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All headed to money market funds?! The banks don't need the cash... I'm told. What could go wrong?
The US is one of few places you can fix money for 30 years. We can't, 5 year's max at a cost. Everywhere else in the world rate hikes flow through to the mortgage market at a much faster rate. It's a part of the exorbitant privilege of being the world's reserve currency. Nobody gets fixed mortgage rates like you guys do.
This is interesting but I don't think that would be entirely true just because we are the reserve currency
Believe me it is. You have much easier credit conditions in the u.s. due to your dominant financial system. If you ever lose reserve status you will begin to work out what it's been like out here for most of our lives. Nobody ever mailed me a credit card that I didn't ask for! LOL.
You act like that's a Good thing?
BOOM! "Next question?"Election denial, the movie...
Gold main halfway point round $1560. Needs to rally soon or we see lower can't seem to sustain an up move at all. Obvious.
Think you got game?
DNA tests prove milkman fathered over 800 children in California - OrissaPOST
California: Miracles still do happen in the age of science. Otherwise, how can one scientifically come to the conclusion of a milkman siring approximately 800 kids. As per the website ‘Daily News’ Randall (Randy) Jeffries was a milk delivery man in the 1950s and 1960s in Southern California. He...www.orissapost.com
InflationYeah I heard about this guy the other day on a podcast only it was 600 then!
My god he's live I thought you died or gone on holidays or something!
Well at least you can't say Joe did that.Inflation
Safe to say housing is gonna take a turn for the worse.
Got Milk?Think you got game?
DNA tests prove milkman fathered over 800 children in California - OrissaPOST
California: Miracles still do happen in the age of science. Otherwise, how can one scientifically come to the conclusion of a milkman siring approximately 800 kids. As per the website ‘Daily News’ Randall (Randy) Jeffries was a milk delivery man in the 1950s and 1960s in Southern California. He...www.orissapost.com
The 'official' number, YMMV in the real world....Well that's just fine then...
... jeepers.
First read that as "the blond implosions", but it's about the same....Starting to see the bond implosions? Spreading to the US.
fact check says it's false... poor guy... couldn't get an even break....Think you got game?
DNA tests prove milkman fathered over 800 children in California - OrissaPOST
California: Miracles still do happen in the age of science. Otherwise, how can one scientifically come to the conclusion of a milkman siring approximately 800 kids. As per the website ‘Daily News’ Randall (Randy) Jeffries was a milk delivery man in the 1950s and 1960s in Southern California. He...www.orissapost.com
fact check says it's false... poor guy... couldn't get an even break....
FACT CHECK: Viral Image Claims A Milkman In California Fathered Over 800 Children
The claim originated on a satire websitecheckyourfact.com
Thanks for that. I honestly thought someone beat my record.
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