Taylor Swift - Time magazine’s person of the year

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Did Texas Man Smash Taylor Swift Signed Guitar In Protest? Fact-Checking Claims​

Gary Estes, the Texas man who bought a Taylor Swift signed guitar for $4000 only to smash it later, on Wednesday confirmed that the autograph on the instrument was not actually the pop-star's. During a TMZ interview, he said that the signature was just attached to the guitar.

After several media outlets reported that the guitar had Swift's initials, it was clarified that the charity organization that auctioned the instrument said that it was originally signed by the Grammy winner. They further provided an authenticity certificate to Gary.

Gary further clarified his actions by saying that it was just a creative move and the public need not to be serious about it. Alongside, he put the guitar he bought from the auction for sale on an online shopping website and stated that money earned would straight away go into charity .


Actually, those guitars go pretty cheap on E-bay....but, hey, it was a charity event...
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