Censored words

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On the lighter side (and offensive to nobody) --

Unca's Useless Trivia That Will Stick With You Forever:

The word "guinea" used for Italian folks comes from the golden coin called a guinea. Here is a guinea:
When a ship pulled into port in Italy with goods to unload, those aboard would shout, "GUINEAS!" to indicate they were hiring locals to unload their cargo and they had gold to pay for the labor.


When ships pulled into harbor, they would signal from afar that they had cargo to unload. Besides the close-up calling of "guineas", from further out they would beat a tattoo on a drum. You would recognize it instantly as "shave and a haircut -- two bits"
You guys remember Melbo? Member of GIM1 & 2? I'm sure some of you remember the guy. Well he started his own forum (survival monkey) a good while back. It's a pretty big forum now and does have some rules. Here's two:

1. No personal attacks or insults. No posts whose intent is to inflame or otherwise provoke anger from another member (Flaming). We don’t mind if you disagree with another member of the board, we just ask that you keep it civil. We understand that in the heat of the moment we all get a little hot. Just try to remember that there is a good possibility somebody’s kid is going to be watching over their parent’s shoulder. We’re adults here so let’s try and act like it.

2. No posting of racial, sexual, political or religious slurs. Civil debate on these issues is accepted. Malicious comments on or about them is not. This includes using slurs in your username, title, avatar, and signature line. We are visited by people from different countries, race, religion, males, and females; The staff members reserve the right to edit the above items and remove a members ability to edit them should they refuse to do so when asked.

Have you ever been to survival boards? Here's a couple of their rules:

2. We expect our members to treat each other respectfully on SurvivalistBoards.com. Although ideas and opinions may be challenged, name-calling, personal attacks, or other inappropriate behavior will not be allowed and may cause your account to be banned. Harassment is not tolerated in this community.
  • 2b. Civility is mandatory and expected. This includes discussions between members but also applies to public or political figures.

  • 2c. Trolling behavior is not allowed on SurvivalistBoards.com. This includes deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or highly offensive comments to disrupt the community or harass another member.

3. Discriminatory remarks of any sort will not be tolerated. This includes degrading or offensive comments about an individual or group based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, sexuality, age, nationality, religious affiliation, or any other basis.


Not putting anyone down. But no matter where you go there are rules we all have to abide by. Really not a big deal. You're in someone's home, business or forum it's their rules. Your home, business or forum - it's your rules.

Now just for a laugh:

Except GIM2. That's the only board where I could pretty much state my mind. Never got banned from there either which surprised me.
On the lighter side (and offensive to nobody) --

The word "guinea" used for Italian folks comes from the golden coin called a guinea. Here is a guinea:

When a ship pulled into port in Italy with goods to unload, those aboard would shout, "GUINEAS!" to indicate they were hiring locals to unload their cargo and they had gold to pay for the labor.

I, for one, am deeply offended by this post. I find the very word "labor" deeply offensive and triggering. My mother was in labor when I was born. It was a traumatic experience. Nine months in what amounts to an incubation chamber and the first thing I see when I opened my eyes was her asshole. :ROFLMAO:

For what it is worth, I have a list of words that are not to be mentioned in my house. All guests receive this list upon their arrival. They include, but are not limited to, "kumquat, tertiary, lignin, deuterocanonical, hydrophobia, and succinate". If any of you are ever a guest in my house, I would appreciate it if these words were not spoken. Oh, you can think about them, but don't ever say them.
some advice is timeless OT or NT
Agreed. But the greatest fomenter of hatred the world has ever seen is religion. And the words of Leviticus have been used to torture and kill... for choosing/opting to follow the advice (read LAWS TO DIE BY TORTURE FOR) on different matters found there.

Either drop the OT, or don't. But to tiptoe among the enforced Laws of Gawd, ignoring some, and enforcing others... nope, that just ain't right.

Exodus: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." <-- so they drowned folks. One pore bastid got offed because he had the ability to stick his finger in a musket and lift it.

The correct translation is: "Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live." <-- So between sloppy translations and lost genuine meanings (why not wear a wool coat and a linen shirt??) the OT is a mess of some really bad juju.
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It's not in my Webster's Second College Edition New World Dictionary. Copyright 1978.

