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Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’​

Sep 17, 2023

In this full, unedited interview with Meet the Press, former President Trump discusses his views on the 2020 election, abortion rights, foreign policy and more.

Michigan attorney general says fake GOP electors she charged are ‘brainwashed’​

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said at a recent event with liberal activists that the fake Republican electors from 2020 that she charged were “brainwashed” to keep former President Donald Trump in power, and touted that their cases will get juries from a “very Democratic-leaning county,” according to a recording obtained by CNN.

Nessel, an Democrat, made the comments at a virtual event Monday that was hosted and promoted by liberal groups to discuss “messaging” around the 2020 election cases involving Trump and his allies. Back in July, Nessel’s office filed the first-of-their-kind criminal charges against the fake electors in Michigan.

“People talk a lot about, oh, why don’t you start flipping some of those people so that they can become witnesses against the remaining defendants, the worst-acting defendants?” Nessel said. “The problem is, these are people who have been brainwashed.”

She continued, “how do you flip someone who concedes that they did everything that they’re accused of doing, but what they say is, ‘we believe that we were in the right. We think that Donald Trump is the real winner of the election’ … They really legit believe that. They genuinely believe it. Somebody can’t even plead guilty if they wanted to, because they can’t admit that what they did violated the law, because they still think they’re right.”

Read the rest:

A Taylor Swift Instagram post drove record-breaking web traffic to Vote.org this week and helped the site register more than 35,000 new voters.

...but are they all real?

Just asking for a friend.

psssst, wana buy a Chinese fake ID... cheaper by the 1000!

Face it, the system is rancid, it needs an audit, a clean slate. An impossible task these days.
If the US was run by people serious about democracy, they'd be, at the very least, looking @ a systemic review of the voting process JUST to convince ALL Americans that the result is legitimate. An idea that should have all parties supporting it, you can't go on with a system that people have lost faith in. It will lead to trouble, which, "off course" is what they want. FEMA camps anyone?

Republicans Will Encourage Voting Before Election Day​

Following elections in which former President Donald Trump denounced alternate voting methods as fraud‐ridden and encouraged Republicans to save their votes for Election Day, both Trump and the Republican Party now generally have shifted gears to encourage GOP campaigns and voters to use the full gamut of alternate balloting methods, from vote by mail through early in‐person voting to the use of drop boxes. That’s mostly welcome news — but with one bipartisan exception that merits continued scrutiny.

The shift by itself isn’t likely to alter election outcomes much, since the adoption of alternate voting methods probably has only minor effects at most on partisan results. While Democrats are heavier users of in‐person early voting, for instance, it’s mostly a method used by persons who would have cast votes anyway. What exceptions there may be are not always predictable: it’s been argued, for example, that severe Election Day weather in 2022 in Nevada worked to the disadvantage of Republicans, who were relying on Election Day turnout.


As you get older I would say erections are more important than elections.

Does it even matter anymore? Unless you are employed by a company that does a lot of work for fed gov no election will change your life in any meaningful way. The only President in my lifetime that actually had a meaningful impact on the nation was Nixon when he took us off the gold standard.
No president is going to fix this country. It isn't even possible unless they declare war on the opposing party and make it legal to shoot the opposition.

More and more blue states and mandating mail in ballots. Thats the nail in the coffin for elections. More and more we will see vote counting stop in the middle of the night on election night while they bring in the ballots needed to win. There is no stopping this. Add in these electronic voting machines and there really is no overcoming election fraud.

Biden is going to give temp legal status too illegals. Probably allow them to vote. Obama was calling for illegals to go out and vote.

Even if Trump found a way to win next year what can he realistically do when it is obvious every agency in Gov is controlled by the left? Everyone wants Trump back so I guess everyone enjoyed the 4 year shit show while he was in office.

This country has been destroyed by lawyers and politicians. With the help of the media of course. Other than Tucker there really is no real journalism out there.

