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The only real question is whether people will accept and use them.
The youth today will adopt them without so much as a fight.

They can't even read a dial clock. Can't read cursive. They ARE the digital age!
Man I just did some estimating on a drill report to get an idea of economics of mining. Should have done this a long time ago and I know Eric suggested it. Silver is SOOOOO undervalued right now and why no one seems to be even looking for it. There are so few new deposits.

Dolly Varden reported some drill results where I thought they hit pretty good silver grades (and they really are for silver).

Estimates are you need $100 / pound to have an economic deposit for underground mining. Sheeze. All of the value is Lead/Zinc. Yea, I think the silver is only worth 12 cents / pound. Is this math correct? No, I've screwed something up.... Ok, it is a good drill result but not quite Bonanza.

True WidthGold g/tonneSilver g/tonneLeadZincOtherTotal
Dolly Varden
Weight (oz or lbs) per tonne
Value per tonne

And they just happened to do an interview today

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The Finviz charts show really high trade volume for gold and silver. Folks expecting bad economic news will convince the Fed to Pivot. I suspect they are going to be disappointed.
No doubt in my mind that central banks all over are going to create and push CBDCs. They have all have projects right now testing and developing them. The only real question is whether people will accept and use them.
The people will have no choice but to use them.
Remember mandates for vaccines to keep your job, digital passports, nose swabs, compulsory temperature checks at airports, phone apps to enter sporting events, fly on planes, trains or here in Canada, to even get from one province to another?
The Public has no balls to push back against any of these measures, and the above mandates were a study on public resistance vs. acceptance.

If I wanted to enslave an entire population, I would increase dependencies on UBI's, bailouts and relief cheques, crash the economy, wreck confidence in crypto's and mandate CBDC's under the premise of Emergency Measures during the next Black Swan event.

I predicted all this just after the 2009 economic crash; Crypto's were a Beta test for Global blockchain integration. Once governments adopt them as official policy, private cryptos will be outlawed under the guise of funding terrorist states or criminal activity, and be outlawed.
Bitcoin et al. will go to zero.
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The people will have no choice but to use them.
Remember mandates for vaccines to keep your job, digital passports, nose swabs, compulsory temperature checks at airports, phone apps to enter sporting events, fly on planes, trains or here in Canada, to even get from one province to another?
The Public has no balls to push back against any of these measures, and the above mandates were a study on public resistance vs. acceptance.

If I wanted to enslave an entire population, I would increase dependencies on UBI's, bailouts and relief cheques, crash the economy, wreck confidence in crypto's and mandate CBDC's under the premise of Emergency Measures during the next Black Swan event.

I predicted all this just after the 2009 economic crash; Crypto's were a Beta test for Global blockchain integration. Once governments adopt them as official policy, private cryptos will be outlawed under the guise of funding terrorist states or criminal activity, and be outlawed.
Bitcoin et al. will go to zero.

I doubt many people in the US will play ball. I sure as heck will not accept a CBDC. And I think crypto will still exist. What do you think the dark-web uses? Do you think they give a crap it's illegal? The privacy coins will still be around and I suspect will do quite well.
CBDC's will be a slow burn. To most people they will seem benign at first but then they will slowly turn the control up. Eventually they will attempt to use the full potential that these currency's offer in terms of social control. Somewhere along that path there will be open revolt. This is my prediction.
I doubt many people in the US will play ball. I sure as heck will not accept a CBDC. And I think crypto will still exist. What do you think the dark-web uses? Do you think they give a crap it's illegal? The privacy coins will still be around and I suspect will do quite well.

It will go down like the vaccine went down. You will be considered a malignant antisocial terrorist if you don't accept the use of these currencies. You will be ostracised in all respects. This will be a very hard thing to resist. The social/media campaign will be relentless.
The people will have no choice but to use them.
Remember mandates for vaccines to keep your job, digital passports, nose swabs, compulsory temperature checks at airports, phone apps to enter sporting events, fly on planes, trains or here in Canada, to even get from one province to another?
The Public has no balls to push back against any of these measures, and the above mandates were a study on public resistance vs. acceptance.