Although, to be perfectly frank, neither is "akrasia".
Acrasia is not in Webster's anymore? Wow. I just impressed me. You need sumpin' other than a Cliff Notes (eg: College Edition) dictionary.
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Acrasia is not in Webster's anymore? Wow. I just impressed me. You need sumpin' other than a Cliff Notes (eg: College Edition) dictionary.
View attachment 5239

Haven't been a big fan of Webster's ever since they relented and made "contact" a verb.

As for them changing the definition of "vaccine" for the commies, I have no words to convey my disgust.
... But the greatest fomenter of hatred the world has ever seen is religion. ...

Which is why it is also taboo here (specifically mentioned in the forum guidelines). If you folk want to continue discussing OT, NT or religion, please take it to PM.


It amazes me that some folks think it's acceptable to enter a man's home and bitch about or mock his rules. If you want to stay in my home, respect my rules. If my rules are too much for you, I suggest you open the doors of your own home and host your own party.
On the lighter side (and offensive to nobody) --

Unca's Useless Trivia That Will Stick With You Forever:

The word "guinea" used for Italian folks comes from the golden coin called a guinea. Here is a guinea:
View attachment 5238
When a ship pulled into port in Italy with goods to unload, those aboard would shout, "GUINEAS!" to indicate they were hiring locals to unload their cargo and they had gold to pay for the labor.


When ships pulled into harbor, they would signal from afar that they had cargo to unload. Besides the close-up calling of "guineas", from further out they would beat a tattoo on a drum. You would recognize it instantly as "shave and a haircut -- two bits"
Beat a tattoo on a drum?
To be or not to be, offended, that is. What exactly does being "offended" even mean, and exactly what damage has been done?
In real life? None.

In made-up fairy tail land? OMG! You're literally killing snowflakes!


Can you imagine being so weak and insecure that mere words can offend you?
There used to a saying that went something like: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

Whatever happened to teaching kids that?
....because in life, we will always encounter words we do not care for, but must learn to deal with.

1. No personal attacks or insults. No posts whose intent is to inflame or otherwise provoke anger from another member
How do they determine what a persons actual intent was? Seems like a grey area to allow mods to simply assign intent.

We don’t mind if you disagree with another member of the board,
What about those that are merely offended by disagreement? There are in fact plenty of people in society who seem to get offended when disagreement is expressed towards their opinions.

2b. Civility is mandatory and expected. This includes discussions between members but also applies to public or political figures.
So me calling the hag a hag, would get me banned there?
A good argument could in fact be made that she is in fact a hag. Lol
Can you imagine being so weak and insecure that mere words can offend you? I cannot. But I swear that today's liberal democrats are so miserable that they literally wake up every morning just looking for the next thing that will "offend" them. Hell of a way to go through life, but I guess once you have been indoctrinated into the left's Marxist philosophies, being miserable is about the only thing you have to look forward to.
I can imagine.....just thinking back to 3 years old is tough though.
Which is why it is also taboo here (specifically mentioned in the forum guidelines). If you folk want to continue discussing OT, NT or religion, please take it to PM.


It amazes me that some folks think it's acceptable to enter a man's home and bitch about or mock his rules. If you want to stay in my home, respect my rules. If my rules are too much for you, I suggest you open the doors of your own home and host your own party.

i did not know that but i do agree , i do not like discussions on religion

the challenge is to try and separate religion from spirituality without stepping on anyones toes

like this quote ,

“We are not
human beings having a spiritual experience -
We are spirit beings having a human experience.”
~ Pierre Teilliard des Chardins ~

and i can pick and choose whatever i want to believe whether it is from the Bhagavad Gita , The Prophet , or the Farmers Almanac , no one has a corner on the market on what one believes or uses as a map through this journey we call Life

good luck to All
Beat a tattoo on a drum?
You gotta read my novel, The Cadet. You'll learn all kindsa neato schit including the origin of "tattoo". It comes from the early 17th-century Dutch phrase doe den tap toe ("turn off the tap"), a signal sounded by drummers to instruct innkeepers near military garrisons to stop serving beer and for soldiers to return to their barracks -- and is unrelated to the Tahitian origins of an ink "tattoo". <-- This version of the word came into use 150 years later.

Just as the military in the 1600's used drums to signal a specific message with a tattoo, so did ships entering harbors.

