AZ -- "See you in court" vote fraud suit filed

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So your signature changes that much in two years?

So what you are pointing out is that the 2020 election was fraudulent, but the 2022 wasn't?

Don't confuse him. He'll haveta fall back on "I wuz just kiddin' on that one."

From the article:

But on Tuesday, ABC15 elections analyst Garrett Archer debunked Lake's claim, explaining the simple, non-fraudulent reason why these thousands of ballots didn't match voter signatures on record with the motor vehicle bureau.

"Ms. Lake, These signatures are from 2020," wrote Archer in reply. "They use recent affidavit envelopes to verify as well. That way if the MVD signature comes across wrong they have in-house to compare to. So this doesn't confirm anything."
Yes. We see that. Fraud is quite evident. Despite (even enhanced by) the silliness of the reply.

Signatures + Don't + Match = FRAUD
Get away
You get a good job with more pay and you're okay
It's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash

She's also using "the election was stolen from me" shtick to scam money outta peeps who are gullible enough to fall for her con job.

From the link:

Ever wonder why Lake won’t concede? Or at least storm off on some new adventure, now that hardly anybody in Arizona (other than the conspiracy crowd) is paying attention?


Turns out election denial is a lucrative business.

Get back
I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack
It's a hit
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit
He's not wrong

The 2020 election was Non Transparent by force. Bullying to cheat. Stolen!​

Insanity runs deep
Into a lying brain it will creep

What they are saying by these daily impositions upon and abridgements of our freedoms, by these codified restrictions on our privacy and our persons is, “You are too weak to live with freedom. You are too weak and too stupid and too cowardly to live within your natural rights.” What they are saying is that you must be observed, inspected, registered, numbered, regulated, levied, checked, censured, spied upon, commanded, prohibited, punished, controlled, directed and instructed on how to live each moment of your life, for your own good. You are no longer a human being endowed with individual thought and the resposibilities that come with it, but more akin to cattle or sheep, bent to the will of your master, with or without consent, all under the guise of necessity, or safety, or fear, or any of the other dozens of excuses used to remove your freedoms. With each diminution of the Consitution and Bill of Rights handed down from on high, you are being told that you that you are too weak to live with freedom. You are being reminded that you are a slave.
"No man will be truly free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last dead priest" -Voltaire
What they are saying by these daily impositions upon and abridgements of our freedoms, by these codified restrictions on our privacy and our persons is, “You are too weak to live with freedom. You are too weak and too stupid and too cowardly to live within your natural rights.” What they are saying is that you must be observed, inspected, registered, numbered, regulated, levied, checked, censured, spied upon, commanded, prohibited, punished, controlled, directed and instructed on how to live each moment of your life, for your own good. You are no longer a human being endowed with individual thought and the resposibilities that come with it, but more akin to cattle or sheep, bent to the will of your master, with or without consent, all under the guise of necessity, or safety, or fear, or any of the other dozens of excuses used to remove your freedoms. With each diminution of the Consitution and Bill of Rights handed down from on high, you are being told that you that you are too weak to live with freedom. You are being reminded that you are a slave

We're on two different pages here.

You're championing individual rights, freedom and liberty. And that's a good thing. High commendable and all things I believe in.

Me? I'm just following along on a news story about someone who lost an election, refuses to admit that she lost an election, is filing all sorts of crazy arguments in different courts and having those courts tell her she lost an election and who is raking in cash doing all of the things I've just listed.

She's a con artist. I'm just following along. I'm wondering how and when it'll come to an end. The courts aren't going to continue to allow her to waste their time and money on insanity. Eventually they'll put a stop to it.

Now if I'm wrong, and she really believes she won the election and that the election was stolen................she's nuts. For real psycho nuts. lol
You'd have to be nuts to believe the election was fair and honest.

It doesn't require 7 days? to count the votes. It requires more time to count the phony ballots of which there were many.

They pulled the heist and told you it didn't happen. Believe your lying eyes?