If I wanted to enslave an entire population, I would increase dependencies on UBI's, bailouts and relief cheques, crash the economy, wreck confidence in crypto's and mandate CBDC's under the premise of Emergency Measures during the next Black Swan event.

I predicted all this just after the 2009 economic crash; Crypto's were a Beta test for Global blockchain integration. Once governments adopt them as official policy, private cryptos will be outlawed under the guise of funding terrorist states or criminal activity, and be outlawed.
Bitcoin et al. will go to zero.

When I was in highschool I imagined a world of electronic currencies and the sorts of control that it would give over the population. I had no clue of what was to come but I could see that it was something that governments would desire.
The Public has no balls to push back against any of these measures, ...

People who care can burn their Congressional Reps phones down (figuratively), vote them out of office if they don't vehemently oppose it (yes, it can be done), halt the money train to political parties (both D and R) until they get on board with the priority to stop this shit or engage in civil disobedience (barter economy holla!).
When I was in highschool I imagined a world of electronic currencies and the sorts of control that it would give over the population. I had no clue of what was to come but I could see that it was something that governments would desire.
Yeah Zed, the signs have been around for a while. CBDC's in the Good Book?
  • (Revelation 13:16-18) – “And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that they should give to them a mark on their right hand or on their forehead; and that no one should be able to purchase or to sell, except he that has the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: he that has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for it is, the number of a man; and his number is 666.”
Anybody ever seen volatility like this before?
Something spooky is afoot.
I'm thinking a manipulation down, by the Big Guys, to get an entry position. Announce a war and get a double-bagger.
Some volatility indexes are at ALL TIME LOWS!
Screen Shot 2022-11-23 at 7.32.03 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-11-23 at 7.34.50 PM.png

Oh really?

Did you not just see a prime example of what happens when "ESG" takes over a corporation? Why, you did. It's called Twitter.

Three quarters of the people, all hired with "ESG" in mind, were just fired by Musk who as a private owner has zero obligation to any such so-called "principle." The various screaming parties in the ESG cult all predicted immediate doom and disaster. No such disaster has occurred; the firm's only service it provides to the public is running just fine with one quarter of the staffing load -- and thus cost -- it used to have.

If you think Twitter is unique in this regard you're too stupid to have a retirement and deserve to lose every cent of whatever you claim to be "investing."

Let's put this in simple terms: If "ESG" is a net positive for a company then nobody has to exempt anything or make it a separate subject of consideration and in fact doing so is stupid because if it in fact makes the firm more competitive and operating at a lower cost per unit of output it wins all on its own.

What the Department of Labor has said by issuing this advisory is that your "retirement plan" can now be disadvantaged to any degree whatsoever, including losing all of it, when (not if) these "ESG" initiatives cause the firms invested in to underperform or fail outright and when that occurs you can't sue the plan provider for violating their fiduciary responsibility to you as the true owner of the asset.

In other words the Department of Labor is formally admitting that these "ESG" initiatives are not to the benefit of the firm's operating results and thus are also not to your benefit as an investor. This fact has now become a formal admission by our Federal Government.

What's worse? This "rule" amounts to an admission of collusive price-fixing -- albeit indirect -- between what are supposed to be competing firms. Under 100+ year old law that is a serious criminal felony.

You will get screwed out of trillions of dollars over the coming years as a result of this and you are responsible for that screwing because you have and continue to permit this sort of rank corruption to take place without demanding it stop and backing up that demand with whatever is necessary to eliminate it.
Anybody ever seen volatility like this before?

I dunno, this is my VIX chart. We are out of the "fucked bucket" but still in the be careful zone. I dunno about the dynamic in VXX, it's been generally falling since inception.

It will go down like the vaccine went down. You will be considered a malignant antisocial terrorist if you don't accept the use of these currencies. You will be ostracised in all respects. This will be a very hard thing to resist. The social/media campaign will be relentless.

