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He thought Vladimir Putin was fundamentally wrong in the path he had chosen for Russia, a disastrous one that was moving away from democracy to rebuild an autocracy. He felt something had to be done to stop this.
So far it looks as if Russia is more of a "democracy" than the US...

They've held elections. People got to vote for president. All the 'election watchers' said it was fair.

A joint media investigation into "Havana Syndrome," mysterious brain injuries that have affected U.S. diplomats and government officials since 2016, has found evidence that a Russian military assassination unit may be responsible.
It has to be Russia. Just has to be! A 'joint media' investigation said so!

Last night's 60 Minutes story on Havana Syndrome.
"Setting the hook" for all the dweebs who trust the efficacy of 60 Minutes to spin a yarn.

I wonder if 5G might have a role?
Make tin foil hats great again
Well, the US/CIA does have an energy beam that puts messages into your head. There is a video of a Professor sending music into student's heads. Not a stretch to alter the Hz and tweak (microwave) some molecules.
They've held elections. People got to vote for president. ...

They had even less choice on the ballot than we are going to get. Serious political opposition isn't allowed on the ballot. Serious opposition candidates end up in a jail or a grave.


Propaganda central right there. CNN also said Putin had cancer, was a dictator, Russia's economy is hurting, Russia's losing in Ukraine... et al
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🇺🇸🇷🇺NEW VIDEO: Terror Attack on Moscow & Why the US Stands as the Prime Suspect

▪️US use of terrorism to advance foreign policy objectives is based on decades of evidence and includes support for militants in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union, Chechen separatists inside Russia in the 1990s and 2000s, and Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria from against Syrian, Iranian, and Russian forces;

▪️More recently, US foreign policymakers have laid out plans to use listed terrorist organizations as proxies to carry out attacks in targeted nations like Iran and Pakistan;

▪️Ukraine has already carried out an extensive terror campaign aimed at Russian civilians deep within Russian territory including in Belgorod, St. Petersburg, and Moscow;

▪️US media admits collaboration between US intelligence and Ukrainian intelligence from 2014 onward while also admitting Ukraine has carried out a number of attacks on civilians inside Russia including Darya Dugina and Vladen Tatarsky;

▪️US media also admits that despite the US claiming to have warned Russia of an impending terrorist attack, information was withheld due to the “adversarial relationship” between the US and Russia;

▪️Leading up to the deadly Moscow attack, US foreign policymakers had repeatedly stated the need to make ordinary Russians “feel the pinch” of the conflict;


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They had even less choice on the ballot than we are going to get. Serious political opposition isn't allowed on the ballot. Serious opposition candidates end up in a jail or a grave.

That's why they (D's) are attempting to kick RFK off the ballot... that's why they've been going after Trump, that's because our serious opposition candidates are considered a threat.

Barnes explains it here in 10 mins

Amazing how quickly they caught them all...

Russian investigation moving quickly. West fears Russian offensive​


We will soon owe you nothing: Russia close to fully extinguishing its foreign debt

Since early 2022, Russia has significantly reduced its foreign debt while maintaining financial efficiency, distinguishing itself from other major economies that are still increasing their debt.

The Russian debt reached its peak of $733 billion in 2014; after that it declined, going down to $488 billion in early 2022, and reaching the current minimum of $317 billion.

The critical point is the reduction in the foreign currency debt:
• Currency restrictions contributed to the ruble's devaluation, with the mid-2023 plunge partly caused by external debt repayments depleting the current account surplus.
• The ruble-denominated external debt can be effectively offset by the domestic cash flow.

To summarize, the issuer controls their debt, as opposed to foreign-currency debts under external jurisdictions. This explains a massive effort to pay off the foreign currency debt: the Russian external debt contracted from $353 billion to $208 billion over the period of just two years, which is a staggering 1.7-fold decrease over two years and 2.5-fold over a decade. We observe a similar trend to the reduction of foreign currency debt in private sector: from $244 billion in early 2022 to $155 billion today.

This reduction is unprecedented in global economy, especially taking into account the stable macroeconomic backdrop: Russian economy is about 2% larger in April 2024 than in December 2021.

Given the current annual account surplus (which is around half of the outstanding debt), we conclude that Russia almost fully repaid its external debt.

The accumulation of external debt is typically associated with the influx of technologies, which is generally a good thing. In the case of Russia, however, the risks far outweigh the rewards: the Western ‘partners’ kept pressuring Russian economy via its currency.

Oh, well! One more Western leverage is broken.


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The Surprising Intelligence Community Outreach to Russia​

Two weeks before a deadly terrorist attack at a Moscow theater killed more than 130 people in March, the United States intelligence community notified its Russian counterparts of an imminent assault that ISIS-K extremists were planning.

