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If the rounds are there either on the roof or on the ground, they wouldn't be hard to find.I'm not saying there were multiple "bad guy" shooters.
Imho, the three weapons being fired are Crooks (3), the PA cop (4), and the USSS sniper (1).
As for shell casings on the roof, they may, or may not be there.
Spent casings are ejected with some amount of force. Seeing as he was on a sloped roof, it wouldn't be inconceivable for them to roll /bounce a fair distance down the slope of the roof. Possibly even falling over the edge and onto the ground.
I was just offering a possible reason they might not be visible on the roof near the idiot.If the rounds are there either on the roof or on the ground, they wouldn't be hard to find
No one officially involved has stepped up to claim anything.I have yet to hear of any PA officer stepping up and claiming he fired shots. Of course the news isn't reporting much either from what I can find.
Per my understanding, he didn't climb the ladder, but rather was assisted by another officer who helped boost him up to take a look onto the roof.so I see 2 people that should be fired. One is the officer who climbed the ladder and backed down.
Agreed.The other is the SS agent Cheeto of whatever her name is. The person in charge. She should then be tried for treason and hung along with her co conspirators.
Possibly the local Coronor?NEW: Maria Bartiromo says a mystery man in a gray suit climbed on top of the structure where Crooks had shot from to apparently confirm Crooks’ de*th, told police to send the photos to the ATF.
I'm sure they found them. Mums the word on that.If the rounds are there either on the roof or on the ground, they wouldn't be hard to find.
So it WAS a clerical error?This is the problem with so many posting stupid shit. It gets repeated over and over until some think it's real.
It was a day of Cheatle dodging questionsI understand there may be a few loose ends to wrap up with the investigation but by now most of the questions asked today should have been able to be answered.
It was a day of Cheatle dodging questions
Are you the least bit surprised?Secret Service director has resigned.
Are you the least bit surprised?
Wha...? I thought he was your orange man bad, beater................nah. Could care less
Nope. He's not gonna quit. Would be like dropping out of school in one's Senior year when the finish lime is in sight.Now............do you think there is a possibility that Trump could drop outta the race? Don't know why, but I'm kinda thinking he just may at some point in time.
Wha...? I thought he was your orange man bad, beater.