So be it.... But I think there is FAAR more people who will do the same thing now. And at that point it fails badly.

If you could resist the jab then resisting this stupid funny money will be easier. And there is good evidence at least 1/3 of people avoided all of them and many others are more on edge after 1,2 or 3.
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So be it.... But I think there is FAAR more people who will do the same thing now. And at that point it fails badly.

Maybe but not enough IMO.

If you could resist the jab then resisting this stupid funny money will be easier. And there is good evidence at least 1/3 of people avoided all of them and many others are more on edge after 1,2 or 3.

I think it will be harder, there is much greater potential for coercion when we are talking about your ability to pay rent, buy food, buy fuel, get paid etc, etc...

You are talking about a civil war of sorts and regime change or damn close to it. I don't see that the US is at that point.
Maybe but not enough IMO.

I think it will be harder, there is much greater potential for coercion when we are talking about your ability to pay rent, buy food, buy fuel, get paid etc, etc...

You are talking about a civil war of sorts and regime change or damn close to it. I don't see that the US is at that point.

People quit their jobs over the jab. Certainly none of them will change their minds now. Lots of landlords will have NO clue on the CBDC and not demand it. In fact, I'd say every landlord around me would rather accept a Cow than this stuff. Fuel might be a bit harder but things will spring up to get around it. We've been at war for awhile now and more and more are coming around to realize it.
People quit their jobs over the jab. Certainly none of them will change their minds now. Lots of landlords will have NO clue on the CBDC and not demand it. In fact, I'd say every landlord around me would rather accept a Cow than this stuff. Fuel might be a bit harder but things will spring up to get around it. We've been at war for awhile now and more and more are coming around to realize it.

If they are serious USD will not be an option, it will be retired. You can't go to a barter economy, so what are they going to do? Merchants will be mandated to take the currency of the nation, taxes will be paid in it, companies will be forced to pay in it... etc, etc, etc. If they want this to be the new USD so it will be until you no longer have the same government.
To quote G3 "Fug the FRENCH!"... I swear his face would turn red and look like it was going to explode.

Markets and curves have been more and more strenuously pricing only bad/worsening scenarios, with the data coming behind and confirming the predictions. The US and world economy had reached a critical threshold, and today it appears as if both breached it markets and data. Now what?

People quit their jobs over the jab. Certainly none of them will change their minds now. Lots of landlords will have NO clue on the CBDC and not demand it. In fact, I'd say every landlord around me would rather accept a Cow than this stuff. Fuel might be a bit harder but things will spring up to get around it. We've been at war for awhile now and more and more are coming around to realize it.
In my case I was fired, nothing ado about "quitting". Therein lies the crux of it all. Right or wrong, it happened and not everybody had the luxury of abstaining form the jab. My own wife took that poison involuntarily and under durress. We were playing against larger and more malignant forces.
What says the same can't be done financially?
If they are serious USD will not be an option, it will be retired. You can't go to a barter economy, so what are they going to do? Merchants will be mandated to take the currency of the nation, taxes will be paid in it, companies will be forced to pay in it... etc, etc, etc. If they want this to be the new USD so it will be until you no longer have the same government.

Just say NO. It's really not that hard. Barter is ALWAYS an option. Not freaking possible to stop barter.

Those that go along just to get along are the ones that make evil possible.
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It always cracks me up when someone announces that he/she has this explosive evidence and that they're "going to release it soon".

Why make the announcement? Why not just release the data and be done with it?

It's a guessing game.... How many evil Trillionaires can you name? I think I can name 5 people.

Let's see.

Rothschild x 3?
I doubt many people in the US will play ball. I sure as heck will not accept a CBDC. And I think crypto will still exist. What do you think the dark-web uses? Do you think they give a crap it's illegal? The privacy coins will still be around and I suspect will do quite well.

Most people just want an easy life. They will not fight until it really matters.
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