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Not many articles worth a read at Gold Eagle.
Over on the hedge this is a pretty well considered piece...

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No smoke filled rooms required anymore. It's all right in your face and what ya gonna do about it.
EUR energy crisis - Goldman Sachs warn on the "Deindustrialisation of Europe"

A note from Goldman Sachs on the European chemical sector from mid-week.
  • We... now expect a protracted period (>2 years) of lower production for European chemicals on the back of the region's energy crisis.
  • We see up to 40% of Europe's chemical industry (petrochemicals and basic inorganics) at risk of permanent rationalisation unless a sufficient economic assistance package is introduced, or natural gas prices fall to/below c.f70/MWh.
  • If chemical assets in Europe are forced to close, we would expect a sharp rise in import requirements to meet an inelastic global supply base and drive inflation over the mid-term.
But the implications of the energy crisis are much wider than one sector.
  • Including all materials-based industries currently curtailing output due to high energy prices (chemicals, glass, paper, steel, ceramics, cement etc) and the downstream "value add': we find €1.6tn sales, 5.1% European workforce (c.11mn jobs) and 7.9% of European IP exposed to deindustrialisation risks.
I'm hearing more industry guys talk about a loss of central bank credibility globally, when they collectively lose faith in the authorities gold takes off. This BoE intervention has them on edge.
The ASX Gold Tribe are @ a solid +4.76% today, with some closing luck we will stick a %5 on the books. Confidence returning?

Gold close under the old supports. Weak pm complex into the close today up but not by much. Could go either way but no hero.


... off course BTC is his answer. I just cannot see how in a world of CBDC's crypto's aren't closed off as a avenue. I suspect that if too many use gold it will also come under fire!
Winter war... now that should be in the Russian's wheel house.

They better hope to skip that & go right to the continuation war. Not that they didn't take a good beating in that too, but at least Finland finally gave in.
Winter war... now that should be in the Russian's wheel house.

Ukraine will have a problem with the weather but so would Russia. I don't think Russia will try to do much they would get bogged down too. So just wait it out let Europe suffer and change their attitude.
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