A few weeks before that, the United States warned Iranian officials of an upcoming attack in Kerman, when ISIS-K suicide bombers killed more than 100 people attending a memorial for the slain Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani.

Many people might be shocked that the U.S. government would go out of its way to share sensitive intelligence with some of its sharpest adversaries and alert them of impending attacks, but it’s actually part of an official policy known as a “duty to warn.”

As a former CIA veteran and a terrorism scholar, we know it’s an approach that has the potential to boost security for Americans and other citizens across the globe — but it works only if there is real international cooperation on counterterrorism, something in increasingly short supply.


WP opinion piece (interesting)

When a top Republican says Russian propaganda has infected the GOP​

During the first impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump in 2019, former Trump national security aide Fiona Hill made an extraordinary plea. Seated in front of congressional Republicans, she implored them not to spread Russian propaganda.

“In the course of this investigation, I would ask that you please not promote politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests,” she told them. She was referring to comments they had made during her earlier deposition breathing life into a baseless, Trump-backed suggestion that Ukraine, rather than Russia, interfered in the 2016 U.S. election.

“These fictions are harmful even if they’re deployed for purely domestic political purposes,” she added.

Republicans on the committee blanched at the suggestion that they had served as conduits for Russian misinformation, but Hill refused to back down.

Five years later, Republicans are starting to grapple more publicly with the idea that this kind of thing is happening in their ranks.

The most striking example came this week. In an interview with Puck News’s Julia Ioffe, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.) — none other than the GOP chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee — flat-out said that Russian propaganda had “infected a good chunk of my party’s base.”

McCaul suggested conservative media was to blame.



First results of western terror in Russia​



Hendrik Weber, Blaz Kavcic, and Stanislav Krapivnik discuss the ongoing investigation into the Crocus City Massacre; 100K Russians enlist as contract soldiers since January, and 16K alone after Crocus City; US and Allies beginning to accept the worst in Ukraine.
10 years of Russian spring

Yesterday was 10 years since the beginning of the uprising in Donbass. 10 years since the beginning of the Russian spring.

It was on April 6, 2014 that the SBU administration building in the Lugansk was seized, and in Donetsk - the regional administration building.

After this, within a week, activists took control of other administrative buildings in Donetsk and Kharkov, Gorlovka and Lisichansk, Slavyansk and Kramatorsk.

And note - in all cases there were no casualties, not a single building was burned, and in most cases the police did not show resistance at all.

Now compare this with the seizure of administrative buildings in Western Ukraine in January–February 2014.

As of Jan. 24, 2014, 8 administrations were captured: Kiev, Lvov, Ternopol, Khmelnitsky, Rovno, Chernovtsi, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankovsk. In Lutsk and in Uzhgorod adminitrstive buildings were also blocked. In Cherkasy, although it was taken by storm, was then repelled by the police.

On Jan. 25, the Poltava Regional Council and the Volyn Regional State Administration were stormed.

On Jan. 27, Maidan protesters seized the Chernigov regional council

As of Jan. 25, 10 regional state administrations had already been captured.

The icing on the cake:

In Lvov, on the night of Feb. 19 and during the day, the buildings of the regional administration, as well as the regional departments of the SBU, the prosecutor's office, the tax administration, the traffic police, the regional and city departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the regional branches, were seized, which was accompanied by the destruction office equipment and documents, the seizure of more than 1,170 firearms (almost a thousand Makarov pistols, more than 170 Kalashnikov assault rifles, sniper rifles and Kalashnikov machine guns, more than 18 thousand cartridges of various calibers). After the pogroms of the buildings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the SBU, the law enforcement officers coming out of there had their shoulder straps and uniforms torn off and thrown into a fire lit in front of the entrance to the buildings.

Military unit 4114 of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Lvov was burned to the ground; as a result of the fire, the soldiers of the unit completely lost their ammunition, weapons and a place to stay for the night (the barracks, arsenal and utility rooms burned down). During the storming of the barracks of unit No. 4114 of the Internal Troops of Ukraine, Euromaidan supporters seized military equipment and set fire to the unit building, as a result of which at least one of the servicemen burned down; the fire later spread to an ammunition depot.

Later, a message appeared that more than five thousand Kalashnikov assault rifles, 2,741 Makarov pistols, 123 light machine guns, 12 Shmel rocket flamethrowers, one and a half thousand F-1 grenades and a significant amount of ammunition were stolen from the warehouses of the internal troops in the Lvov region.

