Interesting how all these political lines are crossing....
video at link
Here's the "assassin" from the 2nd Attempt on President Trump.
The guy was in an Ukraine THEATRICAL video in May 2022 still visible.
“Biden” has mentioned Article V numerous times.
Article V is for members of NATO, “one attack against a member, is an attack on all.”
Except the tiny big problem: Ukraine isn’t a member of NATO…

Ukraine didn’t start in the past few years.
This is all draining the global Swamp from what took place before 2016.
2004, the United States Military, Department of Defense was funding the Ukraine Biolabs:
Analysis: Ukraine, traditionally passive in its politics, has been mobilised by young democracy activists and will never be the same again.
Russia was capitulated by President Trump, July 16, 2018.
The Soccer Ball

️ handed by Vladimir Putin to CIC Donald John Trump. Putin was NOT President from 2008-2012.
2018 Soccer Ball = Capitulation.
Capitulation = Chapter 12, Law of War Manual.
Capitulation = Surrender.

️ = Optic = “the Ball is in your Court sir, tell us what you want us to do.”
In 2018, Ukraine broke a CIS Treaty with Russia.
U.S. and Russia end the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019.
Back History:
Obama had 4 Executive Orders with Ukraine in 2014.
3 of which were March 6, 16, and 20 with the terms ‘unusual and extraordinary threats’ in each.
Declaring a National Emergency and this rhetoric:
“finding that the actions and policies of the Government of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine—including the recent deployment of Russian Federation military forces in the Crimea region of Ukraine—undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets, and thereby constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
VP Biden made 7 trips in 7 months to Ukraine.
Victoria Nuland secured $1 BILLION dollars on defense for Ukraine in 2014.
That $1 Billion “Biden” said he’d stop if someone wasn’t removed… and they were. And he bragged about the "son of a bitch being fired."
“Biden” and his Public Exposure via CONGRESSIONAL Report:
At the same time she was caught on tape saying “F*ck the EU.” (European Union).
All throughout 2021, “Biden Admin”

“there are NO BIOLABS in Ukraine!”
March 8, 2022, Victoria Nuland, under Oath in Congressional hearings when asked by Senator Marco Rubio are there Biolabs in Ukraine:

“Yes! But we were afraid the Russians were going to get them!”
What are the odds lil Vicky is working with “Biden” as “Under Secretary?”
Guess who didn’t play in the FIFA World Cup of Soccer in 2022?

Recently “Biden" said, “We don’t tell Ukraine what to do.”
"Kamala" in the "debate"... Ukraine is an independent country.
After saying "it's America's interest to protect it" when it's not a member of NATO.
Also said: “I gave Zelenskyy Military Intelligence.”
You sure you want to talk about classified information and documents, libtards?
Public Disclosure.
It’s all Unconventional and Irregular Warfare all outlined in SOC and Army Manuals all under Military Laws and Orders paired with Executive Orders etc.

The DASH isn’t a fluke, it matters.