Look at it this way Joe, why are the media all over this and offering all sorts of footage and viewpoints?
They kinda have to do their job in a situation like this?
...or at least appear to.
he country, already seething and polarized
Thanks to the dems and msm's ten years of portraying Trump as hitler and evil incarnate.
There are low iq idiots out there who believe it. Just like the antifa and blm mobs that burned looted killed and generally terrorized the nation all during Trump's first term.
His gun and the Cops rifles with scopes on the roof that blew his head off.
That's what I figured it was, and what I meant by two calibers being heard. His gun and the SS's gun.
Did I understand he's attempting to equate Trump's past statements as the reason he got shot??
That was a pathetic attempt to justify still saying bad shit about Trump.
Had the dems not ruthlessly attacked Trump for four years for having beat their hag, he wouldn't have said 95% of the stuff he said back to them in response.
They started this shit, but have always tried blaming it on him.
20 years old and he does this? Makes no sense. I'm thinking nuts.
He was radicalized by ten years of over the top hyperbole about Trump. That's all he's heard since he was a10 yesr old.
...and I have no doubt that he heard plenty of it from his parents about it too.
Not how I took it. If you listen to the entire vid Ben talks down all forms of political violence and basically says the tempo needs to come down. Which I said earlier.
Unless he was condemning the political violence the dems and the left fanned the flames of from day one of Trump's first term, he needs to shut the hell up.
Modern Manchurian candidate?
Or just a radicalized low iq idiot with TDS, thanks to ten years of lies and rhetoric against Trump.
Most likely, but wouldn't be surprised if he was "programmed" via other means.
Like the dems, the msm, prolly his parents, etc etc.
That idiot needs to be charged with inciting violence.
It's time for the dems to shut the fuck up.