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Is your tin foil hat on? You should put it on before reading...

FT shining a spotlight on the issue...

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^^^^ from the article:
"Does this matter? Until recently, most Western economists would have said "heck, no."

Only the short sighted ones. Anyone with a lick of sense to 'em could always see where/how this ride ends.
From the very start of what has been 100 years of monetary and fiscal insanity, it's always been a matter of when, not if.

"The net result, the CEPR predicts, is that a "multipolar" currency world could emerge in the coming years, of the sort that O’Neill is now calling for.

Of course it'll go multipolar prior to returning to unipolar. That's how these things (fall and rise of currencies) always work.

"And even "just" a multipolar pattern could come as a shock to American policymakers, given how much external financing the U.S. needs."
...and will increasingly need in coming years.

For example, just to pay back SS will require a yearly average of about $350B in new gov debt to be issued. (SS holds about $3.5T in gov debt)

The SS trust fund, they say, will be depleted in 10 years.

That fund is comprised of gov debt that has to first be paid back in order for it to be spent to the point of depletion.
...and our gov doesn't pay any of its debts. It rolls 'em over into new debt.

So who is gonna be the buyer over the next Decade of all that extra debt our gov is gonna need buyers for?


It sounds like they are serious about ending their squabbles.

CIA Director William Burns expressed frustration with the Saudis, according to people familiar with the matter. He told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that the U.S. has felt blindsided by Riyadh’s rapprochement with Iran and Syria

Sounds a lot like when someone who was previously clueless, finally discovers that their spouse has turned their affections to another.
Ie: they express frustration that the relationship is ending, and are powerless to stop it.

I know! We should send ol' sleepy Joe over there again. He'll fix everything with another fist bump. Lol

All I gotta say, is that if the orange man were still in office, the Saudi's wouldn't be doing this. They loved 'em some Trump.

Sounds an awful lot like Bitcoin, Etherium or any decentralized crypto, except this one is centralized.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is putting together a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) handbook to assist central banks and governments throughout the world in their CBDC rollouts. ...

De-dollarization starting to permeate mainstream media...

... a former high-level U.S. government official, now a CEO, someone who sits on the boards of directors for multiple companies. He has massive real-world and business experience and believes the United State may be on the verge of collapse. ...

De-dollarization starting to permeate mainstream media...
Yea, but only because they can't hide it anymore. The clear signs of it coming have been there for quite a long time now, but anyone pointing it out have been previously labeled as crazy and not knowing what they were talking about. That America and the dollar would be on top for Decades to come.

We're at the point where it starts going faster, and therefore more noticeable to those who were previously only worried about silly things, such as orange man bad. Ie: those with the attention span of a flea.
An admission of the obvious...


An admission of the obvious
Economic sanctions imposed on Russia and other countries by the United States put the dollar's dominance at risk as targeted nations seek out an alternative, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday

Yet anyone saying that at the time, was loudly accused of being Putin's puppet and of supporting Russia.
....and much of the nation bought it.

More intensive searching and seizing requires a neutral arbiter to agree that there is probable cause to believe particularized evidence or fruits of crime will be revealed or collected

The (anti) patriot act says otherwise, and they'll just go with that definition instead.
Indeed, the Fourth Amendment is in the Constitution to bar general warrants. Our founding law does not permit unspecified government authority to rummage people’s things or monitor their activities without suspicion.

Saw an interview with Elon and he says the gov had access to rummage through peoples DM's. Why doesn't the 4th Amendment protect us from that?
....and more importantly, why do so many people in society not see these actions as a direct violation of their Rights?
Lagarde drops some truth bombs, but nothing that folks around here don't already know...

She wasn't much on solutions though.

Do you think she'll ever realize that her and her ilk's (and their predecessors) mismanagement is the primary cause of the issues she points out?
Mish didn't quote her whole speech. She advocates for more global cooperation. Surprise!
Mish didn't quote her whole speech. She advocates for more global cooperation. Surprise!
That's easy to say, but cooperation requires all parties involved to want to cooperate. We don't have that.

In fact, it's been the lack of cooperation all along, thats led us to this point of now needing more cooperation in order to fix things.
Pure speculation for now, but an issue worth watching...


Source report:

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"....73% in 2001 to about 55% in 2021. And in 2022, it tumbled to 47% of total global reserves."

Down 18% in 20 years, and then 8% in the past year.

Any guess as to where it will be a year from now?
I just finished reading the source report. Seems to be a sober analysis of the situation. It's worth a read.
I didn't post a snippet from the source report last night as i was on my phone and it wasn't convenient. There is really too much info in there to parse into snippets and capture all the salient info, but I wanted to capture some of it for posterity, so I'll post the conclusion:
The authors didn't touch on the sea change in the relationship between the USA and Saudi Arabia, but it's a huge lever in the use of the dollar as an international currency. If they fully embrace the BRICS alternative currency project, the dollar will face a serious challenge a few years down the road.

It's not clear what the reporting means by "digital currencies such as crypto". Do they mean decentralized tokens like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. or is this restricted to CBDCs?

The last (quoted) paragraph relates directly to the point raised in the report referenced in post #748.
When are the BRICS supposed to be coming out with their new currency we've been hearing talk of?

If they actually do that and it is shown to work as intended, and if it really is backed by gold or other commodities, that's when the real test will come.
When are the BRICS supposed to be coming out with their new currency we've been hearing talk of?
They have a meeting scheduled for August where they are going to discuss it. They are all going to have to agree on terms, technological system(s), management/governance, funding, etc. They are still a long ways out from actually creating it IMO.
MOSCOW, April 26 (Reuters) - Russian state-owned bank VTB (VTBR.MM) will launch a digital bank within the mobile messaging app of leading social network VKontakte, Russia's answer to Facebook, as Moscow seeks technological solutions to disrupted banking transfers.

This is from a Russian news site tsargrad about halfway down reporting on when Sergey Lavrov chaired the UN Security Council and talked to the press.

Dedollarization cannot be stopped​

The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the transition to settlements in national currencies bypassing the dollar, the emergence of digital currencies can no longer be stopped. This process, Lavrov pointed out, was "launched" by the Americans themselves. There is no reverse. The "big question" is what "will happen next with the international monetary financial system, including with the International Monetary Fund, with the World Bank ..."
The BIS published guidance for central banks wanting to implement a CBDC that can facilitate offline transactions. I did not think such a thing would work. I'll have to explore this handbook when I get a chance.

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