The VA

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Congress Nears Passage of Historic Bipartisan Veterans Bill Offering Sweeping Support Services​

In a significant bipartisan effort to address the multifaceted needs of America’s veterans, Congress is advancing a comprehensive legislative package known as the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act. Set to reform numerous aspects of veterans’ services, including the Department of Veterans Affairs caregiver program, support for veteran homelessness, and the VA’s electronic health records system, the bill reflects a collaborative negotiation between key congressional figures.

House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost, R-Ill., Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas, the top Republican on the Senate committee, have unveiled the agreement which is expected to move through Congress this summer. This breakthrough comes after overcoming financial hurdles regarding offsets for the bills’ costs. The package is fully offset, as touted by the negotiators, releasing a series of legislative efforts previously stalled.


Eventually, the Elites...the Globalists who wish us dead...will come to realize, a promise broken, has costs.

Maybe not in law. But in credibility. In legitimacy.

FAR cheaper to just honor the pledge, and exclude newcoming vets, and let time do what it will. To repudiate these pledges...will lead to a French-Revolution-style outrage, the kind of which Kaiser Klaus and Billy Gates...are not prepared for.
National Health Care is how other nations take care of their veterans, that way they don't need to play silly games over what is covered and what isn't...

Watchdog rebukes VA over failure to refund $110M in medical fees​

A federal watchdog on Wednesday criticized Veterans Affairs leaders for failing to refund millions of dollars in canceled medical co-pay charges to veterans, despite knowing about the problem for years.

The reprimand from the Office of Special Counsel, or OSC, comes after a whistleblower report that department administrators had "no agency policies, procedures, or plans" to get the backlog of repayments addressed despite being aware of the problem.

In messages to OSC, VA officials acknowledged conducting a recent review into the problem and blamed it on staffing issues. They pledged to "stay current with refund requests and work the backlog as time allows."

Getting re-instated with the VA system here...I found out, on a current bill that listed account history from the previous payment...five years ago...that I had made an overpayment of $30.

ZERO effort went into refunding the payment or notifying me. They went dark, from the time of the Jab Mandates until I went down and pushed the issue and got re-enrolled.

Here, they lost over 50 percent of their staff...many took early retirement. After I was given notice I had 100-percent copayment, after a lump-sum of back payment from Railroad Retirement...I went down to discuss my eligibility with an intake worker - there were none.

I signed in and waited FIVE HOURS. No one even checked the sign-in board. That's how bad it was as Diaperman's puppetmasters were taking over.

That's partially reversed now, but the billing office apparently still gives Zorro Fox.
Getting re-instated with the VA system here...I found out, on a current bill that listed account history from the previous payment...five years ago...that I had made an overpayment of $30.

ZERO effort went into refunding the payment or notifying me. They went dark, from the time of the Jab Mandates until I went down and pushed the issue and got re-enrolled.

Here, they lost over 50 percent of their staff...many took early retirement. After I was given notice I had 100-percent copayment, after a lump-sum of back payment from Railroad Retirement...I went down to discuss my eligibility with an intake worker - there were none.

I signed in and waited FIVE HOURS. No one even checked the sign-in board. That's how bad it was as Diaperman's puppetmasters were taking over.

That's partially reversed now, but the billing office apparently still gives Zorro Fox.
CJ -- Send a REGISTERED letter to the Lord High Pancho of the VA with all the above in it. Carbon copy your Senator.

Yeah, that will take an hour or more of sorta real effort. So do it. They can't shoot you -- that's against the law. The burr under the saddle, the pebble in the shoe, the dust speck in your eye... all little bitty things that get total attention from big things.

(*snork*) I have found that as I enter the Sprintime of my senility, my trigger has a much lighter pull.
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