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Did he say the train was free?this was yesterday
things seem fairly normal in Odessa anyway
prices of stuff are cheap compared to here
Did he say the train was free?
He should go to Donetsk and do a video from there.
Reason it's more expensive here is we have to pay $ to Ukraine....
Now that FTX is down he needs a face to face to strategize how to get the kickbacks back to the politicians. May even be doing a little blackmail. Either you give me more or I tell all about the corruption DC runs through my country.Radio this evening report Ukraine's PoS President is flying into the US to speak face to face with Bidet, and speak to Congress.
I guess he aint happy with the presents he gets from the American Taxpayers.
Hmmmmm, Spidey senses firing up that false flag tingle....Radio this evening report Ukraine's PoS President is flying into the US to speak face to face with Bidet, and speak to Congress.
I guess he aint happy with the presents he gets from the American Taxpayers.
Radio this evening report Ukraine's PoS President is flying into the US to speak face to face with Bidet, and speak to Congress.
I guess he aint happy with the presents he gets from the American Taxpayers.
I wonder if his plane will fly correctly...?Hmmmmm, Spidey senses firing up that false flag tingle....
The Spice must flow...
Tuesday ahead of the unveiling of a $1.7 trillion Omnibus spending bill, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell told the media that "most Republicans" see aiding Ukraine in its war against Russia as the country's "number one priority".
Should be in the Whitehouse around 2. Nancy has issued an all hands on deck for his speech later on.
Maybe the Clown of Ukraine will be escorted by Bidet's WOKE spox. brigade and the lip stick wearing, cross dressing, military "chiefs" acting like squaws.Pageantry evoking Churchill greets Zelenskyy in Washington
Story by By CHRIS MEGERIAN, Associated Press • 3h ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — At a time of grave consequence, a wartime leader crossed the Atlantic to arrive at a White House decked in holiday decor to consult with the American president about a war in Europe.
The moment was Dec. 22, 1941, as British Prime Minister Winston Churchill landed near Washington to meet with President Franklin D. Roosevelt just weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Almost 81 years later to the day, the pageantry of that trip was echoed on Wednesday as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy touched down at Joint Base Andrews just outside the capital for a surprise visit with President Joe Biden and an address to Congress.