Interesting graph measuring liberal/conservative versus libertarian/nonlibertarian
Amusing that there are no states both highly liberal and highly libertarian. It looks like Washington State comes the closest.
Rhode Island, New York, and Conneticut are the bastions of the pro liberal and anti libertarians.
For the "true conservatives" that are pro conservative and anti libertarian Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Mississipi seem to be place to live.
Not suprisingly, Alaska and Idaho are the place to be if you are both conservative and libertarian.
How does your state match your personal political beliefs?
Amusing that there are no states both highly liberal and highly libertarian. It looks like Washington State comes the closest.
Rhode Island, New York, and Conneticut are the bastions of the pro liberal and anti libertarians.
For the "true conservatives" that are pro conservative and anti libertarian Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Mississipi seem to be place to live.
Not suprisingly, Alaska and Idaho are the place to be if you are both conservative and libertarian.
How does your state match your personal political beliefs?