Breaking News: Eat healthy, live longer

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People who regularly adhered to at least one of four healthy eating patterns were less likely to die than those who ate less healthily, researchers found

That’s the takeaway from a major study published this month in JAMA Internal Medicine. Scientists led by a team from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that people who most closely adhered to at least one of four healthy eating patterns were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease, cancer or respiratory disease compared with people who did not adhere as closely to these diets. They were also less likely to die of any cause.

“These findings support the recommendations of Dietary Guidelines for Americans that multiple healthy eating patterns can be adapted to individual food traditions and preferences,” the researchers concluded, adding that the results were consistent across different racial and ethnic groups. The eating habits and mortality rates of more than 75,000 women from 1984 to 2020 over 44,000 men from 1986 to 2020 were included in the study.

The four diets studied were the Healthy Eating Index, the Alternate Mediterranean Diet, the Healthful Plant-Based Diet Index and the Alternate Healthy Eating Index. All four share some components, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. But there are also differences: For instance, the Alternate Mediterranean Diet encourages fish consumption, and the Healthful Plant-Based Diet Index discourages eating meat.

The Alternate Mediterranean Diet is adapted from the original Mediterranean Diet, which includes olive oil (which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids), fruits, nuts, cereals, vegetables, legumes and fish. It allows for moderate consumption of alcohol and dairy products but low consumption of sweets and only the occasional serving of red meat. The alternate version, meanwhile, cuts out dairy entirely, only includes whole grains and uses the same alcohol-intake guideline for men and women, JAMA says.

Link to study (abstract):

No word on how much money was spent to discover this groundbreaking news.

Convert Milligrams Sodium to Teaspoons Salt​

Below is the conversion formula you need to accomplish the task. Notice how simple it is!

>>> Teaspoons Salt = Milligrams Sodium x 0.00108 <<<

Quick Reminder: to obtain the teaspoons of salt per serving, divide the total salt in the can by the total number of servings.
Does eating bugs imply 'healthy'?
Pretty sure insects are not included in the recommended foods of the four diets that were studied (the Healthy Eating Index, the Alternate Mediterranean Diet, the Healthful Plant-Based Diet Index and the Alternate Healthy Eating Index).
Healthy Eating Index: (see also: )

Mediterranean Diet*:

* Not sure what the study means by "Alternative" Med Diet. Would likely need to read the actual study to see how it differs from the Med Diet

Healthful Plant-Based Diet Index:

Alternate Healthy Eating Index:
More breaking news:
People who eat more highly processed foods such as fast food and salty snacks could face an increased risk of cancer, especially ovarian cancer and breast cancer, researchers have found.

A study of more than 197,000 U.K. adults ages 40 to 69 was published this month by the Lancet, a peer-reviewed medical journal. The authors said this is one of the biggest sample sizes ever used to research the effects on health of ultraprocessed foods.

Ultraprocessed foods are items such as soda, sausages, salty snacks and microwavable meals that are produced in a highly industrialized environment. Those foods contain high amounts of sugar, fat and sodium and are low in essential nutrients such as fiber and vitamins.

But the lack of nutrients is not the only issue: In order to prolong their shelf life, highly processed food often contains additives such as flavor enhancers and sweeteners as well as industrial chemicals, some of which are introduced during the production process and some that leach into the food from packaging.

Link to study:

Nothing fancy, just some plain and simple nutritional advice for seniors.

Europe has different laws concerning what can go into food than we do here in the U.S.

I'm an American living in Paris and I got skinner despite eating more​

  • TikTok user Soldana took to the platform to reveal how her lifestyle had changed
  • The singer-songwriter said 'there's got to be something different in the food'
  • It seems the phenomenon has not gone unnoticed by other social media users
An American woman who moved to Paris has revealed how she got skinnier after moving to France despite eating more and working out less.

TikTok creator Soldana, originally from California, took to the video-sharing platform to reveal how her lifestyle had changed since relocating.

The singer-songwriter, 26, said that 'there's got to be something different in the food' before relaying her fears for her loved ones still eating American diets.

More here:

They need to add weed to the food pyramid.



The Trouble With America’s Ultra-Processed Diet​

Should your granola bar come with a warning label?

Concern is rising about the amount of ultra-processed foods in American diets, and the effect eating so many of those foods has on our health. Part of the problem, nutrition researchers say, is that lots of healthy-seeming items—many breakfast cereals, soups and yogurts as well as granola—fall into that category. Recent studies have linked diets high in ultra-processed foods to increased risks of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression.

Yet there is no set definition of what makes a food ultra-processed, and scientists are still figuring out exactly why eating a lot of these foods is associated with health problems.



How Oatmeal Heals...Clean Arteries, Sleep, Weight Loss, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar! Dr. Mandell​

Nov 22, 2023


The Trouble With America’s Ultra-Processed Diet​

Should your granola bar come with a warning label?

