Shortwave Listening (SWL)

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Vintage Westinghouse International Tune receiver from 1949 on BBC World Service Via Madagascar​

Jun 16, 2024
12095 kHz Shortwave , more than 13,000 KM from Montreal on this 75 Yo radio!

Some neat radios in the next set.

DDAY 80 from GB2AAF, Andrewsfield Essex - VMARS 80metre AM net as received on the Collins TCS-12​


The Vintage Military Amateur Radio Society organized a Special Event Net on the 6th June 2024 to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-DAY, the Normandy Landing into Occupied France. I reactivated GB2AAF at Andrewsfield in Essex, a former 9th TAF USAAF airfield built in 1942.

B26 Marauders operated from this field under the 322nd BG. Check out my QRZ page for GB2AAF for more details.

The main VMARS station in Normandy was TM80PB comprised of a British Wireless Set 12 Transmitter and R107 receiver operated at Pegasus Bridge from the back of a Canadian CMP truck manufactured in WW2.

The net began before 04:00 GMT and finished around 09:30 GMT.

This is a 10-minute segment where TM80PB, operated by Martin, M0MGA, is working other special event stations such as myself, GB2AAF.

The receiver used in the video is not the BC348 the loudspeaker is sitting on but the Collins TCS-12 from 1945 sitting alongside.

The transmitter I used to contact Martin was the TCS-5 from 1942.



73 de M0IDF

WW2 R109 Receiver - 6th June 2024 - DDAY80 nets - receiving the VMARS net on a 12 foot whip!​

Jun 17, 2024
My first recording of the VMARS DDAY 80 net on the 6th June 2024 at Andrews field. Signals were excellent and noise in low. The receiver on this video is the Collins TCS-12 fed from an inverted V dipole cut for the 80mtr band. VMARS nets are held on 3.615Mcs.


VMARS DDAY80 net - as heard at 06:02 at Andrewsfield on the Collins TCS receiver.​

A short video of the little R109 receiver from 1943 and as used by the Para's at Pegasus Bridge receiving Martin, G3YYH, net control Paul, M1PVC and Martin at TM80PB from Pegasus Bridge in Normandy. My aerial was a WW2 12-foot whip.
80 metre conditions were excellent around 7:00 a.m. at Andrews field, Essex.


2024 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast copied on 9585 kHz with the Yaesu FRG-100 reciever​

Jun 22, 2024

Hi there, I always try to record the BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast and did so again this year, following the HARS Friday night net, last night.
Great copy on the Yaesu/Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop combination.
Recorded on 21/06/24 at 22:30 hrs BST.
Thanks for watching.


BBC Broadcast to Antarctica on 11685 khz at 2132 UTC.​

Jun 21, 2024

Receiver: DX 394. Antenna 20 metre long wire. My location: UK.


Atom Alarm & Other Crazy Shortwave Signals!​

Jun 23, 2024


MW and SW DX observations above the Arctic Circle​

Jun 29, 2024

My observations on MW and SW DX here in Northern Finland.


SIGINT - The WW2 Radio Intelligence Division and Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service​

Dec 13, 2022

Signals intelligence (SIGINT) is almost as old as radio itself, but during World War 2 it took on even greater importance. The United States Federal Communications Commission had two divisions devoted to SIGINT, the Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service (FBMS) and the Radio Intelligence Division (RID).

The mandate of the FBMS was to record, translate, transcribe and analyze shortwave propaganda radio programs that were being beamed at the United States by the Axis powers.

Additionally, between 1940–1947, the FCC's Radio Intelligence Division (RID) monitored clandestine radio transmissions in the United States. The RID was the FCC's “largest single activity” during the war years and helped military and government agencies locate the Axis enemy's clandestine radio transmissions.

Radio Historian Brian Harrison explores the fascinating history of these two organizations, the equipment that they used, and their contributions toward winning World War 2.



