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How do you crash this market? You either need a 9/11 event or a banking crisis. Since the fed has shown it will backstop any bank issue there probably won't be a banking crisis.
Doesn't blackrock own like 70% of everything? That leaves very little for regular investors to grab. Every month we also have billions in 401k money that needs to get deployed. Most 401k's don't have money market options so the money has to go into either stocks or bonds. So the market is basically backstopped by 401k investors.
A dollar crisis is possible if a replacement for the US dollar being the reserve currency can be found. right now it can't. China is really the only candidate and they aren't ready for prime time yet. At best the brics countries will have an alternative to the swift system which will negate any embargo the US wants to impose but it won't be a replacement for the reserve status of the dollar. Important to keep in mind that many of these nations have outstanding loans and those loans are payable with dollars so they need the dollars.

The US debt will continue to grow regardless of who gets elected. Inflation will continue and stocks will go higher because of it. Gold as well and it may even drag silver up for a ride. Taxes will have to go up as well.

What am I missing?
Lower the interest rates?
Thats usually signaled a recession in the past and did cause markets to pull back. The fed has already said cut is coming this month and the markets have basically blown it off.
This economy needs a recession. A very prolonged recession to get rid of the excesses in everything. I just dont see the government allowing that to happen. Trump or Kamala will print money and spend like crazy to keep things going. The next 6-12 month will be interesting but I wouldn't start shorting just yet.
I guess we will find out if a rate cut can derail this market finally. If so then that could be the springboard for the next push higher in the metals. Not holding my breath though. Also read on zero hedge that someone with very deep pockets keeps stepping up and buying this market on every pullback. Those are pretty large bets to make when just about everyone knows rate cuts are supposed to be when the market turns downward. Although I have seen evidence that this usually occurs within 6 months of the rate cuts or when the yield curve uninverts.
I wonder who...? Who? Who wrote the book of love?

Who's shorting whom....?
I smell something odd cooking... BTW the Managed Money is the Dumb money in the market. The ones simply looking at the moving averages that the bankers see as the easy targets (spill the market under the MA and get them to puke).

BRICS Confirms 159 Participants Will Adopt New Payment System​


ALERT! Hidden Meaning in the New $100 Bill (by Bix Weir in 2012!)​

“Today’s bull market in gold contrasts with the precious metal’s jumps during both the Covid pandemic and financial crisis, because Western investors haven’t joined in to date.

“The precious metal’s latest run of new record highs is being driven by speculative trading in futures and options contracts rather than by demand for physical bullion. Most notably, demand in gold’s giant consumer markets of China and India is pulling back in the face of these new and sudden highs.

Silver nearing $35 in China. The SFE/SGE premium over spot is climbing again.

I bought some wolf speed last week. WOLF
Also a chip maker but different chips than the AI space. Really energy efficient chips for the EV market. 2 billion in cash and a lot of debt from revamping the manufacturing. Stocks been beaten down pretty good and revenues are projected to double to 1.6 billion by 2026.
I bought last week when I saw it pop. In at 9.03 then pulled way back into the high 7's. This is just a starter position as I accumulate over the next year or so. Huge pop today to well over 9. Also 30% shorts so I think if this gains momentum the short squeeze will be interesting if it occurs.
Unlike these high flyers, their books seem to be in order and plenty of cash on hand to service the debt.
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