Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party, denounces it as 'elitist cabal'

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The only thing I can for sure say about Putin, he is patient. I can't tolerate the people in charge and I live here.
Yes, he is patient. And long-suffering.

The reckless, personal threats Joke Bidet's TelePrompTer told the demented stooge to read...those are words INTENDED to INCITE. The Neo-Con hawks like Nuland, WANT nuclear war. WANT Russia to start it.

Obviously, Putin wants nothing to do with that. Because he's not senile, he's not a war fetishist, and he knows it's a game where everyone loses at the end of the day. To avoid the provocation of PERSONAL threats...is quite a restraint.

All he wanted was for NATO to abide by the Minsk Accords - and the US to abide by its own laws forbidding biolab weapons research. Especially with airborne insects, thirty miles from Putin's nation's border.
Yes, he is patient. And long-suffering.

The reckless, personal threats Joke Bidet's TelePrompTer told the demented stooge to read...those are words INTENDED to INCITE. The Neo-Con hawks like Nuland, WANT nuclear war. WANT Russia to start it.

Obviously, Putin wants nothing to do with that. Because he's not senile, he's not a war fetishist, and he knows it's a game where everyone loses at the end of the day. To avoid the provocation of PERSONAL threats...is quite a restraint.

All he wanted was for NATO to abide by the Minsk Accords - and the US to abide by its own laws forbidding biolab weapons research. Especially with airborne insects, thirty miles from Putin's nation's border.
The Neo-Con hawks like Nuland, WANT nuclear war. WANT Russia to start it.
Exactly! Which is why the west has been 'warning the world' that Putin is about to nuke us back to the stone age.

It's a setup for when the west uses a tactical nuke as a false flag to blame Putin for 'using nukes'.

It's akin to why we went into Iraq. Afghanistan was first and after we got situated over there it was a small matter to toss nonexistent babies out of incubators to enter into Iraq for the mythical yellow cake.

Nobody questioned it and if they did they were called stooges and eliminated from all social constructs. The early 'cancel culture'... remember the Dixie Chicks?

We're all smart enough here to see the scam. I bet if the Minsk agreement was adhered to that Putin would be doing trade with the whole world and the west with him and there would be no war.

However, that's not part of the plan now is it...? Nope!
Taking a good look at more than just a supposed volte face, here's an enlightening quote with a link to actuality, not words you want to hear:

"...a review of her record - both in terms of political campaign speeches and published positions, and her substantial congressional voting record - reveal that the number of issues on which everyday Americans agree with Tulsi Gabbard are surprisingly few indeed. Her lifetime legislative rating with the ACU, for example, is 8%. Yes, that's eight out of a hundred, putting her among the most leftist politicians in America."
Taking a good look at more than just a supposed volte face, here's an enlightening quote with a link to actuality, not words you want to hear:

"...a review of her record - both in terms of political campaign speeches and published positions, and her substantial congressional voting record - reveal that the number of issues on which everyday Americans agree with Tulsi Gabbard are surprisingly few indeed. Her lifetime legislative rating with the ACU, for example, is 8%. Yes, that's eight out of a hundred, putting her among the most leftist politicians in America."
Which IMHO makes this move appear cynically self-serving.

She's getting little traction in the polls when she's in with the Kewel Peeps, chanting the shibboleths. So now she wants to try a NEW tack...with little to lose, she'll dump that group, that neither much wants her nor gives her a support network, and strike out for a new club. RINO-crats? Or Losertarians? Remake herself as Rhonda Paul.

When a person dumps whole sets of stated beliefs, in order to appeal to voters...the aim being, getting enough votes to GARNER POWER...that's a whole field of red flags, right there. People who crave power for the sake of power, are the people who seldom can be trusted with power.
CJ -- How many fargin times have I told you to sit your ass down and WRITE. You write, I'll edit (gratis) and I will see you published.

Beginning from when you just shoveled the coal tender or whatever, through the crazy times to the day you hung up your oilcan. Jeez.
CJ -- How many fargin times have I told you to sit your ass down and WRITE. You write, I'll edit (gratis) and I will see you published.

Beginning from when you just shoveled the coal tender or whatever, through the crazy times to the day you hung up your oilcan. Jeez.
It's coming.

My shitshow of a novel. I now have an idea how to get it out for thumbs-up or thumbs-down, with no cost. Select people will be able to subscribe, like a serial. Like 50 Shades of Grey was done.

People I choose, will get free access. Drive-by naysayers, not so. It'll have a paywall but nobody will be paying - at first. Later I'll expand, pay-to-play.

This was important to me - I wanted to be sure I wasn't wasting my time or opening myself up for the SJW Cancel Mob. Substack looks like the way to go.

The snow's gonna be flying soon, and that's when I will start pumping it out. Or die trying.
What? A book?

