Praying Mantis
I just read an article on a site called Pro Publica, and it detailed a new app the Obama douches put out that allows you to map out and find all registered democrats. What The Fuck???
I would have a serious problem if they did that to republicans, since it is no ones business but mine how I intend to register and vote. These retards use the logic that since it is a matter of public record anyway, that there's no problem with putting this thing live and in real time all over the internet. So, I wonder who thought it would be a good idea to post the name, age, sex and address of every registered democrat on-line? Really?? Someone thought this was a good idea?
I can picture the meeting in my head......"Hey Joe, let's build an app that shows where all the democrats live so that canvassers can find them easier and convince them to vote for Dear Leader in November"....."Why that's a marvelous idea Chuckie, I'll get our geeks right on it". WFT?
So let me get this straight, we now have a database including name, age, sex, number of occupants in the house and occupation of the largest group of [typically] unarmed people in the entire country?
How long before the home invasions and forcible rapes start happening?
Folks, this is some scary shit. If the Demotards want to do this to their constituency, fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads, but if these same tards target Republicans, I'm going to go thermonuclear on them in one quick hurry.
I would have a serious problem if they did that to republicans, since it is no ones business but mine how I intend to register and vote. These retards use the logic that since it is a matter of public record anyway, that there's no problem with putting this thing live and in real time all over the internet. So, I wonder who thought it would be a good idea to post the name, age, sex and address of every registered democrat on-line? Really?? Someone thought this was a good idea?
I can picture the meeting in my head......"Hey Joe, let's build an app that shows where all the democrats live so that canvassers can find them easier and convince them to vote for Dear Leader in November"....."Why that's a marvelous idea Chuckie, I'll get our geeks right on it". WFT?
So let me get this straight, we now have a database including name, age, sex, number of occupants in the house and occupation of the largest group of [typically] unarmed people in the entire country?
How long before the home invasions and forcible rapes start happening?
Folks, this is some scary shit. If the Demotards want to do this to their constituency, fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads, but if these same tards target Republicans, I'm going to go thermonuclear on them in one quick hurry.