Will this be our life?

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dali lambone

Predaceous Stink Bug
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I read this and can't help but wonder if we are destined to experience this same sense of helplessness. (pm's aside) The government can do anything they want, they can take as much of our money as they want, they can pass any law they want, but at the end of the day, if we resist tyranny, WE are the criminals. I have to wonder at what point did the governement stop being for us and by us and start being the puppet masters pulling the marionette strings. We are just tax revenue producing livestock in the governments eyes, nothing more.

Go vote they say.... But that's just a farce and we all know it. Who knows where your vote really goes after it floats off into the ether. I have no faith in this system. There is a reason democrats want to be sure that showing an ID at the booth never becomes mandatory. But are they even thinking of this: we are labeled with government ID numbers from birth whether we want the mark or not. So why not show them at the booth since we have to show them everywhere else.

Social security numbers, while technically not mandatory, are thrust upon us by our slave masters. Good luck getting their blessing to drive a vehicle or get a bank account or do just about anything without one, even though on the social security website it states that the number is NOT to be used for ID purposes. Heck, if you cooperate and get one for your kids, they'll even give us some of OUR OWN money back in the form of a tax break, what a swell gesture boss. My first child is due at the end of September. I feel like getting her a SSN would make me a sell out.

The good Dr. is the only one who stands for us, but the media and the majority of the country makes a mockery of him. I don't know, maybe the people like have their every move controlled and monitored. Maybe that's the safety blanket that keeps them feeling warm at night. Safety or freedom? I choose freedom. Our only slight glimmer of relief and hope is in the form of silver and gold, but even that is corrupted by those in power.

THEY HAVE TAKEN EVERYTHING FROM US. Where do we go from here?

having got to this point in your journey, you now have the knowledge to choose your path.

You are bound to feel despair, anger, outrage and the urge to pick up a pitchfork but in the interests of your future family, what you perhaps should consider is your mindset.

Know that $ money as a means of exchange is how they control us and use it as little as possible.
When you stop using it they no longer control you ( although they are ramping up their efforts with big ag/ big pharma )

Try as much as possible to find ways to meet your needs without involving money or at least convert it into the means to meet your needs at the earliest opportunity.

Treat it as a game and you now have the advantage of knowing how the game is rigged.

Focus on the things that have real value and often involve no $ .........
time with the children, walking in nature, stargazing, learning and sharing new skills

I contend that they have only taken from us the things we dont really need.
@ dali

Vote anyway, especially for Ron Paul. Buy gold, even with the manipulation, it's still the BEST and easiest way to diversify. "Non illegitimi carborundum" (don't let the bastards get you down). Arm up. Stop spending as much as possible.

Gather your real friends and family close. Prepare for a "Fourth Turning" (also discussed at the 'Hedge today). To the extent you can, look at DCFusor and ancona as examples as to a road to follow.

I have Tai Chi class tonight. One other way I see to gain some peace.

PEACE to all you SOBs here at pmbug.com!
I'm doing my best not to "go off" because of all this. Because it really does anger me at a visceral level. What did all those guys fight and die for, again?
I mean even people who don't normally care, who aren't awake, are saying to me "do you notice how much this is like Germany just before the Nazis came to power".
Someone said that to me just today. Not that I didn't think that already - the fact that this guy did sent chills down my spine.

While it might be chicken-poop, I have to say that living far from any density seems to make it less worrisome...or would I be rationalizing that as an excuse to take no action?

I mean, there's just not much government presence here, other than tapping all the wires. It seems mostly not worth it to them to care what a ragtag buncha hippie homesteaders (their description of us) are doing as long as we keep it to ourselves.
As long as we don't mess things up for the "gentry" on "main street" we of the unpaved roads are pretty much ignored it seems. Yeah, there's class warfare even here, sort of. Those who live in brick homes in debt on the paved roads consider the rest of us worse than trailer trash - even if we are actually richer by every definition. I usually just laugh at that stuff.
@ DC.

Maybe doing nothing IS our only option. Maybe there is a distinction between understanding our reality but taking no action and just being oblivious. Maybe I can sell it to myself that the government can't take away what I never REALLY had to start with.


I guess there is always a nice glass of scotch. -a next level booze maneuver....smart! (my epic mealtime voice.)
What they sow, they WILL reap, sooner or later. Their little treehouse is destined to come crashing down. Exactly how and when I do not know, but it will.

So don't fall into their trap of helplessness.

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Doing nothing is not the solution. Do what is right and good within the sphere of your reach.
@ DCFusor

I do not have any references to offer, but accounts of rural Germans living in the Nazi era might be of value. I would "guess" that they were pretty much left alone (except at draft age, say 17 - 26) and of course there at the very end when the Sovs were marching to Berlin...

@ dali

Yeah, scottch would solve a little bit of the problem, not enough though...

@ Unobtanium

+ a million: "Do what is right and good within the sphere of your reach." Very good!


AND, welcome silverlady!
I prefer Jamesons to scotch, myself (and weed and wine to either), but enough to work now makes me feel worse later. Bad investment.

I think a better translation of nil carborundum is "don't let them grind you down" - See the carborundum? Not to pick nits, DoChen it's a great saying, and very relevant now.

And so is the "do right" one - those are words I already live by. It's that "and the wisdom to know the difference" (not to mix sayings too much) that gives me all the grief. My grasp and my reach, even the type of sphere in which to measure those, have changed so much over the years, I'm not even sure where I stand with them now. I've been both effectively a "nobody" and someone wielding great power and influence. Sometimes I'm not sure which applies right now. I only find out later, it seems, if I've had any effect at all.

I just hope when their treehouse falls, my head isn't in the way...It's a pretty large one, likely to really make a dent when it hits.
... We are just tax revenue producing livestock in the governments eyes, nothing more. ...

Silver, Gold, Guns, Food, Bullets and a means to generate some power now and then. The rest will either sort itself out, or it will not. I can't worry about what may come, only prepare for it the best way I know how.
By the way, on topic, I am a firm believer that TPTB consider 'people' the cheapest 'renewable resource'.
I just hope when their treehouse falls, my head isn't in the way...It's a pretty large one .....


sorry DCF, couldnt resist
long may your head continue to function :wave:

Good thread here and another welcome to silverlady
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