Just sayin'.
OOP. Just noted: Casey Jones had the scoop on the etymology of "tattoo".

Naturally. 👨‍🎓
Which is why it is also taboo here (specifically mentioned in the forum guidelines). If you folk want to continue discussing OT, NT or religion, please take it to PM.


It amazes me that some folks think it's acceptable to enter a man's home and bitch about or mock his rules. If you want to stay in my home, respect my rules. If my rules are too much for you, I suggest you open the doors of your own home and host your own party.
Not exactly sure what your rules are. I asked for a list of the censored words you claim you have. Nothing but crickets.
You gotta read my novel, The Cadet. You'll learn all kindsa neato schit including the origin of "tattoo". It comes from the early 17th-century Dutch phrase doe den tap toe ("turn off the tap"), a signal sounded by drummers to instruct innkeepers near military garrisons to stop serving beer and for soldiers to return to their barracks -- and is unrelated to the Tahitian origins of an ink "tattoo". <-- This version of the word came into use 150 years later.

Just as the military in the 1600's used drums to signal a specific message with a tattoo, so did ships entering harbors.

Just sayin'.
I kept thinking "tap-toe" without remembering where it came from.

Now I know. Lost with the books and stuff I boxed up in my 38 moves, 2003-2014, is The Cadet.
Which is why it is also taboo here (specifically mentioned in the forum guidelines). If you folk want to continue discussing OT, NT or religion, please take it to PM.


It amazes me that some folks think it's acceptable to enter a man's home and bitch about or mock his rules. If you want to stay in my home, respect my rules. If my rules are too much for you, I suggest you open the doors of your own home and host your own party.
Missed that, sorry.
It's no wonder I dislike this language. We need to cut that thing down by 2/3.
I dunno, it gives an avatrol (bastard) such as me the sprachgefuhl (sensitivity to what is correct as far as a language is concerned) to be armed with the scibility (power of knowing) to deliver my erudition bangstry (masterful violence) as a sudorific (to cause perspiration) to the semi-literate normal people.

Meh. The downside? There ain't no money in it. My novels are all written in American.
Not exactly sure what your rules are. ...

The forum guidelines are posted here:

Please let me know if anything there is confusing or needs clarification. This thread is highlighting the guideline about being respectful to people (ie. don't insult people with epithets/slurs).
Meh. The downside? There ain't no money in it. My novels are all written in American.
Whereas, if you wrote about vampires, the walking dead, haunted hotels...and made prolific use of the F-bomb...you'd be as rich as Stephen King.

There just ain't no justice in this world...
I read a book once written by some crazy old coot. I think it was called "The Bat and Balloon War".:
Trivia: If you look at the cover, that town is Aachen (right inside the border of Germany).

That weird sum-barine really did have all that heavy artillery on it. It was also rubber-coated.

And the double sooper sekrit mistake that you can find if you look closely: ONE of the balloons over Aachen has the top cut off.

Writer Alert!!

If anyone here is unsure of just what a "dangling participle" is, here is a puffeck example:

That weird sum-barine really did have all that heavy artillery on it. It was also rubber-coated.

Note that it is possible for the reader to think the heavy artillery was rubber coated. Just want to show the cover error sekrit...


Oh hell... that looks like advertising. It ain't. My cut is less than the price of a 1/2 gallon of milk. TINS. But that IS an actual photo of a WWII sub.

Feel free to censor/delete it. Posted while flying.
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If anyone here is unsure of just what a "dangling participle" is
No, I learned that a long time ago.

It was at a county fair. I was in the VFW's beer tent, and then went to the "restroom" (portable fiberglass johns). My fly jammed up, in the DOWN position. Nothing I could do.

My Jockeys were worn, too. And my judgment was about what you'd expect after five draft beers on an empty stomach in an hour.

Cop told me my participle was dangling, and wrote me a summons. Said, use duct tape if you have to, but put things away.
Posted while flying.
Once again, you demonstrate your flying skill. Although I piloted many flight hours needing modest attention in the air, I never had the occasion to compose prose, let alone participate on an online forum.
The forum guidelines are posted here:

Please let me know if anything there is confusing or needs clarification. This thread is highlighting the guideline about being respectful to people (ie. don't insult people with epithets/slurs).
Second sentence in your original post that started this thread;

"Further to that point, I also started filling out the forum software's censored words list."

