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Fiery debate gives Wall Street few new details on key issues​

NEW YORK, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Wall Street remained on edge as a closely watched debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris late Tuesday gave investors little clarity on key policy issues, even as betting markets swung in Harris’ favor after the event.

In a combative debate, Trump and Harris clashed over everything from the economy to immigration and Trump’s legal woes, as each sought a campaign-altering moment in what has been a closely-fought race.

Their exchanges left investors with few new details on issues that could sway markets, including tariffs, taxes and regulation. Some observers, however, said Harris performed better than expected and that it may continue to sway prices for some assets in coming days should investors decide it improved her chances at gaining the White House.



Trump's plan to hike tariffs would spike shipping costs, just like in 2018, experts say​

LOS ANGELES, Sept 12 (Reuters) - U.S. presidential contender Donald Trump's plan to hike tariffs on imports if he is elected back to the White House in November would send cargo rates soaring and accelerate inflation, just like it did during his 2017-21 term, shipping and retail experts said.

Trump, who is running against Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris in the Nov. 5 election, has floated second-term plans for blanket tariffs of 10% to 20% on virtually all imports as well as tariffs of 60% or more on goods from China, in a bid to boost U.S. manufacturing.

In their debate on Tuesday, Harris called his proposal a "Trump sales tax" that will hurt working families, and has not released her own plan for tariffs. President Joe Biden has delayed implementing a proposed quadrupling of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to 100%, and a doubling of duties on semiconductors and solar cells to 50%. He had also proposed new 25% tariffs on lithium-ion batteries, steel and other goods.



'Greater Depression' is Here, Stack Gold and Exit the West: Doug Casey​

Sep 13, 2024 Commodity Culture

Doug Casey has a lot of concerns when it comes to rampant political corruption, insane government debt, and radical woke ideology that has infiltrated the West. In addition to stressing the need for physical gold and silver, Doug warns that the growing attack on free speech and the increased surveillance by power mad bureaucrats means you need to diversify not only your investments, but your geographic location as well.


The Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin Love Affair I Anthony Scaramucci and Stephanie Baker​

Sep 16, 2024

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