Strong MW NDB signals heard in Northern Finland - see description​

Jul 2, 2024
Four strong NDB signals received here
635 kHz RD, Murmansk
832 kHz PL, Olenya
1210 kHz IO Kirovsk
1290 kHz R Murmansk


3 Reasons To Get A Shortwave Radio.​

Jul 6, 2024

I get comments from time to time claiming that Shortwave is dead. It's not. It's not like the 50's, but then again nothing else is either. That said, there are a lot of great reasons for a person that is paying attention should consider a Shortwave radio. Here are my top three!


Hurricane Watch Net 07 July 2024​

Started streaming 16 hours ago

Live stream of HF reception in southwestern Ohio (EM89 gridsquare) of the Hurricane Watch Net on various published frequencies. SDR-Console and an SDRplay RSPdx radio (receiver). Antenna is a 160m doublet up at 80 feet.


Listening to the world: The SWL DXing news report (episode 1) #shortwave

Jul 7, 2024 The SWL DXing report

Welcome to the first episode of the SWL DXing news report! This is my new podcast series where I'll be bringing you regular updates on what's happening in the world of shortwave and medium wave DXing. We'll cover everything from frequency changes and new stations to stations ending transmissions, transmitter news, exciting radio finds, and anything else about the DXing hobby.

This won't be a strictly weekly feature, but a way to keep you informed with news reports and information gathered from various sources as and when I find new information. It's presented in a podcast format, so you can enjoy it with visuals or just listen on the go – perfect for commutes, workouts, chores, anything!

Feel free to recommend news items you'd like me to cover in future episodes!

In this episode you can hear about a major new investment in SW broadcasting by a big international broadcaster, about another broadcaster ending some transmissions, how Voice of Hope Africa is working around extended, planned power cuts in Zambia and more. I also provide a short propagation outlook for the next two weeks.

You can read the article by The Economist I mention here:


00:00 Welcome to episode 1 of my DXing news podcast!
01:59 Major new investment in shortwave
02:49 Bad news from Radio Free Asia
03:33 Radio Taiwan tests frequencies to Europe
04:55 How Voice of Hope Africa beats power cuts
06:31 Voice of Fano extends broadcasting times
07:22 LM Radio back on medium wave
08:58 Numbers stations in the news
10:14 Propagation forecast

Evening band scan from 5000 kHz to 6000 kHz with a demo of two European aeronautical wx stations​

Jul 7, 2024

Using SDRPlay RSP1A with SDRConsole v. 3.3, West coast of Florida


Great to listen late at night on a summer evening from the dark backyard​

Jul 9, 2024

Love my little backyard listening on summer nights


Listening to the world: The SWL DXing news report (episode 2) #shortwave

Jul 13, 2024 The SWL DXing report

Welcome to episode 2 of the SWL DXing news report! This is my new podcast series where I'm bringing you regular updates on what's happening in the world of shortwave and medium wave DXing, as well as FM radio. We'll cover everything from frequency changes and new stations to stations ending transmissions, transmitter news, exciting radio finds, and anything else about the DXing hobby.

In this episode you can hear about another FM shutdown, VOA and USAGM stations cutting their transmissions, Radio Taiwan International's frequencies for its German and French broadcasts from Tamsui, Radio New Zealand's investment in shortwave and more.


00:00 Welcome to episode 2 of my DXing news podcast!
00:58 Swiss FM switch-off
01:51 BBC oldies station
02:52 Japanese MW trial
04:43 RNZ SW investment
06:27 Radio Taiwan German and French transmissions
08:27 VOA and USAGM transmission cuts
10:54 Yemen Radio and the buzzer
12:40 Unlisted frequencies
15:47 Propagation forecast

KBS NRD 535 545 253​

Jul 16, 2024

Dan demonstrates reception on JRC NRD-535/D, NRD-545, and JRC NRD-253 on KBS/Seoul 15,575 khz with observations comparing the last two JRC top gun consumer receivers


Kenwood R 5000 My first high end shortwave receiver and main radio for almost 20 years​

Jul 17, 2024

At last I had my dream receiver in 1990 the Kenwood R-5000 and it was heavily used


