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The problem with a thin line between "good" and "bad" is that some may occasionally trip over that line and get smacked, while troublemakers can step right up to that line and stay there forever, knowing the rules favor them.

I think the best approach is to have areas for "always acceptable", "definitely not", and a very wide gray area. The rule could be as simple as, "don't hang out in the gray area".
Who knew that supposed adults would have such a hard time attending a party where the host asks guests to be respectful to (and refrain from insulting) other guests?

There is no "thin line" where folks are "getting smacked". This site managed to do just fine for many years without me even having to explicitly state "don't insult people" as it should be understood by purported adults from the forum guidelines. A few GIM2 refugees didn't grok the point and posted slurs in the forum. I addressed those instances directly with them and they adjusted. No one was banned, smacked or even publicly embarrassed. I posted this thread because some GIM2 folks apparently think they are still at GIM2/Thunderdome/whatever and aren't understanding (or choosing to respect) the forum guidelines for this site - my home. I'm being open and transparent with how this site/community is managed and what the expectations are.
Can you imagine being so weak and insecure that mere words can offend you? I cannot. But I swear that today's liberal democrats are so miserable that they literally wake up every morning just looking for the next thing that will "offend" them. Hell of a way to go through life, but I guess once you have been indoctrinated into the left's Marxist philosophies, being miserable is about the only thing you have to look forward to.
They’re not offended, it’s a control technique
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