Donald J. Trump plaintif v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA defendant

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Two questions:

1) Is an indictment coming for Jan 6?
2) Is an indictment coming in Grorgia?
Jan 6th is a yes. As far as “Grorgia” that’s not a state yet. If it becomes a state then yes.
Media is all abuzz.

Poor Donnie, lock him up, who cares if he broke the law..........make him king, I love Trump, that mofo got what he deserved, we won't stand for this. This will be big news for days to come. Ya gotta admit..........Trump sells.

Who cares, its a clown show and they are just about out of Clowns.

Need a tune...........

It's just the latest in an incremental set of incitements to riot.

Just as how "NATO" (Fat Vicky) is incrementally taunting Putin to launch an all out military assault on Europe/USA.

This is how their juvenile minds work.

I don't have an answering strategy; but I know ignoring it isn't going to work. Eventually they're going to go house-to-house anyway, the way things are going. Unless Putin nukes the Beltway first, and I don't think that will happen.
Law doesn't matter.

The important thing is to get Trump in front of a "jury" of illiterate DC hyphenated-Americans, who're angry that dey dint get no repartations and d'Obama fone went dead...and they'll eagerly convict.

And this weak, craven Stuporeme Kourt will refuse to hear it. So Trump dies in prison...his real crime, OPPOSING DAVOS AND THEIR MINIONS.
Trump has been charged in NY and now in the docs case. There is a possibility he'll be charged in Jan 6th and in Georgia.

Would it not be a smart thing for him and his lawyers to sit down with all involved, try to work out a deal where he could admit to wrongdoing, pay an enormous fine, say he is out of politics for good, get some sort of probation and possibly a pardon from Biden?

I'm not a lawyer, don't play one on tv, but this seems like a smart move to me. A win - win for all involved.
Trump isn't guilty of anything that any other president has done, but they will do everything to keep him from running again.

He upset the apple cart lastctime and has the whole system of swamp creatures on both sides alled against him.
This is a good article and worth a read.

Trump Case Isn’t About ‘Documents,’ It’s About National Security​

Thu, June 8, 2023 at 1:25 PM EDT·8 min read

With the hammer of the U.S. justice system seemingly poised to come down at any moment on our already disgraced, twice impeached former President Donald Trump, it is vital we frame the case or cases filed against the president the right way.

Failure to do so misrepresents the crimes that he is alleged to have committed and understates the threat Trump continues to represent.

This means that my brothers and sisters in the media and the D.C. commentariat need to stop referring to the former president’s theft of classified documents vital to our national security as merely “the documents case.”

Even as short-hand, it makes it sound as though Trump were being charged with a bureaucratic slip-up, a mistake in shifting a few pieces of paper he moved from the White House to his southern temple of excess in West Palm Beach. It is a framing that serves the former president’s defenders, and allows them to equate it to other instances in which government documents ended up in the homes of former officials—but were quickly returned as soon as the mistake was discovered.



Who is Really Conducting the Jack Smith Prosecution of Trump? Lawfare’s Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen?​

June 8, 2023 | Sundance | 143 Comments
On June 2nd former Mueller special counsel and impeachment operative, Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen respectively, published their current Trump prosecution memo [Read Here] using a novel and arcane interpretation of US Code 793. Four days later media began reporting from leaks within the Jack Smith special counsel of the main legal approach they were going to use against President Trump [citation]. What approach is Jack Smith taking, US Code 793! This is not coincidental.

[Weissmann to DOJ Prosecution Memo, page 36 – pdf]
Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen wrote this memo last week. Special Counsel Jack Smith is using it now.
At the time the 186-page Weissmann & Eisen guidance was completed, CTH drew attention to it [HERE] because we track the way the Lawfare operatives work.
In addition to protecting the interests of corrupt former Obama officials, organizing, supporting and coordinating with the Lawfare network is the purpose for Deputy AG Lisa Monaco to exist in current Main Justice operations.
Special Counsel Jack Smith is a tool, vessel and willing participant in one long Lawfare continuum that originates back in the Obama administration when they weaponized the DOJ to target their political opposition. Andrew Weissmann writing the guidelines for Jack Smith to deploy is simply a visible example of how this operation is being conducted.

