2025 Lunatic Fringe - Market and Trade Chat

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Hmmm, may have to look at this one for future investing. Paying a dividend is almost unheard of in mining sectors....

I've held this one for 20 years and it's not too shabby... Prolly could have a whole bunch of shares if I traded it consistently, but I just let it ride.

Even has a PE: 30.42 !

Yield: 1.34%

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Not sure how this plays down under... but

BREAKING: The delinquency rate on commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) for offices jumped to a RECORD 11.0% in December.

Delinquency rates on these loans is now up 9.4 percentage points over the last 2 years

This puts delinquency rates above the 10.7% peak seen in December 2012.

Furthermore, delinquency rates on these loans are rising twice as fast as during the 2008 Financial Crisis.

Overall, there were more than $2 billion in office loans that became newly delinquent in December 2024.

The commercial real estate crisis is worsening.
In a Six-Week Span, this Dark Pool with a Curious Past Traded 3.7 Billion Shares

There is a precise date as to when the American public became overtly aware that the stock market structure had become outrageously rigged. That date is March 30, 2014 when famed author and former Wall Street veteran, Michael Lewis, went on 60 Minutes to proclaim: “The United States stock market, the most iconic market in global capitalism, is rigged.”

When asked to explain just who it is that’s rigging the stock market, Lewis explained that it’s a “combination of these stock exchanges, the big Wall Street banks and high-frequency traders.”
Sucks as I owned ITM calls. Had no idea a big dividend was coming. So I lost the value on the calls (cause the price dropped the value of the dividend) and didn't get any dividend. Lesson learned.
Another source (yahoo) actually had the dividend at 7.25%. I own a lot of SILJ but haven't bothered to check which number is correct. 72 cents/share. All I know is it's orders of magnitude higher than last year's payout.
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EXK is a perfect example of why people don't want to bother with the mining space. All we have heard for a year is how everything is fully funded with the loan they took out to build out Terronera. Then out of nowhere they do a 70 mil dollar offering last month and now all of a sudden after telling us for a year everything is on track they come up with delays and instead of being on track to start production it has been delayed until Q2?

Oriental Ghost reports on a new wrinkle in China that is driving retail gold demand:


From what I've learned is that private equity is even scummier than I thought possible. They have taken over LOTS of board rooms and place management in place that tank companies on purpose. Not saying that is true here but its certainly happened in the mining space. Probably the perfect area for them to focus on.
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