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She claimed that the building had assigned officers inside of it because the roof was too steep to put officers on it.
Do you not think that hearing those lies from his government and the media, non-stop throughout his most impressionable years, didn't play a role in this?
Trump was the 'golden boy' until he challenged the PTB. From reports from almost everyone that had dealings with him he was a good guy.the Trump is no good camp
There are many avenues to get a kid to change his gender these days... I suspect it wouldn't be too difficult to manipulate a kid to go full 'tard and attack the "evil, wicked, mean, and nasty" Trump if that's what they wanted.On a different note: Ya got to ask yourself how a nut job was able to weasel his way into a position where he had a clean shot at Trump? While I don't think anything that happened was funny, I look at it as a comedy of errors.
Why not both?And no, I don't think it was a deep-state plot. The kid was nuts.
Why not both?
How convenient....I don't think we'll ever know the truth about this one. Shooter is dead, he's not going to reveal anything. And so far the only thing we really know is that no one really knows much about the guy.
Then again............
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