“The Woke Ideology and the Agenda 2030 Constitute an Immense Threat to the Same Survival of Mankind”

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“The Woke Ideology and the Agenda 2030 Constitute an Immense Threat to the Same Survival of Mankind”​

By Joe Hoft


Italian Archbishop Vigano spoke at the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles (MIR)

Archbishop Vigano gave a speech the day before yesterday, in video connection, at the Founding Conference of the International Russophiles’ Movement. His focus was the battle against Globalism, which unites – significantly – President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin.

The woke ideology and the Agenda 2030 constitute an immense threat to the same survival of mankind: let’s fight this battle with honor, knowing that we are under the protection of God.

Archbishop Vigano shares in his message:

The recent pandemic farce – conducted with criminal methods that I have not hesitated to denounce since the beginning of 2020 – has been followed by new emergencies – including the Ukrainian crisis – deliberately provoked with the aim of destroying the social and economic fabric of nations, decimating the world population, concentrating control in the hands of an oligarchy that no one has elected and that has perpetrated areal world coup d’état, for which sooner or later it will be called to answer before the world.

The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. Those who today declare that Russia is an enemy consider Europeans, Americans, Australians and Canadians as enemies and treat them as such, persecuting and impoverishing them. But while World Economic Forum emissaries in Western governments can legislate against the good of their own citizens and hold world leaders in the palm of their hands, regime change that has been successful in other nations has stopped at Russia’s borders. On the other hand, the electoral fraud of 2020 in the United States of America was also indispensable to prevent the confirmation of President Donald Trump, just as in 2013 the deep state and the deep church managed to get Pope Benedict XVI to resign and to elect a person pleasing to the New World Order, the Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio…

…We need an Anti-Globalist Alliance that returns to citizens the power that has been taken from them, and to nations the sovereignty eroded and ceded to the Davos lobby.

Read Archbishop Vigano’s entire message below:

Achbishop Vigano MESSAGE to Russophiles 14 March 2023 by Jim Hoft on Scribd


“The Woke Ideology and the Agenda 2030 Constitute an Immense Threat to the Same Survival of Mankind”​

By Joe Hoft

View attachment 7429

Italian Archbishop Vigano spoke at the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles (MIR)

Archbishop Vigano gave a speech the day before yesterday, in video connection, at the Founding Conference of the International Russophiles’ Movement. His focus was the battle against Globalism, which unites – significantly – President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin.

The woke ideology and the Agenda 2030 constitute an immense threat to the same survival of mankind: let’s fight this battle with honor, knowing that we are under the protection of God.

Archbishop Vigano shares in his message:

The recent pandemic farce – conducted with criminal methods that I have not hesitated to denounce since the beginning of 2020 – has been followed by new emergencies – including the Ukrainian crisis – deliberately provoked with the aim of destroying the social and economic fabric of nations, decimating the world population, concentrating control in the hands of an oligarchy that no one has elected and that has perpetrated areal world coup d’état, for which sooner or later it will be called to answer before the world.

The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. Those who today declare that Russia is an enemy consider Europeans, Americans, Australians and Canadians as enemies and treat them as such, persecuting and impoverishing them.
But while World Economic Forum emissaries in Western governments can legislate against the good of their own citizens and hold world leaders in the palm of their hands, regime change that has been successful in other nations has stopped at Russia’s borders. On the other hand, the electoral fraud of 2020 in the United States of America was also indispensable to prevent the confirmation of President Donald Trump, just as in 2013 the deep state and the deep church managed to get Pope Benedict XVI to resign and to elect a person pleasing to the New World Order, the Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio…

…We need an Anti-Globalist Alliance that returns to citizens the power that has been taken from them, and to nations the sovereignty eroded and ceded to the Davos lobby.

Read Archbishop Vigano’s entire message below:

Achbishop Vigano MESSAGE to Russophiles 14 March 2023 by Jim Hoft on Scribd


He's not wrong.
A Global Digital Compact would articulate a shared vision of an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future that rests on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda.

I propose the following objectives:
• Develop robust accountability criteria and standards for digital platforms and users to address disinformation, hate speech and other harmful online content
• Mainstream gender in digital policies and in technology design and ensure zero tolerance for gender-based violence, in order to create a more equal and connected world for women and girls.
Accordingly, I propose the following actions:

All stakeholders should:

• Commit to developing common standards, guidelines and industry codes of conduct to address harmful content on digital platforms and promote safe civic spaces, as follows:
» Social media platforms should commit to and put in place co-regulation mechanisms, such as social media councils, that would ensure adherence to agreed standards across the industry. The standards underlying the mechanisms could be based on the proposed code of conduct for information integrity on digital platforms and benefit from the discussions at the Internet for Trust – Towards Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as a Public Good global conference organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
» Multi-stakeholder alliances, such as the Action Coalition on Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality, should help to develop standard measurement of online violence against women and girls and methodologies to better measure, track and counter patterns of harm
» Children’s needs should be a priority for safety policies and standards, including with respect to age-appropriate design and access, and platforms must share child-impact assessments and data with regulators and researchers.

