Shoot the messenger?
Who did the forensic analysis? Where is the actual testing being done? Forensic analysis of what? A recording? Which recording?
All the recordings that are publicly available. From Trump's microphone (TV?) and from any recordings that were posted online from participants at the rally. In the first video Dr. Martenson references the guy who compiled the soundtracks.
Dr. Martenson is more than just a 'finance' guy. His financial research is forensic in nature, so it's an easy leap to give detailed analysis of a non financial topic.
From his site:
Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and founder of
As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction years in advance, Chris rose to prominence with the launch of his seminal video seminar:
The Crash Course which has also been published
in book form (Wiley, March 2011).
That’s the formal version, but here’s the informal version in his own words:
I think it’s important that you understand who I am, how I have arrived at my conclusions and opinions, and why I’ve dedicated my life to communicating them to you.
First of all, I am not an ivory-tower economist. Instead, I’m a trained scientist, having completed both a PhD and a post-doctoral program at Duke University, where I specialized in neurotoxicology. I tell you this because my extensive training as a scientist informs and guides how I think. I gather data, I develop hypotheses, and I continually seek to accept or reject my hypotheses based on the evidence at hand. I let the data tell me the story.
It is also important for you to know that I entered the profession of science with the intention of teaching at the college level. I love teaching, and I especially enjoy the challenge of explaining difficult or complicated subjects to people with limited or no background in those subjects. Over the years I’ve gotten pretty good at it.
Once I figured out that most of the (so-called) better colleges place “effective teacher” pretty much near the bottom of their list of characteristics that factor into tenure review, I switched gears, obtained an MBA from Cornell (in Finance), and spent the next ten years working my way through positions in both corporate finance and strategic consulting. From these experiences, I gather my comfort with numbers and finance.
Saw video of the shooter laying dead on the roof. There should be a number of shells laying around there as well. Count them up and lets see how many he fired. Ends the speculation of multiple shooters or it confirms it. depends on the number of shells found.
All good questions...
Where are the answers?
Is it just me, or has radio silence been called for any and all details regarding the above been pigeonholed?
If this was Princess Diana we'd be hearing all the details for weeks... months!
FYI the distance wasn't 500 meters. It was 156 yards, or 468 ft. BIG difference!
That said, if you peruse this whole thread you'll notice some posts have been 'removed' already. Censorship? IDK, but it is odd that things disappear online. For that reason when I 'find' something, anything that seems to be related I post it here. I leave it up to you to figure out what the real story is.
You're asking for truth...? Well, you can't handle the truth if you don't do some of your own research!! CONTRIBUTE!
So far this is what I think happened at the rally, or...
"The shot heard 'round the world." Q
It was a set up to take Trump out.
CNN attended the rally for the first time.
Date: Friday the 13th. Satanists love their date references...
There's the famous 'bullet flying past Trump's head' pic taken with a high speed video camera. You know... the kind Smarter Every Day uses to capture bullets hitting watermelons??
Now ask yourself "Self? Why would the reporter bring a high speed video camera to a rally AND sit right up front?" A regular 'photo' camera won't capture 8000/fps. Prices range from $5k to $15k depending on features and how many fps one wants.
I think he was there to document the event. The 'event' being Trump's head exploding through the air ala the famous Zapruder video.
The deep state loves it's blood sacrifice at movie time.
Couple all that with the ridiculous USSS statements by Cheatle: Roof was too slanted?? Only answering 4 questions for Congress?? Mayorkas forbidding her to testify?? Butler PoPo refuting the SS claim that it was 'their' responsibility. Removing Trump's 'A team' secret service detail and replacing it with, for all intents, rent-a-cops??
Then there was the
CrowdStrike incident only days after. A glitch? How about a coverup, as in "HOLY SHIT! WE MISSED!"??? We'd better delete messages between the parties planning the op?
1) To all you non-tech ppl Ehden confirms what I said immediately following this CrowdStrike incident. I'm nontech but was responsible for several highly secured computer systems as a senior military officer. As such, every update was tested multiple times scaling the test, small to larger.
2) Second, back up is done prior to release. If it failed, it was removed, system cleaned, and back up loaded. Done. What CrowdStrike did was done on purpose to wipe data, break systems temporarily, etc and the fact that it was
3) done immediately following a failed assassination attempt when Crowdstrike was implicated in at least 2 of the soft coups during .@realDonaldTrump first presidency tells me everyone using CrowdStrike systems,
@realDonaldTrump 4) which is most of the MIC, are suspects in the planning of the recent assassination attempt.
CrowdStrike was used to cover up the DNC server downloads by saying they were hacked which they knew was false.
Getting ready to cyberattack voting day??
"The PLAN" was to set up a kill zone to take Trump out right before the RNC and document the whole affair. It would allow Biden to waltz right into another 4 years because the Republican corporation wouldn't be able to regroup in time for November.
They threw EVERYTHING at Trump including the kitchen sink to get him to NOT run:

Knowing how many bullets/shell casings is all good information to have. So far, none has been forthcoming.
When you strike at the king... you must kill him!