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Went out the door well over a Century ago.Whatever happened to logic and fiscal responsibility?
Bribes and treason...Whatever happened to logic and fiscal responsibility?
He's not wrong.
His special seminar next Tuesday btw, is free.He's not wrong.
But, his Speshel Seminar, where he's going to teach us rubes about how to cash in on the asymmetrical Election Chaos?
Let me see if I got this straight. "THE DOLLAR IS GOING TO COLLAPSE!!!...Here's how you can take advantage of The Collapse and MAKE MOAR DOLLARS."
That's the logic of a con man. Maybe he doesn't mean it that way; and I get it that he's got to make a living. But I find the idea of buying INTO the chaos....stupid, unpersuasive, and hucksterish.
Obamas plan to destroy the US is on track.^^^^ no one should be surprised by anything in Joe's video. At least not by anyone paying any attention.
It's only gotten that way due to the immense fiscal and monetary ignorance of the vast majority of people in this nation.
The fact we have so many fools who think we can tax our way out, while also thinking we can have free healthcare and education and Right's to housing and jobs etc etc (equity and free shit army bs), is proof of that ignorance.
...and the current pog is proof of it too.
Problem is, anyone in gov who even suggests doing anything even remotely related to actually fixing the problem, is vilified by the media as well as by others in government.
Virtually everyone it seems, either wants something for nothing or at a minimum, more than they themselves are willing to pay for.
She pretty much told us that we are f'ed, without actually saying we are f'ed.Where Does All The Money From Our Treasuries Go | Fixing The US Debt Crisis
Oct 30, 2024 #jenniferlammer #bondbeginners #bondmasters
- https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2024/10/22/world-economic-outlook-october-2024
- https://www.imf.org/en/Countries/CHN#data
- https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2024-06/60039-Outlook-2024.pdf
Obamas plan to destroy the US is on track.
1) Make things as unaffordable as possible. Insurance for one and then make it mandatory.
2) Spend the country into a massive debt hole. Give away billions to corporations and then funnel some of that money back into politicians foundations so those at the trough benefit most
3) create as much division as possible. Every conceivable issue must be decisive. Trannies and sports and Dei hires. Always pick the most unqualified for the government positions and shove it down everyones throats to keep the division going.
You get the picture. Big picture is the destruction of capitalism and the US economy to usher in communism.
Yes that applies to the states but as our host has pointed out, there is no clarity in what the federal government is allowed or prohibited from. Have to go back to the federalist papers perhaps to see what the founders were thinking on the subject.Only gold and silver are to be Legal Tender.
Article I Sec. X.
Article I Legislative Branch
Section 10 Powers Denied States
- Clause 1 Proscribed Powers
- No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
Then 9th and 10th Amendments apply.there is no clarity in what the federal government is allowed or prohibited from.
It's a big hole in reasoning, there. The Constitution was brilliant - but flawed; and the fixes (amendments) often made things worse, not better.Yes that applies to the states but as our host has pointed out, there is no clarity in what the federal government is allowed or prohibited from. Have to go back to the federalist papers perhaps to see what the founders were thinking on the subject.
If we look at the constitution and how the founders set up the taxing power of the feds then one would have to assume that limiting the states to only gold and silver coin would also limit the federal government to the same.
Income taxes are supposed to be apportioned according to the census that is taken every 10 years. Tariffs and that income tax were the primary way the government was supposed to fund itself. No such thing as debt except in times of war. Not at the fed gov level anyway but of course we have been at war almost constantly so they could sidestep that issue.
So my conclusion is that since the states were limited to gold and silver coin only and the federal gov gets most of it's funding from income taxes apportioned to the states. By default this would also limit the fed gov to gold and silver as well.
It's why the Federalist Papers are so important. To my shame, I have never read them through; but have referred to them. Never researched the subject of paper money - which is a relatively-new obsession of mine.
Shocked?!? I'm not shocked at all. Are you?Government Spending Shock: US Budget Deficit Soars In Worst Start To Year On Record | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
Shocked?!? I'm not shocked at all. Are you?
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