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Crackup boom? Or are they actually getting away with it? Seems unlikely, as does an immediate crash.

There may be "breakouts" but this obviously isn't real growth. I think all this doom spending and breakouts are the crack up boom or the start of hyper-inflation. People are starting to spend the money as fast as they can and piling on debt with no intention to pay it back.
I think all this doom spending and breakouts are the crack up boom or the start of hyper-inflation.

I'm still not convinced that the reserve can actually go hyper, but serious inflation, yes.
I can't speak to it with any depth of understanding, but one point I took from it is that this action may uninvert the yield curve, which often usher's in a formal recession. Maybe the thought is that leads to a correction in stonks, which leads money flows toward gold and PMs?
$ 2106, a new ath ?
seems worthy of a mention .........

Still off ath in UK£ but I'll take it

ath was $ 2135 or $ 2146 depending on, eerrr I dunno, wot google offered for 3rd Dec last year

I saw $2119 on bullionvault chart earlier

LMBA auction price today hit ath though .........

possibly why I was the only one to notice

I just read the ZH report on this. It sounds like the Fed wants to relieve some pressure on the banks and short dated treasury market. It doesn't sound like it is QE or QT necessarily. That will depending upon the balance of the selling vs. buying they want to do.

It is confusing to me though. The long dated MBS they want to sell sound like the "underwater in the high interest rate environment" assets that banks were borrowing against at par in the BTFP. Without a BTFP, I don't see why banks (or anyone else) would want to buy them. I may have misunderstood something fundamental here though.
Gold Daily - So that's two new consecutive all-time high closes in gold, third one is the charm? Where is Jim when you need him?

I don't follow Armstrong religiously but he says Gold up through late May. FWIW. Downside risk is 10% give or take on the mining indices etf's etc. Some stocks much more.
Damn near everything I buy or have to pay for like insurance and the like utilities etc have doubled in the past 4 years. Food is crazy.

Yup, serious inflation. Same down here!

Hyper is when the price doubles by the time you get from the back of the checkout cue to the front. The first case study we looked at in economics was Brazil, hitting 76,000%. I remembered thinking, how does a retailer even handle that? Buy the time you order new stock, it cost more than you made selling it. Totally unworkable environment! That's hyper, when it is just plain unworkable.
At this point, they only way crypto goes to zero is if the Bitcoin network crashes or suffers a 51% attack. I don't see it otherwise.
I see all of these guys on X who while bullish were looking for one more slam in the metals before the big move up. So of course they pat themselves on the back when contrary to their own posts the metals and miners move higher. Now they are looking for a correction. Least expected from here is a rip your face off rally. Bullish sentiment in a market coming off a bottom after a protracted decline is bullish. Stocks 1982.
The enemies have long studied human emotions and understand them quite well. Plus, that's just how markets work, you have to have most people on the wrong side to build momentum.

As Martin Armstrong shows it as a Pendulum.
I’m more or less looking at a financial crash worse than 2008/9 coming soon. Big question is wether miners tank with the markets or rip harder right away.
Personally this little bump is a head fake. There’s been nothing significant to ignite the Mega-rally just yet.
sElection year. No evidence of crash yet. A pullback would be nice.

[Trends don't last forever. But until they end... (best to presume they continue.)]


[For you phone guys, this is weekly S&P 500 chart. Also, this is not a political post, though I mentioned it is a (s)Election year. This is a post about markets.]

I'm surprised to see gold and silver popping right after JPow once again told markets that rate cuts were not imminent.

Did the metals rise because of expectations that this news would indicate imminent rate cuts? I don't think this news is significant enough to warrant that analysis.
Posting this as a reminder to myself not to get shaken out. GDX during the 2016 rally.

Also worth noting, GDX went up roughly 61% in 2 months. We are 1 week in this current rally. If this rally follows the same strong trajectory as the 2016 rally, we're looking at $42 GDX by May 1.

It's a sign of the times I guess. Gold is hitting all time highs while Wall Street sentiment is anywhere from indifferent to negative. Gold is only loved by central banks and retail (Main Street - China and India) buying.

If the Fed really does change the narrative on cutting rates this year, gold is likely going to soar when Wall Street sentiment changes.
US stock market could get whipped by NVDA this week:

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