Why can't they see it-down the rabbit hole

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Some go stark raving nuts if you say something they don't agree with.
😄Yep, i'd guestimate this is accurately descriptive of pretty much around about ~98±% of individuals i've interacted with during my brief experience so far.

Dunno whether it's solely due to this tragic actuality or perhaps to a degree also resulting of my,...🤔ahhh, potentially eccentric peculiarities as well,...😄that has detrimentally affected my efforts intending for establishing an honourable and proper collaborative online forum.

It's been over eight months, costing several $000's-(*nzd) and currently there are a grand total of two active members,...one is me😂ffs.

Oh, and there appears to be an entire network of so-called "webmasters" bent on destroying me,...i'd be upset if not for the sheer comical absurdity of this ongoing feralized offending by imbeciles.

Is basically designed to keep people working like dogs to simply stay alive that they really don't have much of an opportunity to look around and see things for what they are. Kind of like a hamster on a wheel.
😐 Absolutely.
And i'm sure you're already well aware it's obviously only further compounded by generations of all the cognitive castrating toxins laced in practically everything we require for sustaining physical embodiment.

As an example for, "cognitive laziness",... i would simply highlight the-(*imo) quite apparent and increasingly common presentation of acutely reactive irrationality to be found masquerading as "responses" to essentially any publicly shared opinions differing from the collective delusionality virus—particularly whenever comprised of more than 3—4 sentences.

i don't know if it's just something i experience regularly or if others see this too, ie: accusations of being stupid because i can write several reasonably coherent paragraphs. 🤣wtf aye.

No doubt it is very concerning—yet i won't deny that the general irony is sometimes highly amusing.
Just a little bump......

"It Wasn't That Bad." The Infuriating Paradox of Preparedness​

The weird logic of self-defeating prophecies.

God was going to destroy Ninevah.

He sent a guy named Jonah to warn the city. Jonah didn't want to warn Ninevah. He wanted them all to die. A lot of drama ensued, including a big fish. Jonah finally gave up and delivered the prophecy.

Nienvah repented and reformed.

They avoided doom.

You've probably heard of self-fulfilling prophecies, events that come true because the warning itself triggers them. Ninevah gives us an example of the opposite, a self-defeating prophecy.

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