Concern is rising about the amount of ultra-processed foods in American diets, and the effect eating so many of those foods has on our health. Part of the problem, nutrition researchers say, is that lots of healthy-seeming items—many breakfast cereals, soups and yogurts as well as granola—fall into that category. Recent studies have linked diets high in ultra-processed foods to increased risks of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression.

Yet there is no set definition of what makes a food ultra-processed, and scientists are still figuring out exactly why eating a lot of these foods is associated with health problems.


Researcher explains connection between ultra-processed foods and depression​


Try Doing This 1 Thing to Your RICE...Here's How It Can Heal Your Body! Dr. Mandell​

Dec 18, 2023

How does rice become resistant starch?The cooling of rice after cooking causes retrogradation of starch, which becomes a non-absorbable product in the human digestive tract.As the fibers ferment they act as a prebiotic and feed the good bacteria in the gut. There are many health benefits which I will review in this video. Dr. Mandell

So left over (brown/whole grain) rice digests differently from fresh cooked? Interesting.

How PINEAPPLE Is Life-Saving...Why Your Mouth Tingles After Eating It! Dr. Mandell​

Dec 22, 2023

Pineapple has a powerful enzyme called Bromelain. Pineapple has many healing medicinal benefits for the body helping the arteries, heart, digestive system, immune system, scar tissue, cholesterol, collagen, and so much more. It has powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, along with its healing minerals and vitamins.


1 Carb Cleanses the Colon...Scrub Away Wastes & Toxins | Dr. Mandell​

Dec 26, 2023

Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation. If you have loose, watery stools, fiber may help to solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool. Helps maintain bowel health.When you eat whole grains rich in insoluble fiber, it moves faster through your intestines, which can help signal that you are full. Fiber cleans your colon, acting like a scrub brush. The scrub-brush effect of fiber helps clean out bacteria and other buildup in your intestines, and reduces your risk for colon cancer.


Psychiatrist: THIS Diet Saved My Mental & Physical Health | Chris Palmer, M.D.​

In this clip, Chris Palmer, M.D., a board-certified psychiatrist and assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, talks about the important connection between nutrition and overall health. This is a must-watch!


00:00 - Introduction
00:18 - Nutrition & Overal Health
11:16 - Take-Home Message

From the article:


The New Science on What Ultra-Processed Food Does to Your Brain​

Ultra-processed foods may not only affect our bodies, but our brains too.

New research suggests links between ultra-processed foods—such as chips, many cereals and most packaged snacks at the grocery store—and changes in the way we learn, remember and feel. These foods can act like addictive substances, researchers say, and some scientists are proposing a new mental-health condition called “ultra-processed food use disorder.” Diets filled with such foods may raise the risk of mental health and sleep problems.

The science is still early and researchers say there is a lot they don’t know. Not all ultra-processed foods are equal, some scientists say, adding that some might be good for you. A diet high in ultra-processed foods has been linked with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, but researchers are still figuring out exactly why, beyond calorie counts and nutrient composition.

Makers of foods such as processed meats and muffins defend their products, and note that there isn’t a consistent, universally accepted definition of ultra-processed food.


Back in my day, we didn't have all this processed hogwash they're pushin' on us now! No sir, we knew real food, none of this fake stuff churned out in factories. We had good ol' wholesome fare, straight from the land, none of this chemical gobbledygook!

Back in my day, we ate real food, none of this plastic junk they call food now. We had vegetables fresh from the garden, fruits ripe off the tree, and meat straight from the butcher - none of this mystery meat in a box! And when times were tight, and we couldn't afford real food, we just ate dirt. And that's the way we liked it!

But now, folks are fillin' themselves up with all sorts of Frankenfoods, GMOs, preservatives, additives – stuff that'll light up a lab better than a lightning bug on the Fourth of July! Bring back the days of real food, whole food, food you can trust and pronounce, none of this fancy packaged slop they peddlin' now!

Eggs and Cholesterol: The Real Story | Dr. Mandell​

Apr 30, 2024
There is a lot of hype going on regarding eggs, particularly about the cholesterol that's in the yolk. To this date there is no consistent data that shows any relationship between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol.


- Cholesterol plays a role in forming and maintaining cell membranes and structures.
- Cholesterol can insert between fat molecules making up the cell, making the membrane more fluid. Cells also need cholesterol to help them adjust to changes in temperature.
- Cholesterol is essential for making a number of critical hormones, including the stress hormone cortisol. Cholesterol is also used to make the sex hormones testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen.
- The liver also uses cholesterol to make bile, a fluid that plays a vital role in the processing and digestion of fats.
- Cholesterol is used by nerve cells for insulation.
- Your body also needs cholesterol to make vitamin D. In the presence of sunlight, cholesterol is converted into vitamin D.
- I hope you enjoy this video. Dr. Mandell



1 Spoonful of Peanut Butter Can Change Your Life! Dr. Mandell​

May 25, 2024

Peanuts offer several health benefits for our bodies:

