The Crooked Cop Files.

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Yellow Jacket
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North Dakota
This isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's barely the tip on the tip of the iceberg.

Had a friend in Reading, PA years ago who was a part-time sports bookie. Local police raided his house on Dec. 23 at 3:00 AM. Weather was about 20 degrees and several inches of snow on the ground. Cops handcuffed him and his wife and made them sit on their lawn in the snow. Their two grade school age sons were also forced to sit outside in freezing weather in their pajamas for more than an hour while the police tore their house apart.

My buddy claims the police took betting slips and approximately $60K in cash as evidence. (Plus their phones, computers, etc.)

Exactly $1,400. was submitted to the evidence room.
A Kentucky man is suing the police, claiming he was arrested in retaliation for shouting at a group of officers from an apartment balcony. In a complaint filed last month, Brandon Rettig alleges that he was arrested on bogus public intoxication charges after he angered the officers, who violated his First and Fourth Amendment rights.

According to the lawsuit, on June 8, 2024, Brandon Rettig was at his girlfriend's apartment in Newport, Kentucky, when a team of police officers responded to an unrelated incident outside the building. From the balcony, Rettig shouted at the officers. In a later interview, Rettig claimed to have shouted "go get 'em boys" at the officers. The lawsuit insists that while the officers were angered by the comments, "Rettig did not utter fighting words or threatened to harm anyone."

The suit claims that soon after Rettig made the comments, Officer Ronald Lalumandier shouted up to him, "Keep it up, I'll take your ass to jail," adding "I got keys to your apartment." Three police officers, including Lalumandier, then entered the apartment building using a key card, which Lalumandier had access to as a former tenant.

According to body camera footage, the three officers confronted Rettig in the hallway of the apartment building and arrested him after a short argument.


It would be nice if the drunk balcony critic gets paid from the officer's pension fund, but unfortunately, it's going to be taxpayers that pay for the officer's power trip, as always. There's just no real disincentive for police to avoid abusing their station.
This was tame as far as LEO encounters can go, but strangely hard to stop watching once you start. :

"respect my authoritay!"
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