Speaker of the House (Concessions Sausage)

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Trump's telling the loonies not to touch 1 penny of ss, medicare or medicade. Maybe he learned a lesson with Roe?
Anyone who wants the oldster vote will say that.
...but the sad fact is that both are pay-as-you-go programs, and if the $$$ from debt runs out, they are two of the items that will have to be looked at.

The bottom line is that the People, through their inattention to what has been being done in their names, is what has allowed it to get to this point.

Had the People sought to only elect a Congress of Ron Paul types, we would not have these problems today.

A free but ignorant People will not be both for long.
....and our clock is winding down.
A free but ignorant People will not be both for long.

Isn't this taken from a Thomas Jefferson (Tommy J) quote?

Anyone who wants the oldster vote will say that.

If they have half a brain they'll say it. No one in their right mind would attack social security.

Link to what Trump said:

The bottom line is that the People, through their inattention to what has been being done in their names, is what has allowed it to get to this point.

I look at it a bit different. I believe it is the responsibility of our elected officials to take care of the people and the programs designed to benefit the people.

As for social security, I believe that each individual should have his or her own account where their contributions go into. It should belong to that particular individual and no one else. It should not be touchable by anyone else. It should be an interesting bearing account and managed accordingly. Not some giant pot where politicians have access to it. But this is just me and will never happen. But one can dream.

If they have half a brain they'll say it. No one in their right mind would attack social security.
I never said it should be "attacked". Just explained truthfully to the People what it exactly is.

I believe it is the responsibility of our elected officials to take care of the people and the programs designed to benefit the people.
No. It is the responsibility of the People to elect officials that will do what they are Constitutionally bound to do, and not do that which they are not. After all, elected officials are but the Peoples agent in government. They are to act at the behest of the People, not the other way around.

As for social security, I believe that each individual should have his or her own account where their contributions go into.
It should be an interesting bearing account and managed accordingly.
What should it be invested in that will pay interest that will at least keep up with inflation?
...and be guaranteed to still be there after 40 years?
Isn't this taken from a Thomas Jefferson (Tommy J) quote?
The exact phrase is mine, but it is along the lines of what one of 'em said, not sure which one. It's 100% true though, no matter who said it.
Interesting article from 10/2013. Maybe time for this to go?

Why Do Only US and Denmark Have a Debt Ceiling?​

The debate over the debt ceiling in Congress is so unique in part because the United States and Denmark are the only democratic countries with a debt ceiling written into their laws. Denmark, however, avoided shutting down its government when it raised its debt ceiling in 2010.


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