Realistic PRO 2006 Radio Shack high end scanner radio that still works and is great​

Jul 18, 2024

This is main scanner radio for many years and it was great and still works great


Listening to the world: The SWL DXing news report (episode 3) #shortwave

Jul 21, 2024 The SWL DXing report

In this episode you can hear about FM radio in Norway, it actually still exists! But Switzerland will definitely switch off all its FM transmitters at the end of this year. You can also hear about the global IT outage of the past week and two other national internet outages, all of which just underline the importance of good old radio broadcasting on SW and MW in particular. I talk about a temporary SW shutdown by a very popular station, the European DXing conference, and provide more details about the reduction of services by VOA and USAGM stations. There is also news about the development of a DRM radio right here in South Africa. I end with the regular propagation forecast.


- Updated HFCC schedules:
- Information about the European DXing conference:

Tecsun S-2200x Voice of Turkye English 2200 UT Sign on 11785 kHz Shortwave Telescopic antenna indoor​

Jul 27, 2024

Good signal from Turkye on the New Tecsun receiver in the 25 meter band


The SWL DXing news report: BBC, solar storm, new Tecsun and XHDATA radios #shortwave

Jul 28, 2024 The SWL DXing report

Welcome to episode 4 of The SWL DXing news podcast. In this episode you will hear about a radio competition in South Africa, the BBC’s massive global reach and why radio remains relevant, and some speculation about Radio Omdurman from Sudan. I also talk about two new radios - one from XHDATA and one from Tecsun, a number of frequency and time updates for various stations and there is news about a solar storm that will affect HF propagation in the coming week.


00:00 Introduction
00:37 Radio competition in South Africa
02:09 BBC's global reach
05:39 Will Radio Omdurman return to shortwave?
07:13 SW frequencies to monitor
09:18 VOA's MW cuts in Africa
10:37 New Tecsun S-2200x
12:57 New XHDATA D-220
14:38 G2 solar storm expected

FULL REVIEW Tecsun S 2200x LW MW SW FM VHF Air Band portable tabletop receiver with DSP​

Jul 30, 2024


Dan Robinson Review and channel : / @dxace1

Listening to AM, SSB and telegraphy on a Rohde Schwarz EK07 receiver​

Aug 3, 2024


The Rohde Schwarz EK07 is a professional radio receiver made in Germany in the 1950s and 60s. It covers all of the radio spectrum between 0.5 and 30,5 MHz in 12 bands, and it was initially designed with the AM and telegraphy modes in mind.
Single side band started being widely used not long after the first EK 07 came out of the production line, and the Rohde Schwarz company came up then with a special SSB decoder, which allows the receiver to decode the upper and lower side bands. And it does a wonderful job at that! The decoder is as big and nearly as heavy as the receiver itself (which, at 68 kg, is the one of the heaviest radios of its time), so the whole setup is pretty close to 130 kg.
The R&S EK07 is arguably the best tube radio receiver ever made, and its performance is just beyond description. From a practical point of view, its downside is its weight. If you are lucky enough to find one, you’d better plan carefully where exactly it’s going to sit, get the help of a few strong friends to place it, and leave it there for ever and ever amen. Connected to a good antenna, this baby will be a source of joy for yourself and your grand grand grand children, with close to zero maintenance.

Listening with a National HRO-60 radio receiver​

The National HRO-60 was an amateur radio receiver made in USA by the National company between 1952 and 1964. An interesting feature of this tube receiver is that the band change is done by switching a set of different coils that are plugged in the front panel of the radio, covering the radio spectrum from between 100 kHz up to 30 MHz. This receiver is quite sensitive, and has a very pleasant audio which comes through the large speaker you see to the left of the radio. Unfortunately the reception conditions were not the best on shortwave at the time of this test. There was a lot of noise and the signals i picked up were very few. I was listening from the center of a big city with plenty of interference, using an external loop antenna. Things were quite better on medium and long wave, which were also briefly tested.

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