NGC2264 (The Christmas Tree Cluster/Cone Nebula) last night.

Camera: Canon Rebel T8i (modified)
Telescope: 92mm f/5.5 triplet (Astrotech AT92) with focal reducer
Exposure: 49x300sec (4hr 5min total) at ISO 400
Acquired using BackyardEOS, stacked using DeepSkyStacker, processed using PixInsight, BlurXterminator, NoiseXterminator and StarXterminator

Camera: Canon Rebel T8i (modified)
Telescope: 92mm f/5.5 triplet (Astrotech AT92) with focal reducer
Exposure: 49x300sec (4hr 5min total) at ISO 400
Acquired using BackyardEOS, stacked using DeepSkyStacker, processed using PixInsight, BlurXterminator, NoiseXterminator and StarXterminator