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Praying Mantis
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I just read an article on a site called Pro Publica, and it detailed a new app the Obama douches put out that allows you to map out and find all registered democrats. What The Fuck???

I would have a serious problem if they did that to republicans, since it is no ones business but mine how I intend to register and vote. These retards use the logic that since it is a matter of public record anyway, that there's no problem with putting this thing live and in real time all over the internet. So, I wonder who thought it would be a good idea to post the name, age, sex and address of every registered democrat on-line? Really?? Someone thought this was a good idea?

I can picture the meeting in my head......"Hey Joe, let's build an app that shows where all the democrats live so that canvassers can find them easier and convince them to vote for Dear Leader in November"....."Why that's a marvelous idea Chuckie, I'll get our geeks right on it". WFT?

So let me get this straight, we now have a database including name, age, sex, number of occupants in the house and occupation of the largest group of [typically] unarmed people in the entire country?

How long before the home invasions and forcible rapes start happening?

Folks, this is some scary shit. If the Demotards want to do this to their constituency, fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads, but if these same tards target Republicans, I'm going to go thermonuclear on them in one quick hurry.:mad:
No man, it's not going to be robo calls. What I see the potential for is a bunch of criminals being able to profile the elderly and those who live alone for burglary, home invasions or worse. In addition, they could look at someone or a couple who are elderly, case out the house to know when they will be gone then rob their empty house. It is quite possibly the stupidest thing the Dohbama administration and re-election committee could possibly have done. If I was a demotard I would be incensed. How dare they distribute something like this for general public consumption.
When I attended the Texas GOP convention recently, there was a company with a booth in the exhibit floor selling access to their database services. They had a large screen TV in the booth with their data overlayed on Google Maps. I gave them my address and they pulled up a Google Map of my street with red and blue balloons over every house indicating whether they voted D or R. It's all public data, but companies catering to political campaigns have been selling access to this kind of easily cross referenced data for a while now.
Ancona, Penn and PMBug, I totally agree with what you have said about the problem with letting ANYONE know how a person is registered . . . But could you fill me in about a couple things so that I understand a couple things better?

I don't remember EVER registering as a dumbocrat, republicrat, independent, or liberal or whatever. Maybe I have but I sure don't remember. During the primaries in Missouri ( and in most states ) one has to ask for a certain party's list of candidates to cast your vote(s). Is that one way an entity can find out how a person in general votes? Surely, they can't find out how you vote in the final election (held in November ). But when I ask for the primary ballet, it is almost always the party I mostly DON'T vote for in the final election. For local offices I don't pay much attention to the party, because I almost always know a lot about the people that are running locally. So I pick the one I think will do the best honest job. ( I live in a small town . . . )

I'm just wondering if there is something else I have not thought of that let's an entity know in general how you vote. Thanks.
In PA you must be registered to a party to vote in the primary. I changed mine a few times.

I no longer give them a phone number- I told them I do not want calls. For the most part a current list is used- so I am not bothered.
Cronus, I don't know how they do it in MO, but in Texas by voting in one party's primary you are automatically registered for that party.

I agree with Ancona, if this imformation gets used for violent crime there should be hell to pay for it.
I do not know how they do it in other states, but in Florida you have to register eithr as an independent, democrat or republican. There is no option to have no party affiliation, which I find completely absurd, but it is what it is.
Thanks Penn, DontdeBasemebro, and Ancona. Monday, I'll go to the local courthouse and check out the details for Missouri.

AND I totally agree that not to have an option to have no party affiliation is ridiculous. That will definitely be one of the questions I will ask locally. :)
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PA wants voter ID now. If it gets bad- I will just un do it
This reminds me of the few instances where newspapers have published the entire list of concealed carry handgun permit / owners. Yes, it's public knowledge --- however, it doesn't need to be advertised.

I recall reading a story about that where some woman who had a protective order against an ex-husband was irate since now her name and address were back public for her abusive ex to find her.

Plus, it was like a grocery list for criminals looking for households that either had guns for them to take... or households that likely didn't have guns and would be easy targets.

I was going to put an NRA sticker on the house- my buddy here said- no- they will break in to take the guns.

So it went on the car. Which is likely the better choice.
Every company you do business with sells your information. Especially telephone/cable companies.
I think the take away here is that the democratic party is doing something like this in desperation, because it appears that Dear Leader may not win in a sweep after all. Since when is it the providence of the government to produce a program that wil map out names and addresses of citizens in real time, simply for their own political gain? This is unprecedented in scope and scale.

It is also quite frightening.......
One of the papers that published the CCW list was the Roanoke Times. They lost a heck of a lot of customers over that one...They had no idea that their "liberal" stance really wasn't shared by most of us around here, since most of us didn't bother telling them, and had sales because basically, they were the only paper in town.

I stopped needing their paper to line my birdcage - gone.
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