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We know how this ends. Putin already said if the west gets involved the nukes will fly. So our dementia patient in command says lets do it.

How many subs full of nukes are off both the Russian coasts and US coasts? They all have one mission. Launch when ordered.

The US has been surrounding Russia with bases for more than a decade. This conflict was inevitable. Russia has more resources than any other country on the planet by a huge margin. The west has always wanted them.
After the collapse of the USSR Russia was expecting to be welcomed into the west and be a partner and supply resources. Getting rich in the process of course. Instead the US has kept them as being the same old enemy. The US MIC loves stuff like this. Very profitable but how profitable is a nuclear war when everything is destroyed? Thats pretty much where Russia is at. They know they can't defeat the west so the nuclear option is all they have. If they are going to lose their country then so are we. In reality they are playing the game that the US should have been playing all this time. Stop building aircraft carriers that are useless in nuclear war. If anyone invades then nuke em.

And now our dementia patient has the football.
I think Russia can defeat The West. The screwballs in DC and Brussels would likely launch nukes first once they see they have little to no defense for Russian hypersonics. This is what happens when D students who think they're A students get to run shit.
I found this one fascinating...

The parallels with today are obvious. While history doesn't repeat, it certainly rhymes.

Dictators are always elected with massive popular support, arising from a system that has decayed badly. Is the USA there? Will it go there? Is Trump the character that fills that role? Are the left building the very thing that they fear most with their delusional demonization of the guy?

We in the west, by and large, have only viewed dictatorship from afar in retrospective. You find yourself wondering how it happened and how it has happened so often. Are we seeing the process unfold real time here? It is the genesis of these events one side steadfastly ignoring the rights of the majority of people, misusing the media, engaging in dubious elections, demonising and disrespecting all that disagree with them. Is the evolution of a dictatorship simply a reactionary political wave. Certainly seemed so with Hitler.

I do so wish that the insane attacks on Trump would stop so that we could engage in meaningful criticism of his policies. In a normal world, I'd be a critic on so many points, but in this world I constantly find myself defending him against the unhinged, baseless emotional and irrational attacks that constantly come from the modern 'liberals'.

Liberals are the cause of their own problems when it comes to the current political landscape. Over half the country no longer trusts them because of their massively bias behaviour, use of the legal system as a political weapon and seemingly unshakeable support of an obviously incompetent meat puppet.

Biden is leader of the free world and Trump is the only serious contender. If this doesn't concern you, then you are the problem!

you need to read and understand this one.
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You know the problem is instead of handling the wall first he pushed Obamacare.
I don't even want to know what a meta verse is. Nice Biden hat though. Dont see anyone admitting they are supporters of his too often. His parents must be so proud. However if it were my kid I would have kicked him out of my basement long ago.
I don't even want to know what a meta verse is. Nice Biden hat though. Dont see anyone admitting they are supporters of his too often. His parents must be so proud. However if it were my kid I would have kicked him out of my basement long ago.
He’s trolling a stupid city council. I can only imagine what was on their agenda recently.
That 9-0 vote on The Court won't stop the Democrats from gaslighting and playing stupid games. Mr. Paul.

I don't even want to know what a meta verse is. ...

It's a virtual reality world hosted by Meta/Facebook. Essentialy a video game where people can walk around and interact with each other virtually.
It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature...

Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer in leaked emails​

WPATH files show patients did not always understand the consequences of gender reassignment

Daniel Martin, DEPUTY POLITICAL EDITOR5 March 2024 • 7:00am

Doctors on a leading transgender healthcare body have admitted that patients have developed cancer owing to the effects of hormone treatment...

Fat Vicky resigns. More money in the private sector for this pos.

It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature...

Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer in leaked emails​

WPATH files show patients did not always understand the consequences of gender reassignment

Daniel Martin, DEPUTY POLITICAL EDITOR5 March 2024 • 7:00am

Doctors on a leading transgender healthcare body have admitted that patients have developed cancer owing to the effects of hormone treatment...


Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer in leaked emails​

WPATH files show patients did not always understand the consequences of gender reassignment

Daniel Martin, DEPUTY POLITICAL EDITOR5 March 2024 • 7:00am

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Doctors on a leading transgender healthcare body have admitted that patients have developed cancer owing to the effects of hormone treatment.
Leaked emails show other medical professionals admitting that trans patients do not always understand the consequences of gender reassignment.
The cache of files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets guidelines that have influenced NHS treatment, show that doctors are carrying out life-changing surgery and prescribing puberty blockers even though they are aware the adults and children may not fully understand the long-term ramifications.
One doctor talked about a transgender person who died of cancer as a result of his hormone treatment.
“I have one transition friend/colleague who, after about eight to 10 years of [testosterone] developed hepatocarcinoma [a form of liver cancer],” the doctor wrote.
“To the best of my knowledge, it was linked to his hormone treatment… it was so advanced that he opted for palliative care and died a couple of months later.”
It’s not clear from the documents if the person who died was made aware or knew about the side effect.

‘Living (presumably) happily ever after’​

Another said they would go ahead with a double mastectomy (called “top surgery”) on a 16-year-old girl even though hormones had likely given her liver cancer.
“The oncologist and surgeon both have indicated that the likely offending agent(s) are the hormones,” the doctor wrote. “We are prepared to support the patient in any way we can (e.g. top surgery when medically stable, etc).”
A gender therapist said they had only turned one person down for treatment in 15 years.
“I have also intervened on behalf of people who have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, homeless and got at least an orchiectomy [testicle removal],” they said.
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