Yeah OK, that's all pretty old. You seemed to be inferring that you can no longer get share certs issued?
You can not. SEC changed the rule in like 2009. Well perhaps you can but it's an outrageous fee and they will fight you at every turn.
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Yeah OK, that's all pretty old. You seemed to be inferring that you can no longer get share certs issued?
This is a war and that is why the meme stocks and specifically Gamestop are presenting a VERY interesting and BIG problem... I think we are up to like 30-35% DRS's now.
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You can not. SEC changed the rule in like 2009. Well perhaps you can but it's an outrageous fee and they will fight you at every turn.
Yeah, OK. I was looking at all this stuff @ around 2005. It doesn't worry me so I left it there.
Yeah, basically when they brought on this electronic direct registration system they shut down the paper. Convenient timing and all for them.
How is he tracking silver sales at Apmex? Just adding up what people are saying they bought on Twitter?
I don't know! I assumed he was staff but it appears not.
I used to do that manually:When you go to buy something they will show you inventory left. Assuming you can write code just scan everything with a bot and you get a good idea of how much went out the door.
It was a poor attempt on my part to inject some lighthearted humor into the sad reality that gold/silver get regularly smashed in ways that defy logic. Considering that they are assets with limited growth potential - it would stand to reason that as the currency inflates - they should go up in value...i.e. inflation up - gold/silver up. But in reality the reverse happens. They get slammed.??? All markets (including gold and silver) were getting smashed when I posted my comment - hence my statement that "Markets shitting the bed accordingly." Markets = stocks, bonds/treasuries, commodities, crypto, etc. The only thing that was green was the dollar index.
When you go to buy something they will show you inventory left. Assuming you can write code just scan everything with a bot and you get a good idea of how much went out the door.
Taxes. Backed by faith in the government to generate revenue via taxes. At least, that's the classic answer. These days, governments seem to get a free pass for monetizing debt via central banks....
- Why would anyone "buy" government issued bonds? There's no guarantee they will pay you back.
- When central banks "buy" government bonds, where does the money come from to pay for them?
It's "pretend I'm a retard" day. Can someone explain two things to me:
- Why would anyone "buy" government issued bonds? There's no guarantee they will pay you back.
- When central banks "buy" government bonds, where does the money come from to pay for them?
They waited until now to issue that alert? Impressive. They are either really nonresponsive to threats or really don't care if their expats face dangers/death.Yeah OK.... errrrr boom
Fug me...
China has already tried that. It didn't go so well. No one has or wants enough of China's money to make it work. They did make a few trades with certain countries in CNY but it's not practical for them to dictate terms to everyone.Hmmmmm...
The pound was based on a gold coin, the sovereign whereas the dollar was based on a silver coin. The value of each was determined by the gold silver ratio.I never could understand why the Pound was valued higher than the Dollar.
That was then, today it's all fiat and yet the Pound is still valued higher, or am I missing something?The pound was based on a gold coin, the sovereign whereas the dollar was based on a silver coin. The value of each was determined by the gold silver ratio.
China has already tried that. It didn't go so well. No one has or wants enough of China's money to make it work. They did make a few trades with certain countries in CNY but it's not practical for them to dictate terms to everyone.
China has already tried that. It didn't go so well. No one has or wants enough of China's money to make it work. They did make a few trades with certain countries in CNY but it's not practical for them to dictate terms to everyone.
Move to Punish Saudi Arabia Will Be Another Nail In the Coffin of Petrodollar.