Count me in!
Goldie -- I have never met CJ -- He was "Just Passing Through" 20-odd years ago. And for at least half that time, having read perhaps 15,000 of his posts (TINS) I have been at him to seriously write. Why? Because what I recognise as an author is his unpolished talent.

So, at the moment, I am both pleased and appalled.

VERY pleased he is going to start.

Appalled because he plans to write/publish "raw". <-- C.S. Forester hisself couldn't do that. It is a sure way NOT to give your work a snowball's chance to be seen, remembered, discussed.

A practical point to the above -- Please take note, CJ -- this is important:

You write a chapter, and you are three chapters later in writing, and you remember an anecdote that would triple the interest in that previous chapter. Or you made a grievous, dumb-ass mistake in that previous chapter. Or you regret the fargin dead-end that chapter sticks you with. Or a hundred things yer Unca has already fargin experienced!!

If it is already out there when you discover it -- warped, crooked, "oh shit" flat wrong, potentially poisonous, somehow awful to the bone... you cannot touch it -- even if it costs you every reader you ever had. The Internet is forever. Got that?

Jack Kerouac did that. (Unedited stuff) Other than nutcases, does anyone know what he wrote?

The guy whose novel I am now editing (as he writes/adds gems/re-rewrites it) humbles me. And when he first started a few years ago, I saw his talent with words. We worked together, and his first novel was great.

This will be his second, and it is ten times better than his really good first.

That's where I want CJ -- Not out panhandling day to day.
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@Unca Walt
Jack Kerouac did that. (Unedited stuff) Other than nutcases, does anyone know what he wrote?

yes …I wrote a paper on Jack back in college

On the Road , Dharma Bums , and Big Sur , my favorite place in California , camped out there as a hippie many times in the 60’s

poor man was haunted by demons and used alcohol as an escape and died from what appears as internal bleeding after he was in a fight at the bar near his home
@Unca Walt
Jack Kerouac did that. (Unedited stuff) Other than nutcases, does anyone know what he wrote?

yes …I wrote a paper on Jack back in college

On the Road , Dharma Bums , and Big Sur , my favorite place in California , camped out there as a hippie many times in the 60’s

poor man was haunted by demons and used alcohol as an escape and died from what appears as internal bleeding after he was in a fight at the bar near his home
YOWZA. 90-page single sentences... Sumbitch drunk shoulda had his literary license suspended.
Hey...I'm running this thread-derail down another spur...

i learned the other day...she's started up a pod cast

. . . she's drawing in listeners

, , , for a profit

using that old marketing trick of Get Yourself Out There - how many posts ?

and in pure advertising style: what better than a 'true confessional' that has absolutely zero meaning when it comes to anyone's reality as she no longer serves nor is running for anything

"Come and tune in for more..."

and the flock will show up for more, every time

it's gonna end like watching that shill pay his billion dollar fine that won't get paid...paid shill gets the treatment: Never Question Your Overlords for us all to see while bobbies changes her mind...ppffttt
well well , looks like little Miss Gabbard has changed her tune on the 2nd Amendment ,
if I am understanding her most recent announcement about guns

if Tulsi would only change her views on killing unborn children and her deviant positions on lgbtqxyz idiots who are sexualizing school children , we might be looking at a future candidate to lead freedom loving patriots right into the White House

make up your own minds

My take is that Tulsi is willing to change any opinion that might increase her popularity. She used to be strongly pro-life. Murder is not something on which people generally waffle.
well well , looks like little Miss Gabbard has changed her tune on the 2nd Amendment ,
if I am understanding her most recent announcement about guns

if Tulsi would only change her views on killing unborn children and her deviant positions on lgbtqxyz idiots who are sexualizing school children , we might be looking at a future candidate to lead freedom loving patriots right into the White House

make up your own minds

never trust a politician, especially one who changes their minds

and since when has any politician ever trusted us? and when we change our minds, we're either liars or we're on drugs...but when they change their minds, it's Genius, they're so smart....and some think: Maybe We;ve got someone new on our side...LOLOLOL, no, that never happens

never trust a politician, especially one who changes their minds
Yes, in the general.

People do change as they grow older; and known facts also change. So there's good reasons for changing minds...hell, I changed my OWN mind about the Fed and about precious metals. That's a long journey and a total shift in worldview.

But when it happens, that person should be able to explain how it happened. To prove to the listener it's not just one more case of looking which way the herd is stampeding, and running hard to get in front of it.
Yes, in the general.

People do change as they grow older; and known facts also change. So there's good reasons for changing minds...hell, I changed my OWN mind about the Fed and about precious metals. That's a long journey and a total shift in worldview.

But when it happens, that person should be able to explain how it happened. To prove to the listener it's not just one more case of looking which way the herd is stampeding, and running hard to get in front of it.

MOST politicians are NOT people...they're demons

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