In Germany the think:
USA - 34%
USSR - 31%
Great Britain- 6%

(📱 InfoDefens ( (http://cat.general/)

An important statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the Victory over Nazism in the Second World War was made at OSCE

Belarus, together with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan made a statement at the OSCE that "Attempts to revise or distort the outcome of the Second World War, to glorify the Nazis and their accomplices, and to deny the war crimes committed by them are categorically unacceptable. According to the decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal, the crimes of the Nazis and their accomplices have no statute of limitations. We strongly condemn the destruction and desecration of monuments to the soldiers-liberators, wherever these memorial sites are located. The defeated Nazism must not raise its head again!".

Belarusian diplomats cherish this memory!

We remember and call on everyone to remember!


(📱 InfoDefens ( (http://cat.general/)

Russian Nuclear Sub, Frigate with Long Range Land Attack Missiles Operating Off East Coast​

JUNE 11, 2024 7:18 PM

THE PENTAGON – A nuclear Russian submarine carrying guided missiles with a range of 1,000 nautical miles is operating off the East Coast as part of Russian missile drills in the Atlantic.

Kazan, a Yasen-M-class guided missile submarine, is part of a naval action group the Russian Ministry of Defense deployed to the Atlantic. The group is bound for the Caribbean as part of military drills ordered by the Kremlin against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, according to the MoD.

On Tuesday, Kazan and the advanced guided-missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov tested anti-ship missiles in the Atlantic at targets with a range of more than 350 miles before resuming its transit to a previously scheduled port visit to Havana on Wednesday, the Russian MoD said in a statement.

Ship spotters are tracking the Russian action group off the coast. The group was operating just east of the Florida Keys as of Tuesday afternoon and is under surveillance by at least three U.S. guided-missile destroyers and a P-8A Poseidon anti-submarine aircraft, according to public flight and ship tracking data.

A Navy spokesperson referred USNI News to the Office of the Secretary of Defense when asked about the U.S. warships. A Pentagon spokesperson would not confirm the details but provided a Monday statement about the Russian exercises.


Two articles from the Barents Observer. My take from the articles is that our allies in Northern Europe aren't too happen with thing they're seeing.


Rouble swings to opaque trading territory after new US sanctions​

MOSCOW, June 13 (Reuters) - New U.S. sanctions that forced Russia's leading exchange to halt dollar and euro trading led to a range of varying prices and spreads as trading moved over-the-counter (OTC) on Thursday, obscuring access to reliable pricing for the Russian currency.

The rouble fell to a one-month low of 91.7455 against the dollar in very low liquidity on the interbank market.

But dollar-rouble futures, which continued trading on Moscow Exchange (MOEX.MM), opens new tab as a derivative instrument, had gained around 2.4% at 0809 GMT and hit a high of around 86.00 in volatile trading.



Russia Prepares for War with NATO | Andrei Martyanov​

The EU is trying to confiscate Russian assets, but they want the USA to be the scapegoat. The EU has 10x the Russian assets the USA already confiscated ($400b vs $40b).

Russia could reduce decision time for use of nuclear weapons, lawmaker says​

MOSCOW (Reuters) -Russia, the world's biggest nuclear power, could reduce the decision-making time stipulated in official policy for the use of nuclear weapons if Moscow believes that threats are increasing, parliament's defence committee chairman said.

The war in Ukraine has triggered the biggest confrontation between Russia and the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, with President Vladimir Putin last month saying that Russia might change its official nuclear doctrine setting out the conditions under which such weapons could be used.

On Sunday Andrei Kartapolov, the head of the Russian lower house of parliament's defence committee, was quoted by state news agency RIA as saying that if threats increased then the decision-making time for using such weapons could be changed.

"If we see that the challenges and threats increase, it means that we can correct something in (the doctrine) regarding the timing of the use of nuclear weapons and the decision to make this use," RIA quoted Kartapolov as saying.

Kartapolov, who once commanded Russian forces in Syria and now serves as a lawmaker from the ruling United Russia party, added that it was too early to speak about specific changes to the nuclear doctrine.

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From what I read, Russian officials stated that the missiles were targeting a military base close to the beach. Russian defenses destroyed 4 incoming missiles and a fifth missile went wonky and exploded in the air which rained the debris on the beach. The missiles were not targeting the civilians/beach.
Still, cluster munitions are considered a war crime... (that is if they're "Petal Mines"... I believe...).
Any idea of just how close? ...