Weissmann even sells Trump Prosecution swag on his podcast. They are not trying to hide their influence and control over the Main Justice operations, they are quite open about it because they sense they have nothing to fear.
However, the intent of the Weissmann and Eisen approach is based on a need to protect the illegal Lawfare activity from sunlight. The Lawfare continuum is based on a need to protect the weaponized use of government that took place during the Obama administration.
The Obama administration and all of the participants in the agencies involved, use their institutional power to target their political opponents. The DOJ and FBI targeted Donald Trump in 2016 with these weaponized systems. The ODNI and CIA also supported. President Obama, and all the affiliates, aligned ideologues and conscripts used the U.S. government to target their political opposition. In the aftermath of the 2016 election, all of the foot soldiers took up position to protect the administration from public discovery of what took place.
Inside DC, Democrats and many Republicans are aligned in common self-interested defense against Trump specifically because of the weaponization that took place. The Jack Smith special counsel is just another system in a long train of government abuse. That’s why Weissmann, Eisen and the Lawfare group are still operating – still assisting, still helping and still coordinating.

♦ Weissmann-Mueller: Everything that happened inside Main Justice from May ’17 to April ’19, activity that was grabbing every scintilla of media attention, was being done by the Mueller/Weissmann team. Key word ‘everything.’

There was not a single action from Main Justice that was not controlled by Andrew Weissman and company. This action includes the revelations of staff and congressional members from the House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) having subpoenas for their private emails, phone records, text message and communication.

Andrew Weissmann sent over 2,800 subpoenas for records [See 156-Pages of Examples Here]. Some of those subpoenas were sent to various telecommunications and social media platforms so they could monitor what congress was doing.

In essence, and this is a very important part of the record that is being missed, Weissmann and his team, having been given the primary responsibility of covering up the corrupt DOJ and FBI activity from the 2016 election, needed to know what Devin Nunes and Kash Patel knew. As a result, Andrew Weissmann and team, using the figurehead of Robert Mueller as a pretext and patina, put members of congress under watch.

DAG Rod Rosenstein was presumably unaware of what Weissmann and team were doing. In the world of the bureaucratic state, willful blindness has benefits and avoids a person taking a position on whether they are directly part of the corrupt activity. As a man comfortable with the Machiavellian ways of the deep swamp, Rod Rosenstein was the perfect and useful weasel on a leash for this specific role as DOJ liaison.

Again, why does this matter?

This context matters because it is much more of an explosive revelation to realize there were two sets of investigators, each investigating each other. Devin Nunes was investigating a corrupt DOJ and FBI. Weissmann and team trying to cover for corruption within the DOJ and FBI.

Chairman Devin Nunes trying to find out what was going on and put the pieces of an opaque puzzle together. Meanwhile Andrew Weissmann was in the role of blocker to the interest of Nunes, and was a stakeholder is knowing what Nunes was piecing together.

Mueller/Weissmann were on offense against President Trump, and Weissmann/Mueller were simultaneously on defense against the House Intel Committee.

Andrew Weissmann was charged with protecting the prior corrupt activity and shielding it from sunlight. In order to accomplish this goal, he had to know what Devin Nunes and Kash Patel were doing. Thus, amid the 2,800 subpoenas and search warrants, Weissmann was investigating the House investigators.

More here....

He's guilty of NOTHING - except being a threat to the Power Cadre.

Look, I'm not even a big fan of Trump - just as I thought the J6 party was stupid, even before the date. Just as I thought, long ago, Michelle Bachman's anti-Bammykair party was stupid and reckless (for reasons I won't list, but it changed nothing except to show that Botox Nan tried to light off an incident).

The facts are, he's done nothing illegal and nothing to endanger National Security. And those ACCUSING him, haven't endangered National Security - they've committed TREASON. Everything from benefitting from CCP electioneering, here, to erasing the southern border of the nation.

It doesn't even matter what someone thinks of Trump. Plenty of crudniks have been framed in the past; what their personal lives were, didn't matter. Right is right; and lawfare is tyranny.
Two Trump lawyers have just split the Trump scene and an associate of Trump has been indicted in the docs case. Going to get very interesting as time goes on.
How about you create a new thread with an accurate title? I like the original intent of this one.

Thanks for the suggestion. Been thinking about asking Goldhedge & PMbug about doing just that. Maybe a thread where all the indictments could be posted. Makes more sense than having several threads considering he's probably going to be indicted for Jan 6th and in Georgia.

