“We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant

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I'm guessing the overlap from Forbes' and InfoWars' audience is small.
Right on Bug!

Taht was my first thought. Although I do not give full weight to Alex Jones, and he is just far enough out of the mainstream with his message to alienate many, he still has some mainstream folks who listen to his message. Broadly, his message is trust but verify, especially when GovCo is involved.
The only other "normal" explanation that can be made for this ammo is that DHS had extra funds laying around that it needed to spend so that its budget would not be reduced in the next fiscal year.

As if DHS has trouble spending money...
The only other "normal" explanation that can be made for this ammo is that DHS had extra funds laying around that it needed to spend so that its budget would not be reduced in the next fiscal year.

As if DHS has trouble spending money...

Sadly, this is a perfectly reasonable answer in the world of the government. I remember me and a friend in the army being handed 8,000 rounds of ammo at the range to just fire off. We were told to use them all up because the fiscal year ended soon and we would get less ammo next year if we didn't use up everything. I enjoyed it at the time, but looking back I shake my head at the waste.
Some are saying that they're trying to corner the ammo market to create artificial scarcity.
There are also calls for heavy (sales?) taxes on ammo, so the average joe can no longer afford them.
I remember me and a friend in the army being handed 8,000 rounds of ammo at the range to just fire off. We were told to use them all up because the fiscal year ended soon and we would get less ammo next year if we didn't use up everything.
...that is world-wide practice, for ANYONE on the public paycheck. Therefore, to reduce the waste, we need to reduce the paycheck itself, there's simply no other way.

...anyone needs some more examples, how the Govt., Co "stimulates" the economy, by digging holes, and filling them back with dirt (I'll pay one Silver Philharmonic to the first one, who will show me any material difference between that, and ordering a bullet, and then shooting the bullet, just for the sake of it/keeping "budgets" intact)?:paperbag:
DHS preparing for revolt/civilwar seems reasonable to me for a few reasons:
1) An oportunity for mission creep, increased spending, career building, pork, back scratching, graft.
Even if the scenario was considered to be of a trivial likelyhood, it's an opportunity to issue lucrative contracts and gain from the corporate patronage thereof. Of course, you could say the same thing of alien invasion, but it's far easier to instruct the "right" academics to run some scenarios and come up with a % likelihood based on such and such assumptions.

Once you can show a 5% chance of a war that costs 20 tillion dollars, it becomes easy to justify spending 1 trillion dollars on preventing it.

2) The potential of a high personal cost.
No one wants to be seen doing nothing, no one wants to be the person who said, lets not blow $x on riot gear 2 years before enourmous riots break out. Even worse, the people making the decisions are also the people who in a revolt situation would potentially be targeted - you can't be invisible by leaving the lawn uncut when you live in the White House.

3) The Real cost of an actual event
In the original Civil war, estimates are that GDP dropped by about 20% over course of the war, recovering over the following 4 years. A similar event would therefore chew up about $17 trillion of activity plus the cost of the war itself, plus permanently lost growth during this period(maybe not really, but this would certainly be in establishment assements).

Institutionally, at every level incentives are pushing everyone to engage with a narative of the importance of preparing for a revolt/uprising/civil war. This was an inevitability as soon as the DHS was created, and is wholly independant of the actual probability of an event.
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Fast forward 10 years:

- No civil war yet
- Alex Jones owes a billion bucks for his lying bullshit about Sandy Hook and other mass shootings
- US prez tried to overthrow gov..........didn't work. All sorts of peeps going to jail because of him. He may be going too. All depends.
- Society still evolving for the better or the worst depending on your outlook
- People still posting about the coming civil war
- Lotta peeps making bank selling doom and gloom
- The cats in the "big club" building dooms day shelters way outtta the way
- Big gov / big bro still screwing everyone they can

What happened?
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An interesting bump. It's an opinion piece. Take it fwiw and dyodd.

America’s Slow Civil War w/ Jeff Sharlet​

Mar 29, 2023

Is America’s next civil war already starting? Jeff Sharlet joins Thom to discuss what he found in the far right across America.
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