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2. “A lot of people are spouting out a lot of things about me and Twitter,” Fauci told Fox News. “I’ve never had a Twitter account. I don’t intend on having a Twitter account, and I’ve had nothing to do with Twitter. So I don’t know what they’re talking about when they say that.”1) Twitter Files #FauciPharmaFiles
Last December, @elonmusk sent out his viral tweet about Fauci.
Fauci went on Fox News and said he had "no clue what [Elon] was talking about." pic.twitter.com/L0RIZVRsEO
— Paul D. Thacker (@thackerpd) April 20, 2023
2) "A lot of people are spouting out a lot of things about me and Twitter," Fauci told @FoxNews. "I've never had a Twitter account. I don't intend on having a Twitter account, and I've had nothing to do with Twitter. So I don't know what they're talking about when they say that."
— Paul D. Thacker (@thackerpd) April 20, 2023
What else should we have expected from the worthless democrats in office? They obviously hate America. They may not say it, but their actions sure do.Democrats threaten Matt Taibbi with jail time over Twitter Files testimony
Stacey Plaskett, a Democrat, is the delegate from the Virgin Islands to the U.S. Congress. Last month, when independent writers Matt Taibbi and Michaelreason.com
Yoel Roth, who used to be in charge of "trust and safety" at a social media company that used to be called Twitter, is worried about "coercive influences on platform decision making." But his concern is curiously selective. Unobjectionably, he sees coercion when foreign governments threaten to arrest uncooperative platform employees. More controversially, he also sees coercion when Republicans criticize content moderation decisions. When Democrats in positions of power pressure social media platforms to suppress politically disfavored content, however, Roth sees no cause for concern.
... Reason's Nick Gillespie sat down with Taibbi at FreedomFest in Memphis, Tennessee, in July to talk about the Twitter Files, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Donald Trump, and more.
Oh the invasive questions they could ask Elon under oath!Musk filed the objections in San Francisco federal court, where the SEC sued him on Oct. 5 to make him testify for the probe, which it launched in April 2022. The SEC's subpoena exceeds the agency's investigative authority, is overly burdensome and seeks "irrelevant evidence", Musk's lawyers said in the filing.
Oh the invasive questions they could ask Elon under oath!
He's supported by government back channels IMO....Could be wrong but I don't think too many people would want to screw with the guy right now. Our gov depends on him a lot at present.