The D's must maintain control by any means necessary. It's the standard MO of Marxists.
Starting soft and slow
Like a small earthquake
And when she lets go
Half the valley shakes

It's Sister Kari's traveling election show
Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies
Everyone goes.............

From the link:

She is a preacher. An evangelist of equivocation. A minister of misrepresentation. The high priestess of prevarication.

The very worst thing that could happen to Lake these days would be for her groundless and gratuitous attempt to overturn the Arizona governor’s election to … succeed.

What you are championing and quite obviously enjoying is that the evil of vote theft has backers in the court system also.

Deep corruption in the face of obvious and broad fraud. Good choice of looking at truth. NOT.

POST SCRIPT: Oddly, you have clearly found that level of corruption to be satisfying, rewarding your mindset.
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Oddly, you have clearly found that level of corruption to be satisfying, rewarding your mindset

You have me confused with Lake. She's the one who has found corruption to be satisfying and rewarding both in her mind and bank account.

She also likes to play the victim just like Trump.

"Out to get me, election was stolen, persecuting me for telling the truth. Woe is me."

From the link:

Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake says that she may be facing criminal prosecution because she exposed "exorbitant" election fraud.

She's taking her cues from Trump's playbook.
Stalinesque. NKVD. <-- Nothing less, including assassinations as necessary.

You look up to some real winners.

Can anybody (except the backer here) see the overlaid same tactic being used even at the Presidential level?

Compare and Contrast:

1. The fact that the controlled FBI raided Barron's and Melania's private quarters, but have not even hinted at looking at or acting against the multi-year (imaginary, I guess) known-to-everyone huge list of Hunter's thoroughly -- and famously treasonous -- actions. Not a sound after years. Judges, 3-letter agencies...

2. The ability of a single bought/threatened person holding a job as a judge can get entire volumes of unequivocable wrongdoing, hard evidence (videos, confessions, documentation, whistleblowers) summarily dismissed/thrown out -- to the cheers of the far left... versus tens of thousands of dead people born 100 years ago on the same day voting for the cabal leftists en bloc. Nothing to see here, move on.

3. After the SCOTUS lost a member to murder (not investigated at all, just quickly tabled under the most fatuous dismissal), the lower judges stepped right into line. "No standing" <-- doesn't matter if you have proofs, they cannot be heard if ONE person says "nope". Compare to Mr. Smith Goes To Washington.

4. Judges allowing the Constitution to be voided with FBI political activities signed off to impeach T.rump time after time, but nothing against "Son of a bitch, they fired the guy!" on video bragging of how corrupt and treasonous the then Vice President (and son) ran things.

This Compare and Contrast could go on for fifty specific crimes the "Big Guy" has committed, but no judges got in the way and did what they are supposed to be paid for. Instead they took the money/threat and did as ordered.

A fine thing to champion. Absolutely not.
Yeah, but it would just be nice to be sure so that all sides can sleep soundly knowing that the count was just.

Talking from my own experiences and my neck of the woods, most people do. They don't go around talking about, or spend their time dwelling on rigged elections. They go about their daily lives, trying to keep the wolf from the door and get ahead. They want a roof over their head, food on the table, a decent car to drive, the ability to pay their bills, have a few bucks in the bank, to have a decent vacation and money to retire on.

When it comes to politics some vote, some don't. The vast majority want a better life for their families and will vote for the person or party they think will help them attain that. Once they vote they are generally done with politics until the next election. It's the rare occasion that I hear people engaged in political discussions in the way you see it done in the msm or online.

In fact, if you go out and about, politics is usually a verboten subject in most places. If you bring it up you'll likely be told "no politics allowed" or "I'm here for a good time not to talk politics."

Like I experiences in my neighborhood.

Of course, you'll always have people on the edge, naer do wells, malcontents, conspiracy theorists and mentally slow folks who want to blame their problems on others and who will fall prey to slick talking con artist politicians who "can save them from the evil ones who are keeping them down." But in reality........they are in the minority.
Now back to the Kari Show. In today's episode Kari mulls whether or not to concede.

