Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape in Senate Hearing Room

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Wait! I thought this whole thing was something the evil Republicans made up to make the democrats look bad? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

As if the democrats could possibly look any worse.



Senate staffer alleged by conservative outlets to have had sex in a hearing room is no longer employed​

Sen. Ben Cardin’s office has parted ways with a staffer who conservative news outlets alleged was shown in a leaked video having sex in a Senate hearing room.

“Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate,” the Maryland Democrat’s office said in a statement to NBC News on Saturday, which was first obtained by Politico. “We will have no further comment on this personnel matter.”


So, if I am reading this correctly, does this mean that Senator Cardin's staff has a hole that needs to be filled?

You know, as we approach the end of 2023, I am reminded of some of the things that the democrats have done this year to bring admiration and respect to this once-great nation. I'm sure I am missing a few, so feel free to add to my list.

* Cocaine is mysteriously found in a WH cubby

* POTUSs dogs are so rabid they bite WH staffers a dozen times

* We have that annoying, loud Jill Christmas Brazilian Mardi Gras dance party

* Two public servants decide the Senate is an Only Fans stage

* Transvestite strippers on the WH lawn

* False fire alarms triggered

I am once again reminded of how that last "election" was about "decency".

A rare photo of a democrat in his natural environment. :ROFLMAO:

His parents must be so proud. :lmao:

What you bet they're liberal die hards...?

They probably are, which explains their son. But even liberals must have some shame.

Well, now that I think about it and all the shenanigans at the White House, never mind. I guess they don't.
I'd almost bet the parents have a "pride" flag flying off a pole in their front yard as a sign of just how proud they are of their son
I'd almost bet the parents have a "pride" flag flying off a pole in their front yard as a sign of just how proud they are of their son

They had better sniff that pole to make sure it wasn't somewhere unsavory.
This is rich! The guy who was filmed getting a colonoscopy in a Senate chamber is actually trying the "victim" defense. :lmao:

Sex in the Senate is bad enough. But claiming you’re the victim? That’s truly shameless​

Let’s hope that Sen. Ben Cardin tips the Capitol Hill cleaning staff a little extra this Christmas.

On Friday it was revealed that a staffer from the Maryland Democrat’s office had turned the Judiciary Committee hearing room into a makeshift Spice Network set and was recorded engaging in male-on-male intercourse.

Yes, in the same room where Supreme Court nominees are grilled.

The seediness was courtesy of Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the politico-turned-amateur porn actor who was identified as the enthusiastic, jock strap-wearing participant in the 8-second clip.

The 24-year-old legislative aide, as a Cardin spokesperson confirmed later that day, “is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate.”

But Maese-Czeropski did not simply cop to the dirty deed — and apologize for desecrating a room where our country’s top officials have testified.

He didn’t even attempt the classic George Costanza “Was that wrong?” defense.

Like in the video, he went for broke, claiming his bare backside was being splashed across the media because he is gay — and a Democrat.

You see, he wasn’t guilty of participating in an X-rated film in the most vaunted halls of Congress.

No, he was a casualty of the right’s bigotry. What he really deserved was sympathy, a hug, a golden retriever to pet, and maybe an AVN award.

“This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda,” he wrote. “I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace.”

Perhaps he loves it too much.

But this latest sex scandal is further evidence that nothing is sacred anymore. No institutions, protocols, or duties. All are stripped of meaning and reverence, downgraded to the importance of a rest-stop bathroom.

The only thing our society now holds valuable is victimhood — and it is to be invoked at any opportunity to shift blame.

In his statement, Maese-Czeropski even said he is “exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters.”

But he has allegedly made a habit of posting kinky images and videos on his own X account, reportedly having been warned by his superior to tone down his posts, including a nude in the “work showers.”

Washington, DC, has never been a paragon of virtue or chastity; you’re probably more likely to catch an STD than the flu in those buildings.

But to be so flagrantly reckless and then so shocked, and dismayed at the blowback doesn’t get any more delusional.

The narcissistic Maese-Czeropski is likely to believe he’s invincible — and his workplace merely a personal sexual playground.

Maese-Czeropski’s 8 seconds of videotaped sex was a colossal mistake, a fireable offense. But his cry of victimhood was desperately shameless.

Where are the congress critters on this? When it first came out I heard a little from one or two, but it has kinda dropped off the news radar. Almost like it was an oops moment...........time to move along.
Where are the congress critters on this? When it first came out I heard a little from one or two, but it has kinda dropped off the news radar. Almost like it was an oops moment...........time to move along.

You must get your news from CNN, MSDNC, or the hags on The View. :ROFLMAO:

Here's my news feed this morning.

From yesterday:

Sex in the Senate is bad enough. But claiming you’re the victim? That’s truly shameless​

Fired Senate staffer compared to Anne Frank by social justice outlet: 'This is a joke right?'​

‘I told you’: Madison Cawthorn declares himself vindicated in wake of Senate hearing room video scandal​

From 19 hours ago:

Sen. Ben Cardin Pressed For Answers On How Ex-Staffer Accessed Senate Hearing Room to Film Explicit Video​

I know just how much democrats would love for this story to disappear, but I just don't think it's going anywhere for a bit. It wasn't that long ago we had topless trannies on the White House lawn. :lmao: Democrat child groomers are really letting their freak flag fly and showing the American people the class and dignity they get when they put democrats into positions of power. Bags of coke in the White House ring a bell? "Doctor" Jill's tacky Christmas show with BLM activists. About the only thing missing is a demonic statue with a goat's head. And I'm sure they've already thought about that.

On a more serious note, it can't be fun getting fired right before Christmas.

Our staff reached out to Aidan and asked him his feelings on losing his job right before Christmas and he replied, "The hardest part was leaving my friend's behind."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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I'm so old that I can remember when the rest of the world didn't think of the U.S. as a complete laughing stock.
Well, that ship has long ago sailed.
This is simply the latest act. Can't imagine what's next. Just when you think you've seen everything...
My bet would be more to cum. This administration is UFB. From top to bottom.
My bet would be more to cum. This administration is UFB. From top to bottom.

No, no, no. The adults are in charge now. Remember? "Doctor" Jill said that the last election was about "decency". :lmao: Well, now we have "decency". And the rest of the world is laughing their asses off at us. You think China respects us now? Hell, there are barefoot cannibal tribes in the Amazon who are laughing at us now. And still they are trying to throw shit at President Trump to see if any will stick. It's pathetic. Remember when they were saying that if Trump became President, he would start WW3? Look who are the warmongers now.

But thank God we have decency again in the White House. :ROFLMAO:

Brought to you from the DNC and approved by "Doctor" Jill Biden. :ROFLMAO:

"Decency" lube. :lmao:

Stephen Colbert was thoroughly amused by a Senate staffer getting caught filming a sex tape in a hearing room last week, but the CBS host was perhaps more entertained by exactly which hearing room it was. The “Late Show” host joked on Monday night that, really, “we’ve all been screwed there.”

On Friday, The Daily Caller published an explicit video, showing a purported Senate staffer having sex with another man atop the table Senators usually sit at while conducting hearings. The video was originally shared in a private group, and it was leaked to the public thereafter, though the staff member was not immediately identified.

“Well, certainly gives new meaning to the word ‘staffer,'” Colbert joked during his monologue on Monday night.

But, the late night host zeroed in on the fact that the hearing room the men filmed in is reportedly the same room in which Supreme Court nominees are interrogated prior to their official appointments.

“Yes, they were doin’ it in the room where they pick the Supreme Court, so in a way, we’ve all been screwed there,” Colbert joked.
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