So why are you asking its opinion of other forum members and what they post?Don't take this seriously. I'm having fun with chatbot. It's neat. lol
Have you asked it what the symptoms of Trump derangement syndrome are and how to diagnose it?
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So why are you asking its opinion of other forum members and what they post?Don't take this seriously. I'm having fun with chatbot. It's neat. lol
So why are you asking its opinion of other forum members and what they post?
Have you asked it what the symptoms of Trump derangement syndrome are and how to diagnose it?
Of course you were. Which strongly implies that you are in fact looking for echo chamber responses.I was hoping chatbot would say they were nuts. lol
Which strongly implies that you are in fact looking for echo chamber responses.
It would be funny, wouldn't it? see Trump get a nine-figure damage award, after suing the excrement out of New York city and state?Perhaps they are just slowly coming to their senses.
All my life I've been told that federal law supersedes State law. I've also seen where the FEC has already said that what he did is not a crime. So how can it be illegal at the State level?
.....and what about the statute of limitations having already run out on the law they are trying to charge him with breaking?
I'm just going by what you post. You seem to just love ya any anti-Trump headline you see. Be it truth or not.I may need to work on this. Maybe I'm too much like Trump. Need to get rid of that stigma. Makes one look really bad.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Correct! Someone should tell Trump that's why nobody is showing up to protest.We also have no interest in going somewhere that agent provocatuers are staged in order to make us look bad.
Apparently someone told Blobb that, first, he'd be risking his own law license, and second, he'd turn Trump into a hero and martyr.Somethings up. Grand jury supposed to get back to work today. That ain't happening. Monday at the earliest.
or never? It's a nothing burger...Somethings up. Grand jury supposed to get back to work today. That ain't happening. Monday at the earliest.
Apparently someone told Blobb that, first, he'd be risking his own law license, and second, he'd turn Trump into a hero and martyr.
Backfiring twice.
So now he's trying to pull some value out of this by proclaiming it was a Trump media stunt.
Michael Cohen has POWERFUL Message for Trump
Mar 22, 2023
Michael Cohen gave an epic rant directed at Donald Trump on the new episode of his podcast Political Beatdown co-hosted by Ben Meiselas of the MeidasTouch Network. 9:15
That aged Beautifully. Fully destroyed in less than One Week.
I started the thread because I thought Trump was going to be charged. Now I'm thinking I should have waited until he was actually charged. It seems that both the NYC and Georgia investigations may have petered out.
You beLIEved the MSM didja? LOL!I started the thread because I thought Trump was going to be charged. Now I'm thinking I should have waited until he was actually charged. It seems that both the NYC and Georgia investigations may have petered out.
Sure it was a DJT supporter... and I have some land to sell you in Florida....A Donald Trump supporter was arrested Tuesday