More (32 page .PDF):

The PDF includes on page 8 a graphic labeled Figure II and titled "GLOBAL DIGITAL COOPERATION AND THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS" that includes as item #1:
Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes

"Social protection" is supposed to mean welfare/poverty protection, but it could easily lend itself to other meanings/uses.

h/t: https://slaynews.com/news/united-nations-planning-digital-id-linked-bank-accounts/


What is Agenda 2030?

A complete containment of resources, information and humans on the planet, this is No Conspiracy, this is fully documented and also known as the New World Order

One Government, One Leader and One Religion with the total elimination of individual Liberty

The signs are are all around you, it’s happening right now

Armor up, Pray and Fight
It’s coming

Agenda 2030 Endgame

Implementation of the NWOPart 1As documented, The UN seeks to confiscate land to force society into controlled environments under complete surveillance of SMART Cities aka 15min Cities

Land Confiscation
15min Cities

The Plot to take over America has been in place for a long time…Freemasons, The Dollar Bill & FEMA CampsAgenda 2030 (The New World Order)

Before the full implementation of the NWO, American society will reach a breaking point known as GrayStateGrayState

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I share your concerns. And there's no legitimate question that it's well underway.

But let me ask: WHAT HAPPENS once they force us all into penury? When our jobs won't pay rent, and we're all in four-bunk pods behind the iPhone assembly line?

WHO WILL BUY the iPhone? Who is gonna make the video screens they can put their propaganda up on? Who's gonna own one, pay for it?

Who will SUBSCRIBE to the cable channels, getting all that Woked-up hate for white people and America?

I think this unfunny circus only continues until the plug is pulled. When nobody has nothing, nobody will have electrical power, either. No money to maintain it (or make it "Green").

Are people stripped of assets, of any reason for living - denied good food, a family, even private shelter - are they gonna work like hell to maintain their own prisons? WHY? When their comfortable homes, with "entertainment" (propaganda) centers and connections, are taken away, they'll be left with their own thoughts. Which will be clarifying, over time - and depressing.

It will not be long, thinks I, that they just put the shovel down, sit down, and say, I'm done.
I hope so.

For your sake. I wish you no ill....

But in the world ahead, men with guns (or crossbows, strong bows, slingshots, iron bars, or sticks with nails in them) have what men without such weapons, will no longer have.

And no matter how well-prepared you are, eventually you'll find someone better prepared. Or able to suss out your weak spot.

God bless us every one.
I hope so.

For your sake. I wish you no ill....

But in the world ahead, men with guns (or crossbows, strong bows, slingshots, iron bars, or sticks with nails in them) have what men without such weapons, will no longer have.

And no matter how well-prepared you are, eventually you'll find someone better prepared. Or able to suss out your weak spot.

God bless us every one.
Anything can happen. But the likelihood of somebody/group coming on to a well armed private community out in the sticks to dismantle my solar system is pretty slim. I would doubt they even know how to operate one once they stole the equipment.
You vill eat ze bugs.

US is funding edible bug research​

There are less than two weeks left in a grant awarded last spring to Mighty Cricket, a company that makes protein products out of bugs.

“Cricket protein powder is made from ground-up crickets raised exclusively for human consumption,” and is intended as a sustainable protein option, explained the Mighty Cricket website.

With the $131,500 USDA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant award that began June 1 of last year, the company planned to develop a way to turn consumer waste into cricket feed. This product would be used as feed for small-scale farming operations.

“Crickets are typically farmed in controlled environments where they are fed organic feed and have plenty of space to move around,” said the company.

While Mighty Cricket said that the insects require much less water, land, and feed than other protein as protein sources such as beef or pork, it also said costs have limited the growth of cricket protein. Per the grant description, cricket protein retails for over twice the price of conventional proteins and the two biggest factors driving up costs are “lack of innovation and economies of scale.”


The only crickets I will eat must be pasture raised, non gmo, no antibiotics, substainable, gender fluid, free chirping, trained in C.R.T, D.E.I and E.S.G.
Not a fan of Alex Jones per se, but this interview is a mind blower at 1.25X!

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