Follow up to post #237 above:
Now that's an indication of monetary policy and financial investing wokeness I did not expect. Maybe some of these hedge fund types actually remember and learned from MF Global and won't get Corzined again.
Trading behavior is changing in the gold space with investors preferring physical versus paper while at the same time investing more in ETFs than futures, according to Commerzbank.
Traders issued the largest delivery notice on record at Comex, declaring their intent to deliver 3.27 million ounces of gold against the August Comex contract.
“According to traders, 102 tons of gold were delivered to the holders of expiring gold future contracts on the Comex last Thursday – this also fits the picture of changed investor behavior,” said Commerzbank analyst Carsten Fritsch. “Physical deliveries on the Comex have been rising for months: they totaled just 26 tons in February, 98 tons in April and as much as 171 tons in June.”
This trading pattern shows that investors prefer physical to paper gold, Fritsch pointed out.
Now that's an indication of monetary policy and financial investing wokeness I did not expect. Maybe some of these hedge fund types actually remember and learned from MF Global and won't get Corzined again.