Stas is an Russian American living in Russia. He served in the US military.

Mass murder on a beach​


"In the Eyes of Truth" with our guests Scott Bennett and Johnne H. The terrorism against Belgorod.​


Assange is FREE. Germany Merz talks peace. Ukraine plan given to Trump. EU sanctions ghost LNG ships​



Got a link to what you read?

I converse with a guy in Moscow and he's saying the Russian officials are NOT saying anything of the sort....
It was a community note on X that had a link to a screen capture of a tweet or telegram post or something from a/the Russian Ministry of Defense. I read it in passing and didn't save or interact with it. I did a quick search on X just now and didn't find what I had read originally.

They mentioned that the missiles were intercepted in the air and the 5th missile veered off course as a result of the air defense and exploded in mid-air. The beach was not the target. I don't believe that they acknowledged what the intended target actually was, but it clearly was not the beach. You have to be the the most propaganda minded partisan to assume/conclude that the missiles were targeting civilian infrastructure when there are military targets in close proximity and everyone knows Ukraine can't afford to waste ammunition.
You have to be the the most propaganda minded partisan to assume/conclude that the missiles were targeting civilian infrastructure when there are military targets in close proximity and everyone knows Ukraine can't afford to waste ammunition.
The military target in close proximity should be easily identified then...
They have been using cluster munition on civilians in the Donbas ever since nato provided them with the justification that we’ve run out of regular 155 mm shells . They continue to target civilians in the Donbas most days . Apparently it’s to get the population to turn against Putin .

Simplicuis has some recent intel on the beach strike. -

BRICS NEXT WIN: Russia's Initiative to Create Commodities Exchange Threatens Western Influence​


Putin Has The Last Laugh: U.S.-made ATACMS' Guidance System Falls In Russia's Hands Amid Ukraine War​


WOW!! Destruction of a HUGE column of RUSSIAN TANKS!!​


Putin Has The Last Laugh: U.S.-made ATACMS' Guidance System Falls In Russia's Hands Amid Ukraine War​

Don't bother. There was maybe a minute of some guy and some part of the missile. Some of that was not in focus. That's it.

The rest of the video was political stuff. I mean fluff.

A real analysis of the missile would be to reverse engineer everything. This would start with the electromechanical systems and then go to the software that controls everything. This covered nothing of interest.

This video is as informative as explaining auto production by touring the employee parking lot.

“Conditions are very simple”: Putin outlines demands for Ukraine ceasefire​

^^^ they'll be screaming about Russia/Trump colluUUUusion again. lol
What the west 'thinks' we should know... (but we know better...)

Russia is in a deadly fix in Ukraine, but does it realize it?​

Renowned US author and analyst, Chuck Pfarrer, a former squadron leader of SEAL Team 6, explains why Russia is continuing to fail in Ukraine and is struggling to advance despite all of its recent reinvigorated efforts. Pfarrer points out the many signs that Russia has neither the strategic nor tactical ability to execute complex missions. Russia, time and again, fails to make significant headway in Ukraine and is facing increasingly hostile troops unwilling to become cannon fodder.

Pfarrer, who has advised the “full alphabet soup” of US national security agencies and is a leading figure in the analysis of the war in Ukraine, is a new special correspondent for the Kyiv Post. Here, he explains why Russia’s losses so far have been disastrous and why an abysmal summer awaits the Kremlin. Russians soon to be mobilized should not delude themselves with fantasies of victory: Like nearly all of the Russian soldiers who participated in the initial full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the newbie Russian troops will be heading straight to the meat-grinder.

After his service in the US Navy, Pfarrer served public and private sector clients as a military and counter-terrorism contractor and non-proliferation expert. Pfarrer has written extensively on counter-WMD proliferation and gray zone operations. He has written an op-ed for the New York Times and the Knight-Ridder Syndicate and has appeared as a writer and counterterrorism expert on CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Fox, CSPAN, NPR, Voice of America, Al Jazeera, Al Hurra, IPR, and America tonight.

00:00 Intro
00:25 Ukraine's secret operation in Russia
02:23 How Russia missed its best opportunity.
06:26 Which weapons does Ukraine require now?
07:49 Do the Russians realize what a bad situation they are in?
10:15 What should we expect in the coming months?
11:44 Do you think the Russians are sincere in calling for negotiations?
Thank you

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