In fact, I think I'll do it here and now.

Hey @pmbug and @Goldhedge - what do you guys think. Voodoo has a good idea here. Should we implement it? Going to need a title, any suggestions?

Edit to add: Need to be able to post about any others that'll be indicted along with Trump. I think it'll be 10 or more.
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A key witness and former aide to Donald Trump has been indicted alongside the ex-president by Special Counsel Jack Smith and the news prompted an immediate Truth Social post from Trump.

After the Wall Street Journal and other outlets reported that Walter Nauta was indicted, Trump praised his former aide as “strong and brave” in a social media post suggesting Nauta will stand by him.

Two of former President Donald J. Trump’s lawyers who had been engaging directly with the Justice Department have left his team, according to a social media post by Mr. Trump and a statement from the lawyers.

The lawyers, James Trusty and John Rowley, left Mr. Trump’s legal team a day after he was indicted on seven federal counts related to his handling of government documents at his Florida home and resort, Mar-a-Lago.

That’s funny the guy’s name is Nauta, that means sailor in latin and he was in the Navy.
That’s funny the guy’s name is Nauta, that means sailor in latin and he was in the Navy.

He was Trump's coke guy..................

The Washington Post article, citing an anonymous former White House aide, reported one of Nauta's duties was to bring the president a Diet Coke "when Trump pressed a call button on his desk."


Seems to me that Hunter could use a guy like that.
Guess he won’t be working for Trump anymore.
So weird the guy worked as a cook in the White House, Trump strikes up a friendship with the guy and has him move important docs for him to Florida and the guy took pictures of it all. It reads like Trump was trying to set himself up on purpose.
So weird the guy worked as a cook in the White House, Trump strikes up a friendship with the guy and has him move important docs for him to Florida and the guy took pictures of it all. It reads like Trump was trying to set himself up on purpose.

If he flips, it's lights out for Trump.

Laurence Tribe: Trump indictment is ‘vindication for the rule of law’​

Jun 10, 2023

Professor Laurence Tribe tells MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell that accountability might finally reach Donald Trump after he was indicted in the documents case by Jack Smith, who Tribe says put together a “devastating” case using Trump’s own words of “espionage of the most serious sort.”
It's 49 pages, easy to read and self-explanatory.
Great! Now I just have to figure out the foreign country that wanted this info on the other foreign country. Who could it be.
An0maly’s take on things. “Who the F is An0maly” you ask? Shaddap and watch.

^^^^First time I've ever heard a Trump supporter say Repubs are professional losers. "Dems are playing evil chess." lol Subscribed.

On a different note......the interwebs are all atwitter with maniacs calling for war. Tuesday could prove interesting.

A distraction for their distraction for their Normalization.

And war will be the ultimate distraction. Because they don't know how to win one.

And they really don't want to - what they WANT is what Fuhrer Klaus wants, which is, US defeat.

What they don't understand, because they're ignorant of history, is...what happens to the rulers of defeated nations. Especially puppet rulers who'd been bought. They can be the most incriminating and the most-likely to foment a future uprising, to they're generally at the head of the line into the trench graves.

You do make me think
A magistrate judge will be presiding over the momentous Miami federal court hearing on Tuesday afternoon when former President Donald Trump makes his first appearance on charges of keeping classified documents at his Palm Beach estate and obstructing government efforts to reclaim them.

Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman — not U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who was randomly assigned Trump’s case — will be handling the former president’s arraignment and bond matters.

Trump was arraigned today. Nothing crazy and no problems outside of the courthouse. No links worth posting. Have to wait until the actual trial - if there is one.
Trump was arraigned today. Nothing crazy and no problems outside of the courthouse. No links worth posting. Have to wait until the actual trial - if there is one.
I’m waiting for some hot babe to be brought into the story like Fawn Hall in that Iran/contra drama series back in the eighties. Until then color me bored.
The facts are, he's done nothing illegal and nothing to endanger National Security.
The only ones who think he did, are those afflicted with TDS who allowed themselves to be brainwashed to hate him. How dare he attempt to put America first.
....and all because he beat their hag.

Only potus we've had in Decades who didn't make selling the nation out his job #1.
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