So, what's the list of censored words?
Second sentence in your original ...

So, what's the list of censored words?

See the 3rd and subsequent sentences:

... I added a bunch of epithets/slurs to the list. Any matches against the list are going to be replaced with the following text:

<redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>

If you see that in your post, you are most likely* not abiding the forum guidelines here. Please be a good guest in my home so we can all enjoy the party. Thanks.

* It's possible that there could be an unexpected false positive match, so please let me know if the system flagged something legitimate by mistake.

You seem really hung up on knowing the exact words in the list. That's not important (and also not possible to post as the words will get replaced as described above). Don't use slurs/epithets. Don't insult people. That's what is important if you want to enjoy the party here.
See the 3rd and subsequent sentences:

You seem really hung up on knowing the exact words in the list. That's not important (and also not possible to post as the words will get replaced as described above). Don't use slurs/epithets. Don't insult people. That's what is important if you want to enjoy the party here.
It's important to judge what you are censoring. I kind of thought a few people might be jumping to conclusions about you. Thanks for confirming they are not.
Some people are used to the way things are at gim. It's a bit different here. There are rules and the site owner simply wants them followed.

Before I became excommunicado at gim I had chat with one of the founders. We were discussing some of the things that were going on in the forum. I asked him why some things were allowed to go on. He told me that he and several others allowed certain behavior because they found it amusing. Not shitting anyone here at all. He flat out told me that some of the personal attacks amused him and a couple of others. So they let it go on for laughs.

In my opinion that's pretty fucked up and speaks volumes about certain people. Showed me what they really thought about the general membership. Whether you believe me or not..........it's the truth.

During that chat and a couple of others I found out all kinds of neat shit. Was told about some members who constantly contacted management about other members. Like little kids they would constantly complain about different members posts and other shit, trying to cause problems for peeps they didn't like. You should have heard what they had to say about them. Here it's different.

I post on a couple of other forums. They all have rules, and they enforce them. It's just normal on most forums. I don't think the rules here are any different than other forums.

Not going to make any suggestions here, but I will say you guys lucked out with this place............in my opinion. And no matter where you go, you have to go along to get along.

One last thing............to talk about someone who has gone out of their way to do you a solid behind their back in a derogatory way is royally fucked up.
He flat out told me that some of the personal attacks amused him and a couple of others.
What is or is not a "personal attack" is very subjective. For example, challenging someone on what they've posted is seen by some as a personal attack when in fact, it is not.

Was told about some members who constantly contacted management about other members. Like little kids they would constantly complain about different members posts and other shit, trying to cause problems for peeps they didn't like. You should have heard what they had to say about them.
Little kids is a good description of those who do that. Just like a little kid in school running to the teacher in response to every perceived slight, be they real or not. People like that should be ignored, or maybe have it explained to them that they are acting like a child.

Here it's different.
We're all still adults though. It used to be assumed that adults were supposed to have skin that is thicker than tissue paper.
What is or is not a "personal attack" is very subjective. For example, challenging someone on what they've posted is seen by some as a personal attack when in fact, it is not.

The chat I referred to was pretty direct. Names and posts were brought up. Not going to betray a confidence as to the names, but the cat I was talking to agreed with me that some things had crossed the line and were out right attacks. In the end he admitted that that attacks were responsible for some members leaving. Things did change a bit after that but only for a while.

Little kids is a good description of those who do that. Just like a little kid in school running to the teacher in response to every perceived slight, be they real or not. People like that should be ignored, or maybe have it explained to them that they are acting like a child.

Once again names were mentioned. I suggested they should start a thread and call it Weasel World. Post word for word what was said, and who said it. Most weasels don't like exposure. He didn't care too much for that idea.

We're all still adults though. It used to be assumed that adults were supposed to have skin that is thicker than tissue paper.

The only thing I can say to this is that where I live, saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, at the wrong time, can end up with someone getting hurt. Easy to hide behind a screen name online and fuck with someone for amusement, not so easy if that person is standing next to you with half a load on and who could go absolutely ape shit if he thinks you're fucking with him. Better to be safe than sorry. Besides, a little courtesy goes a long way.
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