Russia must really be getting tired of so much losing.
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- Britain says G7 declaration 'will set out how allies will support Ukraine over the coming years to end the war and deter and respond to any future attack'
- White House official says Washington to start bilateral talks with Kyiv 'soon'
- Ukraine's Zelenskiy asks for: 'More weapons for our warriors, more protection of life for the whole of Ukraine!'
- Russia's Medvedev: 'The completely crazy West could not come up with anything else ... In fact, it's a dead end. World War Three is getting closer'
NATO allies offer Ukraine security assurances as Biden hits out at 'craven' Putin
President Joe Biden accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of having a "craven lust for land and power" at the end of a NATO summit on Wednesday where Ukraine won new security assurances from the U.S. and its allies for its defence against
evil Russians
Voo -- If he finds anything from any source that is negative... up it goes. As long as it fits the anti narrative.That's all you got? The Current Account. Ok, well that's a pretty bad way of measuring anything. Shall we start with them still running a SURPLUS. When is the last time the US saw a surplus of anything? Plus, it could indicate their economy is doing better as their people could be buying more consumer goods which would reduce the current account.
No. That is entirely incorrect.If folks aren't on Telegram, I suggest doing so. It's a great resource for indy reporters and avoiding the MSM propaganda arm of the NWO.
They really want WWIII don't they!By Olena Harmash (Reuters) – A Ukrainian sea drone full of explosives struck a Russian fuel tanker overnight near a bridge linking Russia to annexed Crimea, the second attack in 24 hours, both sides said on Saturday.
No one was hurt, but the Crimean Bridge and ferry transport were suspended for several hours, according to Russian-installed officials in Crimea, which Moscow seized from Ukraine in 2014.
Naval Drone Hits Russian Military Tanker
By Olena Harmash (Reuters) – A Ukrainian sea drone full of explosives struck a Russian fuel tanker overnight near a bridge linking Russia to annexed Crimea, the second attack in 24 hours, both sides said
He's a B-Movie actor.Zelensky needs WW3 in order to get everyone else to get rid of Russia but the NATO lot are not at all keen.
CIA/Mossad with a bomb. We are expected to blame Putin. It was actually Zelensky's revenge. The narrative is was matters most to demoralize the Russians and justify the US Congress in sending Z another kazillion dollars.Prigozhin just died in a plane crash. More to come.
Yeah too soon to tell.CIA/Mossad with a bomb. We are expected to blame Putin. It was actually Zelensky's revenge. The narrative is was matters most to demoralize the Russians and justify the US Congress in sending Z another kazillion dollars.