Elections have really just become another tool to divide the masses out there. Unless there is a return to the constitution this country is no better than any other 3rd world country. Reserve currency status is all that keeps us afloat. Maybe we have a decade left. Once we lose that status then the debt and inflation do matter.

Next year everyone can enjoy the elections. Myself? I will enjoy my erections. A lot more fun and in the end I get to do the screwing.
Why would you concede and then challenge the credibility of the election?
You can't. Conceding means you give up and the other person is immediately declared the winner.
Ie: no more contest

As Hillary did..
She conceded the next day, but still went on and on about how she was cheated out of winning. Says it to this day.

It's to the point now where I don't even listen to any of his speeches or twits.
That's what the leftists want.

In the end just more rhetoric from a lying politician. Even though he isn't a politician he became one very quickly after becoming President.
Anyone winning an election for public office is a politician.

Whatever his excuses are, he isn't going to do any better if he wins again.
His presence will keep a lot of the crap the leftists have planned from happening.

Just imagine if the hag had gotten in. She woulda got those three picks, and while it can be argued that Trump's picks coulda been a lot better, we've actually gotten some good rulings that would have gone the other way.

What Trump is, is an imperfect man. Same as all of us. I think it'd be pretty hard to get in that office and be able to do everything you might want to do.

Trump had to fight every step of the way, and was constantly and ruthlessly attacked in the media, almost from the day he came down the escalator.

No, he did not have that power to shut down the left "on every occasion". They fought him on everything. Even those in his own party. Or at least half of 'em.

The office of President is not one of a dictator. The potus can't enact anything on his own.

The biggest one being Mueller.
Had he shut that down, they'd have impeached him for it.

I'm glad he let that go on. Had he pulled the plug we'd have not gotten a report that was a big nothing burger.

Had he done that, the msm would still be screaming about Russian collusion.

Get real DOJ people in there to take down the deep state.
Easier said than done. How you gonna do it?

Did he pardon Snowden? Nope.
He should have.

How about the dude from Wikileaks that pointed out the war crimes being committed by the US? Nope.
Shoulda given him one too.

his efforts to relitigate the 2020 election,
It's impossible to re-litigate something that was never litigated to begin with.

and touted that their cases will get juries from a “very Democratic-leaning county,” according to a recording obtained by CNN.
So they're gonna rig it in hopes of getting the outcome they desire?

Figures. Leftist dems rig everything.

They only get away with this bullshit because most Americans don't understand their own system.
Fixed it for you.

If the US was run by people serious about democracy, they'd be, at the very least, looking @ a systemic review of the voting process JUST to convince ALL Americans that the result is legitimate.
That's the last f'ing thing they want.

you can't go on with a system that people have lost faith in
The ones in power are trying to demonize their opponents and anyone against what they are doing.

No president is going to fix this country. It isn't even possible unless they declare war on the opposing party and make it legal to shoot the opposition.
That's what the leftist dems currently running the country are working towards.

Even if Trump found a way to win next year what can he realistically do when it is obvious every agency in Gov is controlled by the left?
Which is why he had such a tough time in his first term.

Virtually all facets of government were either working against him, or slow-walking everything he tried getting them to do.

Everyone wants Trump back so I guess everyone enjoyed the 4 year shit show while he was in office.
I want him back in because he's the one that the traitorous f's that have been running the nation for nearly as long as anyone reading this has been alive, least want.

I want those peoples Wheaties to be pissed in.

Having him there and forcing those a-holes to have to deal with him on a daily basis makes me smile.

I don't give two f's if nothing in DC gets done during his term.

If he gets in again, all I really give a f' about is that he'll get any SC picks and get to nominate a bunch of federal Judges.
Be much better to have him do it than the bidet.
....and I want as much of the leftist dems agenda blocked as is possible. With the bidet in again, nothing of theirs will get blocked.

