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This is a war and that is why the meme stocks and specifically Gamestop are presenting a VERY interesting and BIG problem... I think we are up to like 30-35% DRS's now.

View attachment 1060

OK cool. We are 100% DRS with no paper system and no manual system hangover. You either own the stock or you don't. From what I remember of the manual system in the US you can't possibly do that without blowing things up becasue of the naked short issue. That could get very interesting.
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You can not. SEC changed the rule in like 2009. Well perhaps you can but it's an outrageous fee and they will fight you at every turn.

Yeah, OK. I was looking at all this stuff @ around 2005. It doesn't worry me so I left it there.
Yeah, OK. I was looking at all this stuff @ around 2005. It doesn't worry me so I left it there.

Yeah, basically when they brought on this electronic direct registration system they shut down the paper. Convenient timing and all for them.
Yeah, basically when they brought on this electronic direct registration system they shut down the paper. Convenient timing and all for them.

It ***should*** tighten up the system. If implemented correctly it ***should*** end naked shorting.
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Just l@@king silver inventories etc...

Dec Silver 106,347 open contracts which at the moment implies 10-11K of delivery, last December delivery was 9,197 contracts.

Currently there are 8,015 contracts worth of silver registered for delivery with 53,809 contracts worth sitting on the sidelines.

Vatching this space.
When you go to buy something they will show you inventory left. Assuming you can write code just scan everything with a bot and you get a good idea of how much went out the door.
I used to do that manually:

It was a poor attempt on my part to inject some lighthearted humor into the sad reality that gold/silver get regularly smashed in ways that defy logic. Considering that they are assets with limited growth potential - it would stand to reason that as the currency inflates - they should go up in value...i.e. inflation up - gold/silver up. But in reality the reverse happens. They get slammed.

Of course the reason is that TPTB dont want people thinking that hard assets like gold/silver are suitable safe havens in which to store purchasing power...and cant have them rising when all other assets are falling. So - they smash them by manipulating the paper derivatives market...

Same thing they do when they smash gold/silver by assaulting the bid stack at 3am when trading is the lightest and they dump ungodly amounts of paper gold/silver to obliterate the bid stack causing huge price drops and triggering sell stops. NO ONE looking to sell anything where the motive is to maximize price acts in such a manner.

Or when they "lend" physical gold so it can be sold into the market to give the impression that sellers are dominating...

They have made such a mess of the space that the only logical conclusion I can come to is that the gold/silver markets are dead and are not a suitable store of value because as long as these demons are in charge - they simply wont allow them to perform as they should.

Now - once the demons are removed from power - perhaps thats a different conversation - but for the hear and now - the demons are ruling and a core objective of theirs is to ensure that gold/silver NEVER signal that they are a suitable escape mechanism for the masses...
When you go to buy something they will show you inventory left. Assuming you can write code just scan everything with a bot and you get a good idea of how much went out the door.

I assumed it was something like that at first because I'd seen inventory levels in the past but when I went to look at the site I couldn't see inventory levels anywhere so I binned that idea.
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It's "pretend I'm a retard" day. Can someone explain two things to me:

- Why would anyone "buy" government issued bonds? There's no guarantee they will pay you back.
- When central banks "buy" government bonds, where does the money come from to pay for them?
- Why would anyone "buy" government issued bonds? There's no guarantee they will pay you back.
- When central banks "buy" government bonds, where does the money come from to pay for them?
Taxes. Backed by faith in the government to generate revenue via taxes. At least, that's the classic answer. These days, governments seem to get a free pass for monetizing debt via central banks.
It's "pretend I'm a retard" day. Can someone explain two things to me:

- Why would anyone "buy" government issued bonds? There's no guarantee they will pay you back.

They are considered the safest risk but at the current rates we have issues going 'no bid' around the world. It appears that the 'bond vigilantes' are back. They have a track record of breaking goverments but have been missing for 40 odd years. They won round one and seem to be sticking around.

- When central banks "buy" government bonds, where does the money come from to pay for them?

Depends. If the Fed is buying US debt aka 'monetizing the debt' it's a circle jerk, they create the money, it's basically the equivalent of printing money. If its another countries central bank it is normally recycling USD earned by selling stuff to the USA back to the US in order to keep its currency low against the USD keeping it competitive. In the past it has been likened to a shop keeper loaning it's customer money. Hence China and Japans massive UST reserves over the years.

As Marty Armstrong has pointed out that over time almost all governments default on their debt, so safe is a relative term... the US has been good so far!
Yeah OK.... errrrr boom
Fug me...
They waited until now to issue that alert? Impressive. They are either really nonresponsive to threats or really don't care if their expats face dangers/death.
China has already tried that. It didn't go so well. No one has or wants enough of China's money to make it work. They did make a few trades with certain countries in CNY but it's not practical for them to dictate terms to everyone.
The pound was based on a gold coin, the sovereign whereas the dollar was based on a silver coin. The value of each was determined by the gold silver ratio.
That was then, today it's all fiat and yet the Pound is still valued higher, or am I missing something?
China has already tried that. It didn't go so well. No one has or wants enough of China's money to make it work. They did make a few trades with certain countries in CNY but it's not practical for them to dictate terms to everyone.

Yeah I guess that's why they need the neutral currency like this proposed BRICs thing. May we live in interesting times as the old Chinese insult goes!
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China has already tried that. It didn't go so well. No one has or wants enough of China's money to make it work. They did make a few trades with certain countries in CNY but it's not practical for them to dictate terms to everyone.

I'm digging into this one and it appears that enough oil is being traded in Yuan to make a relative difference between China and other countries. It has worked to some degree and is getting stronger. I don't think it will dominate but it is a string to their bow until they get a settlement currency going.

Luke Gromen is interesting on the subject but all I have is subbed content so I cannot share.

Move to Punish Saudi Arabia Will Be Another Nail In the Coffin of Petrodollar.​

Move to Punish Saudi Arabia Will Be Another Nail In the Coffin of Petrodollar.

Dems Move To Transfer Air Defense Systems From Saudis To Ukraine As Punishment​

SATURDAY, OCT 15, 2022 - 05:00 PM

A group of leading Congressional Democrats are seeking to punish longtime US ally Saudi Arabia for the latest "shock" oil output cuts recently announced by OPEC, which was taken by the Biden administration as a direct slap in the face and shot across the bow.

Senator Chris Murphy and Rep. Ro Khanna are leading the charge to get advanced anti-air missile systems which the Pentagon has stationed in Saudi Arabia removed and transferred to Ukraine. The systems were sent there over the past several years following an uptick in missile and drone attacks by Yemeni Houthi rebel attacks on Saudi cities and energy infrastructure coming from the south.

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