From the link:

Former Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake met with officials from the National Republican Senatorial Committee amid claims she is considering a potential Senate run.

Lake met with the NRSC members on Thursday and discussed the differences between running a Senate and a gubernatorial campaign, Lake's senior advisor Caroline Wren told Politico.

Lake has been touted as a potential Republican candidate to challenge independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona in 2024, along with Democrat Ruben Gallego.

However, Wren said that the meeting was "more listening" and that Lake still hasn't decided whether to run for office again or not.

Talking from my own experiences and my neck of the woods, most people do. They don't go around talking about, or spend their time dwelling on rigged elections. They go about their daily lives, trying to keep the wolf from the door and get ahead. They want a roof over their head, food on the table, a decent car to drive, the ability to pay their bills, have a few bucks in the bank, to have a decent vacation and money to retire on.
Yeah, and I'll bet those folks got jabbed because the government told them the truth.
Because of stuff like this:

This is a bunch of horseshit. Sure the guy was recorded talking about their strategy because the D's DID steal the election! He's saying their 'plan' is to 'fan the flames' (you know? Like the Democrats always do?) to keep the fact the election was stolen in the forefront because you damn well know the D's won't be!

I would take a whole different stance IF they actually ALLOWED an examination of all pertinent data, machines, ballots, etc. to actually PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that the election was on the up and up, but that's NOT what they did. They obfuscated and accused the R's of being crazy, kicked out observers, blocked windows et al. We've all seen the videos of them pulling ballots out from under tables, recounting ballots multiple times.

Then (just as they did with the 'so called' Jan 6 insurrection) they're saying it's absolute proof Trump team is spreading the big lie! There was NO insurrection by Trump supporters and by 'implication' Trump planned it all out. Wait til the proof, the REAL proof comes out that Pelosi & company planned Jan 6, then we'll see some shenanigans!

You'd have to be living under a rock to not know they (the D's) planned Jan 6 in advance to implicate Trump supporters. Too many unanswered questions such as video evidence SHOWING them opening up the mag doors and waving folks into the WH. Who ordered the doors open? Who flipped the switch?

This stinks with the same stench of the lights going out in Congress yesterday during testimony. Who, What, Where, & How? Never happened before in history.

There's way more going on than is being told... Just like the Twitter files (& investigations) are revealing complicity between government and private industry to violate the rights of the people. If Elon never bought TWTR we would be none the wiser.
Yeah, and I'll bet those folks got jabbed because the government told them the truth.

Couldn't say.

But when I went to get my 1st jab I was a bit shocked. The county (and the feds?) had set up different places to get the jab. You could sign up online or over the phone. I did mine online, got an appointment. My place was local and was in an empty store (big space) in a local mall. I got there about 40 minutes early and was kinda surprised at the line. It was really long. There were about 4 or 5 cops to keep order but they weren't needed. Once the place opened, I was in and out in 20 minutes. It was set up the way I remembered things from the navy. Very efficent.

Well I said the line was long. It was long when I went back for my second shot. If everyone was there for the same reason as I was...........they simply didn't want to get Covid and figured the jab was the best way to prevent it.

This is a bunch of horseshit. Sure the guy was recorded talking about their strategy because the D's DID steal the election! He's saying their 'plan' is to 'fan the flames' (you know? Like the Democrats always do?) to keep the fact the election was stolen in the forefront because you damn well know the D's won't be!

Not going to argue or debate this with anyone. It's nothing personal and I do not have a derogatory opinion of anyone who feels the way you do.

I watched it unfold on tv. I watched it for hours. From the speeches to the breech of the capital and all the way to the bitter end.

It was the first time in our history that anything like this happened. It was brought about because one man and those who backed him figured they had found a way to overthrow the goverment by overturning and election and installing Trump in office as a dictator. Thankfully it failed.