Even with his faults, we and the nation are better off with him in office.
Having him there and forcing those a-holes to have to deal with him on a daily basis makes me smile.

First thing that came to mind:

Our 2 choices for the next election are Kennedy and trump. Both have similar ideas on how the country should be won. Both are democrats although only 1 identifies as one.
If trump really wants to win he needs to go in as a democrat this time. That would blow all their minds. Make Kennedy his VP. The two of them working together could probably start to get shit done.
Maybe start a new party. The America 1st party or something and get shit loads of new people to run for Congress and Senate under that party as well. Together they could put a stop to the spending. At least the waste anyway.

At some point reality hits everyone that gets elected. Stop the spending and we go into the next depression that will be far worse than the last one. So who wants to be responsible for that?
Trump could never get nominated as a Dumbo c Rat. The RINOs don't like him, either; but their primary is at least mostly honest.

The Dumbos have "S(t)upor Delegates" who override the grassroots choices.

Trump should run third party. Of course the Losertarians want nothing to do with a winner, so they're closed to him. Some other party, maybe?...Constitutionalist?

A party is needed, for the organization that's needed to get on state ballots.
An organized party. To collect petitions and shepherd a petition to get placed on the ballot. To buy air time and billboards, etc. To canvass.

To do the ground work for rallies. Have spokesmen at the ready, when the Fake Noozers want some input. And to KNOW what the Fake Noozers are, and what is their agenda.

A party is necessary. MAGA is just a group. The Tea Party was far more organized, and IT failed. The Reform Party was barely adequate.

I'm not saying knuckle under to the Controlled-Opposition Party, but know that SOME SORT of professional organization WILL be needed.
Make Kennedy his VP

Just something I came across:

Any thoughts on the possibility of the repubs running someone outta the blue?


They don't care anymore it's a rush to steal as much as they can before the shyte just blows up in their faces.
2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to announce he will run as an independent on October 9 in Pennsylvania, Mediaite has learned.

Kennedy’s campaign machine is now planning “attack ads” against the Democratic National Committee in order to “pave the way” for his announcement in Philadelphia about running as an independent, according to a text reviewed by Mediaite.

EXCLUSIVE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Planning to Announce Independent Run Mediate (li)
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That's great news! The dem vote will be split. I hope the DNC is happy. Had they not rigged their process, he wouldn't have to do that.
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They don't care anymore it's a rush to steal as much as they can before the shyte just blows up in their faces.

It's the only logical outcome, when the fight is dirty both sides take the gloves off and cheat.

'God help us': John Kelly issues scathing statement on Trump​

Oct 2, 2023


John Kelly, the longest-serving White House chief of staff for Donald Trump, offered his harshest criticism yet of the former president in an exclusive statement to CNN. CNN's Jake Tapper discusses with former Trump administration national security advisor John Bolton

In an extraordinary new article in the Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg recounts a story about a severely wounded veteran performing the national anthem for Donald Trump, and how the former president then told the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded.” Ken Harbaugh shares his own experience working with wounded vets, and talks with clinical psychologist Mary Trump about her uncle’s cruel, bullying behavior.
Oh, yeah.

You just KNEW they had to find an Ashley-Biden counterpart. "Trump did it, TOO!"

That shows the psychological projection and immaturity of the TDS crowd.

Not buying a word of it. If this story was real it would have been headlines seven years ago.

RFK Jr. announces 2024 run as an Independent​

Oct 9, 2023


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says the U.S. is ready for a 'history-making change' as he declares himself an Independent candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

Republicans turn on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as he launches independent bid​

Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s pivot Monday to an independent run for president met immediate resistance from Republican leaders, who have concluded that his new effort threatens to cannibalize their vote share next year, helping to reelect President Biden.

The Republican National Committee greeted his announcement with a press release that described Kennedy as “just another radical, far-left Democrat,” with a number of talking points that could be used by the expansive network of conservative commentators who tend to take messaging cues from the party.


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