An attempt was made to set fire to the Zaliznychny district department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the building of the Frankovsky district court was burned with office equipment and documents. In the regional center, the police call line 102 stopped working, and 30% of police vehicles were destroyed.

Why am I describing this in such detail?

In essence, the situations are similar: activists seize administrative buildings and interfere with the work of government bodies.

But! In Donbass, everything happened without casualties or damage to buildings.

However, it was the seizure of administrative buildings in Donetsk and Lugansk that served as the basis for the Maidan authorities of Ukraine to begin the so-called “Anti-terrorist operation” (ATO) on April 13, 2014 in the east of the country.

This is how the war began.

P.S. And yes, no one has been brought to justice for the seizure of administrative buildings in western Ukraine. Nobody.

This is electoral politics. To friends - everything, to enemies - the law.

Boom! (video)

🇺🇸🤝🇺🇦 U.S. SOLDIERS KILLED TRYING TO TERRORIZE RUSSIAN VILLAGE - Footage above from Ukrainian soldier's helmet camera, killed trying to storm village of Kozinka (), Belgorod region ( pre-war Russia), shows U.S. mercenaries having fun chat about paintball (01:25) before news that their American commander just been killed (02:57) by Russian sniper sends them to absolute panic, running outside like headless chickens where all are blown up by Russian strikes (02:33).

Americans, French and Romanians also killed fighting for Kiev's Nazis - he told you not to go outside (03:10)! 😂

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financing of terrorist activities by senior officials of the United States and NATO countries.

The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia conducted an investigation regarding the financing of terrorist activities by senior officials of the United States and NATO countries. As a result, a criminal case has been initiated under the provisions of Part 4 of Article 205.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (financing terrorism).

It has been established that funds, received through commercial organizations, including the oil and gas company "Burisma Holdings*," operating in Ukraine, have been used in recent years to carry out terrorist acts in the Russian Federation, as well as beyond its borders, to eliminate prominent political and public figures and inflict economic damage.

Through collaborative efforts with other intelligence agencies and financial intelligence, sources of funds amounting to several million US dollars, as well as the involvement of specific individuals among government officials, public, and commercial organizations in Western countries, are being investigated.

Additionally, investigative and operational methods are being employed to uncover links between the immediate perpetrators of terrorist acts and foreign handlers, organizers, and sponsors.

*Yes, this is the same Burisma Holdings that has paid millions to Hunter Biden for being on its board of directors.

The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia ()

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
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Mike Johnson, MTG, Lauren Bobert, Trump = Moscow Mules.


Update 12 April 2024: of war, Russian reactions and clown worlds...its the PPP stupid!​


Interview with Adrean McRae. Or how the Australian elites hide the truth about Russia.​

Everybody knows that unmanned airceaft and launch vehicles will be in future wars rendering manned vehicles nearly obsolete like battleships in 1942.

Concerns emerge over Moscow’s push for expanded research at Svalbard​

It was last autumn Russia presented an ambitious plan to create a Svalbard science centre in the ghost-town of Pyramiden with participants from countries considered friendly by the Kremlin regime.

These plans are now elaborated in a series of articles in the re-born journal Russki Vestnik Spitsbergen and in conferences at universities and other arenas. In short, the new plans include:

  • Main science centre will be in Pyramiden, with departments to be established in Grumant, Coles Bay and Barentsburg.
  • Both field-research and practical studies for students in summer and winter.
  • Studies include ethno-humanities, cultural-historical, paleography and medical biology.
  • A consortium of research- and educational institutions and organizations from friendly states will be created.
  • China, but also other BRICS+ members can team up, including the new that were invited in January 2024, like the authoritarian petro-states Saudi-Arabia, Iran and United Arab Emirates (UAE).
These fields of research contradict Norway’s informal guidelines for international actors’ science at Svalbard, limited to natural science; climate changes, cosmos, geology, glaciology, marine biology and likewise.



IT’S STARTING - Russia Just Issued A DEVASTATING Warning To The West​

Russian state TV has issued the latest nuclear threat against the U.S. over the ongoing war in Ukraine, threatening a possible nuclear strike from Moscow. So, is WW3 imminent?
So why did Hillary sell Russia 25% of US production...?

US Senate backs ban on Russian uranium​

The Biden administration has for months called for restrictions on America’s top foreign supplier.

According to the US Energy Department, in 2022, Russia supplied 24% of all enriched uranium shipped to the country, thus becoming the top importer of the crucial fuel. While the US has its own deposits of uranium, they are not sufficient to satisfy demand. Russia accounts for nearly half of global capacity.

Commenting on the act, Wyoming Senator John Barrasso, a Republican, said: “our bipartisan legislation will help defund Russia’s war machine, revive American uranium production, and jump-start investments in America’s nuclear fuel supply chain.”