- 1. Nutrient-rich: They are packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins (such as vitamin E and B vitamins), and minerals (such as magnesium and potassium).
- 2. Heart health: Peanuts contain monounsaturated fats that can help lower bad cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
- 3. Weight management: Despite being calorie-dense, peanuts can help with weight management due to their high protein and fiber content, which helps promote feelings of fullness.
- 4. Antioxidants: Peanuts are rich in antioxidants, such as resveratrol, which may help reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases.
- 5. Blood sugar control: Peanuts have a low glycemic index and can help stabilize blood sugar levels, making them a suitable snack option for individuals with diabetes.
- 6. Brain health: The presence of nutrients like vitamin E and healthy fats in peanuts may support brain health and cognitive function.
- 7. Nutritional support: Incorporating peanuts into a balanced diet can provide essential nutrients that contribute to overall health and well-being.

- Remember, moderation is key, as peanuts are calorie-dense. It's important to consider individual dietary needs and potential allergies when incorporating peanuts into your diet.


- Please subscribe so you and your family can stay healthy and happy. / motivationaldoc
- Please share this video with your friends and family. Wishing you and your family many Blessings! ❤️😊🙏 Dr M

9 Breakfast Foods I Will Not Eat Anymore (not allowed in my diet)​

Jun 10, 2024


Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro
0:52 - Granola
1:56 - Non-Fat/Low-Fat Yogurt
2:57 - Hotel-Scrambled Eggs
4:43 - Breakfast Sausages
6:55 - Grass-Finished Meat Delivered to Your Doorstep
7:35 - Instant Oatmeal
8:36 - Pop-Tarts
9:11 - McDonald's Hash Browns
10:44 - Processed Cheese Food Product
11:46 - Matcha
Why wake up and get out of bed then?

The Most Effective Way to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally in 7 Days! Dr. Mandell​

Jun 23, 2024

Clogged arteries result from the build-up of a substance called plaque in the arterial walls. It is also medically referred to as arterial plaque. This plaque can reduce blood flow or even block it altogether.
Clogged arteries increase your risk of developing other health complications like a heart attack or stroke.

Some of the most common risk factors for clogged arteries are:
High levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) or low levels of HDL (good cholesterol)
A high blood pressure
Smoking tobacco
Diabetes or elevated blood sugar levels
A family history of atherosclerosis or clogged arteries
A sedentary lifestyle

Most cases of clogged arteries do not exhibit any symptoms until a heart attack or blood clot presents itself. However, in cases where 70% or more of the arteries are blocked, you will notice the following symptoms.
Severe cases of clogged arteries may exhibit symptoms like:
Shortness of breath
Chest pain or angina
Palpitations of the heart


The Healthiest Breakfast to Clean and Open Arteries (Prevent Heart Attack & Stroke) Dr. Mandell​

Jul 20, 2024

Here is one of most healthiest breakfast for your Heart and Arteries (Cardiovascular System). This will help your blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, improve digestive issues, help in weight loss, increase energy levels, and so much more. 6 mins 12 secs.

1/4 - 1/2 Cup of Steel Cut Oats (Rolled Oats is Second Best)
1/2 Cup of Mixed Berries1/2 Teaspoon of Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon of Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds or 1/4 Cup of Chopped Walnuts
1 Tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Optional: Raw Honey or Natural Sweetener

Clogged arteries result from the build-up of a substance called plaque in the arterial walls. It is also medically referred to as arterial plaque. This plaque can reduce blood flow or even block it altogether.
Clogged arteries increase your risk of developing other health complications like a heart attack or stroke.

Some of the most common risk factors for clogged arteries are:
High levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) or low levels of HDL (good cholesterol)
A high blood pressure
Smoking tobacco
Diabetes or elevated blood sugar levels
A family history of atherosclerosis or clogged arteries
A sedentary lifestyle

Most cases of clogged arteries do not exhibit any symptoms until a heart attack or blood clot presents itself. However, in cases where 70% or more of the arteries are blocked, you will notice the following symptoms.
Severe cases of clogged arteries may exhibit symptoms like:
Shortness of breath
Chest pain or angina
Palpitations of the heart
Nothing special, just something with a lotta truth.

Are The Fruits And Vegetables In The Grocery Store Really Organic?​

Oct 13, 2024

The number of adults living with diabetes worldwide has more than quadrupled since 1990, the WHO said in a Nov. 13 statement citing the results of a recent study it supported. An estimated 828 million adults were living with the condition worldwide in 2022, an increase of 630 million from 1990.

The lowest prevalence of diabetes was in “Western Europe and East Africa for both sexes, and in Japan and Canada for women.” The highest prevalence was in Polynesia and Micronesia, certain nations in the Caribbean, North Africa, and the Middle East, as well as Pakistan and Malaysia.

In total, 14 percent of the world’s adults had diabetes in 2022, double the seven percent 30 years back.

“We have seen an alarming rise in diabetes over the past three decades, which reflects the increase in obesity, compounded by the impacts of the marketing of unhealthy food, a lack of physical activity, and economic hardship,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

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