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Can't Find The Time To Tell You Rose Colored Glass Stereo 1971​


Brandy Youre a Fine Girl - Looking Glass Guitar Cover​


'Dancing in the Dark' (Bruce Springsteen) Sing It Live IN CONCERT​


"Don't Stop Believin'" - Journey (Cover by First To Eleven)​

‘Smooth Operator '(SADE ) Cover Performed by The HSCC featuring Bel Martinez

The Supremes "Come See About Me" (Colorized) on The Ed Sullivan Show, December 27, 1964

You're the One" was a Top 30 hit on the UK Singles Chart for Petula Clark, but was more successful as a top ten US single release by The Vogues. 1965

This is my stereo remix of The Zombies 1964 mono recording of "She's Not There" using de-mixing technology. The harmony vocals have been unlocked from the main vocal and placed into a different channel. No pseudo stereo effects have been used. This is strictly a de-mixing of separate instruments and vocals and a re-building (re-mixing) of those separate tracks using mixing techniques from the era of the original recording. Thanks for listening!

This is my stereo remix of The Searchers "Needles And Pins" in which the lead vocal is now centered.

‘How Long'(ACE) Cover Performed by The HSCC featuring Danny Lopresto


Die With A Smile - Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars | Karolina Protsenko - Violin Cover​

You gotta be fit and coordinated to do this..............

Kygo, Donna Summer - Hot Stuff (Shuffle Dance Video)​

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