Declassified docs show US promised Russia not to interfere in CIS affairs​

The long running history of post-Cold War deception dates back to the 90s – when Washington promised Moscow not to interfere in the former Soviet Union. The information is according to newly declassified documents, which RT's Saskia Taylor has been investigating.
😁 Berlusconi threw up on a hunting trip with Putin in 2013, when the Russian president offered him a taste of deer heart:

"Putin said to me: Silvio, let's go hunting. I thought: hunting? I had never touched a gun. But he insisted, and I went along. When we got to the forest, he gave me the gun. I was worried. As we walked through the snow, he saw two deer and gestured to me: This one is yours. Shoot it. I let him know that even if I died I wouldn't shoot. Then he shot them both and looked at me with satisfaction: Today I will offer you an exceptional meal. He walked down the slope towards the animals, knife in hand. Putin quartered the animal and took out its heart. Then a man from the convoy brought him a wooden tray, which he handed to me and on which he placed a piece of bloody meat: This will be an exceptional meal. I had a stroke. I hid behind a tree and threw up. Maybe he just has the habits of a hunter,"

the former prime minister recalled in a conversation with his colleagues, the contents of which were published ( by the Italian Corriere della Sera.

Putin is starting his 5th term as president, more in control of Russia than ever​

Vladimir Putin begins his fifth term as Russian president in an opulent Kremlin inauguration Tuesday, after destroying his political opponents, launching a devastating war in Ukraine and consolidating all power in his hands.

Already in office for nearly a quarter-century and the longest-serving Kremlin leader since Josef Stalin, Putin’s new term doesn’t expire until 2030, when he is constitutionally eligible to run for another six years.

He has transformed Russia from a country emerging from economic collapse to a pariah state that threatens global security. Following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine that has become Europe’s biggest conflict since World War II, Russia has been heavily sanctioned by the West and is turning other regimes like China, Iran and North Korea for support.



Russia's former president threatened nuclear attacks on Western capital cities if NATO sends any troops to Ukraine​

  • Dmitry Medvedev is at it again, threatening Western leaders with nuclear attacks if they cross a line.
  • Medvedev says no leaders in Washington, Paris, and London won't "be able to hide" if they send troops to Ukraine.
  • The former Russian president regularly makes bombastic threats against the West.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday threatened nuclear strikes on Western leaders who want to send their troops to Ukraine, doubling down on his increasingly hostile rhetoric toward the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

"The choir of irresponsible bastards from among Western elites calling for sending their troops to the nonexistent country is expanding," Medvedev wrote in a message on social media.

He pointed to leaders and politicians in the US, UK, France, the Baltics, and Poland who floated the idea of supplying Kyiv with troops.

Medvedev said any deployment of NATO troops would essentially be a direct engagement in war, and that Russia would have to respond "not within Ukraine's borders."


My experience with the Russian economy is limited to a used photographic light meter, a few postage stamps, and a piva label that I lost. I thought about buying a Cambron SE ("Zenit") camera, but got a Japanese Fujica instead. My history with buying Russian products is minimal. I did buy a roll of 35mm film from Polish Orwo, though. (It was good.)

If Russia blocks traffic between X and Y, should I care? I don't think so.

I have set up an ISP, and then another. I got us a /19 and set up BGP with our partners. FWIW. To those who understand.
If Russia blocks traffic between X and Y, should I care? I don't think so.

It's not as if the US is so 'free'... remember, all the social medias bowed down to the great white God in DC censoring all manner of content it didn't approve of....
Socrates indicates next week the risk of war goes up exponentially...

You Need 2 Years of Food – Martin Armstrong​

Watch Vladimir Putin’s full speech at the inauguration ceremony as President of Russia, subtitled.

Here’s the summary of key points:

▪️ We will determine the fate of Russia ourselves, and only ourselves, the citizens of Russia have confirmed that the country is on the right course

▪️ Russia will pass through this difficult pivotal period with dignity and emerge even stronger, it must strive to be self-sufficient and competitive.

▪️ Russia’s top priority is the preservation of the people, the support of centuries-old family values and traditions.

▪️ Russia is open to strengthening good relations with all countries that view Russia as a reliable and honest partner, which are the global majority.

▪️ Russia is not rejecting dialogue with Western states. It is open to talks, including on security and strategic stability, but only on an equal footing.

▪️ We must also remember about the enormous price we paid for internal unrest and troubles, therefore, Russia’s state and socio-political system must be strong and resistant to any threats.

▪️ We must ensure reliable continuity in the development of our country for decades to come.

▪️ Together we win! - President Putin concluded.

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