These same people went to court after court and lost everytime.

It is over except for those involved being held accountable.

Now we have Kari Lake pulling the same stunts. She has been to numerous courts and has lost. WTF? Is this the new norm? Lose an election and throw fits (while begging money from fools)? This is not how American elections are supposed to happen.


I look forward to the replies I get when I post the truth about this stuff. Some peeps go ape shit. lol Must think I'm the devil. lol Wonder if they have searcher voodoo dolls???
He applauds the victories of cheaters gotten by owned courts. For fun... maybe. But it requires a moral blindness.
cheaters gotten by owned courts.

If you have any proof of this you should go public with it. Don't play around on an internet forum..............take it to the media. Share it with Lake. She would love you for it. And you would be hailed a hero in some circles.

You may think that Lake won. But it's simply a belief if you really do believe it. Not based on any facts that you, or anyone else, have posted here.

As for my posts, they are news posts and are factual. Lake lost......Arizona has a new governor and it isn't her. She has gone to numerous courts........and lost. She keeps begging money and people keep sending her money. These are facts. Not my opinions.

For fun... maybe

It does strike me as funny that some people can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to what certain politicians are getting away with. Lake lost. She knows it and is pulling the same bullshit that Trump pulled (without the violence.) And yet people literally worship her. And she doesn't give two shits about them.

Like I stated earlier...........I'm simply posting news. If you have proof that the news I post is wrong, bring it on. Would like to see it.
Proof they meddled

We could go on and on with this (lol) but it's not going to put any money in anyone's pocket.

I live in PA, you're in CO and Walt is in FL and we're going back and forth over AZ. WTF is wrong here?

It's comical when you step back and look at it.

I'll be back when there is some neat shit to report.

BTW.............Trump's rantings are real proof??????? C'mon.
I live in PA, you're in CO and Walt is in FL and we're going back and forth over AZ. WTF is wrong here?
WTF is wrong here? Nothing unless you think that AZ election was a microcosm of election fraud throughout the US.

Which it is.

BTW.............Trump's rantings are real proof??????? C'mon.
Not his 'rantings', the video proof and evidence that the FBI colluded to hide the Hunter laptop from the people before the election. That amounts to election interference which used to be a crime until 2020. Trump was merely pointing it out.
A legal group plans to file bar complaints Thursday against four lawyers representing Kari Lake in voter fraud litigation, NBC News has learned.

Lake, a Donald Trump acolyte who has refused to accept that she lost the governor’s race in Arizona last year, campaigned on the voter fraud claims first popularized by the former president. She filed lawsuits before and after the election advancing the claims, despite having no clear evidence of election fraud.

A federal judge has already sanctioned her lawyers for their efforts, but they could face suspensions or even disbarment.


Kari Lake loses appeal in Arizona governor race challenge​

Story by By Associated Press • Yesterday 11:50 PM

PHOENIX — An Arizona appeals court has rejected Republican Kari Lake’s challenge of her defeat in the Arizona governor’s race to Democrat Katie Hobbs, denying her request to throw out election results in the state’s most populous county and hold the election again.

In a ruling on Thursday, the Arizona Court of Appeals wrote Lake, who claimed problems with ballot printers at some polling places on Election Day were the result of intentional misconduct, presented no evidence that voters whose ballots were unreadable by tabulators at polling places were not able to vote. The court said that even a witness called by Lake to testify had confirmed that ballots that couldn’t initially be read at polling places could still ultimately have their vote counted.

And while a pollster who testified on behalf of Lake claimed the polling place problems had disenfranchised enough voters to change the outcome in Lake’s favor, the court said his conclusion were baseless.

The appeals court wrote Lake’s appeal failed because the evidence supports the conclusion that “voters were able to cast their ballots, that votes were counted correctly, and that no other basis justifies setting aside the election results.”


All it takes is your own(ed) thief/crook sitting with a robe on and you are golden. ^^^^ Proof above.

nem. con.
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