Witnesses claim a 15-year-old girl named Talia was abducted by a gang of 7-foot tall aliens and now she is sharing the frightening details of her encounter.
Residents of the Peruvian village Haikito say the girl’s abduction was just one in a series of incidents related to this alien gang that locals have been described by some as “green goblins.”
The Mirror reports: “‘My eye felt bad, it felt cloudy. My face felt like it was swelling,’ she said, adding that she ‘couldn’t feel my face.’ The attackers then spread the same substance across her face, she said. The alien connection may have been from the attempted kidnappers’ ‘green’ eyes and the jetpacks they were wearing, which could be activated by pressing a ‘button’ on their boots.”
“These gentlemen are aliens,” Ikitu leader Jairo Reategui Avila told Radio Programas del Perú (RPP). “They look like the green goblins of Spider-Man. I’ve shot him twice and he doesn’t fall, but it rises and disappears. We are afraid of what is happening in the community.”
Area residents also claim that these creatures are silver with huge heads and cannot be harmed by bullets. They also claim that the aliens are able to disappear when cornered.

Witnesses Claim Girl Was Abducted By Gang Of 7-Foot Tall Silver Aliens
Witnesses Claim Girl Was Abducted By Gang Of 7-Foot Tall Silver Aliens Witnesses claim a 15-year-old girl named Talia was abducted by a gang of 7-foot

Sounds like the History channel needs to send a camera crew to Haikito, Peru for a few weeks.