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Yabbutt, they're also benefiting from the New Money.

Mostly not directly; but when the new Fake Money is poured from the Fed into the banksters through the Fed Discount Window, in short-term loans that are immediately plowed into the DJIA and S&P indexed stocks...causing those stocks' prices to GO UP...even bystanders benefit as their market-value of shares rises. Floats upward...like solids in a cesspool.

Obviously this game of giving with one hand while taking with the other, doesn't even out. This is the illogical chaos of a manipulated market, where money is fiat and who gets what, depends on political connections.

For those of you hostile to crypto, but in Trump's corner, how do you square this circle?
Mostly not directly;
Exactly. A lot flows from the little guy to the big guy, simply because the big guys are sellin' what the little guys want.

The vast majority of little guys also benefit from those stocks going up, as at lesst 3/4ths of the People have investments in 401k's and other retirement systems that invested in wall streets goods and services.

No matter how ya wanna cut it, the so'called rich in this nation (on aversge) pay the bulk of taxes.

If the gov had to rely only on what the little guy could pay, we'd have the small gov with limited and narrowly defined powers that the Founders tried to give us.

Which is why I've always said that everyone should pay an equal DOLLAR amount in taxes, and beyond that everyone would be free to make as much as they are willing to put forth the effort to make.
Ie: equality and freedom for all.

The One Constant​

One common thread connects nearly every major scandal involving Donald Trump: his absolute disdain for the democratic process.

That is certainly true of his recent conviction in New York on 34 felony counts. The charges themselves focused on fraudulent business records created by the Trump Organization to cover up the paper trail left by hush-money payments made in 2016 to women who’d claimed past relationships with Trump. But as the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office made clear to the jury, the motivation behind the payments had everything to do with preventing voters from being truthfully informed about the candidate before they went to the polls.

That instance is no outlier. Trump has shown no respect for elections as a mechanism for governing society since the beginning of his political rise. In the final stretch of the 2016 campaign, he promised that he would accept the results of the election “if I win.” When it came time for his reelection campaign in 2020, he wasted no time in casting doubt on the integrity of the vote—beginning that spring with attacks on the reliability of mail-in balloting and escalating after Election Day to lawsuits, fraudulent electoral certificates, and eventually encouragement of a violent insurrection at the Capitol.


But as the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office made clear to the jury, the motivation behind the payments had everything to do with preventing voters from being truthfully informed about the candidate before they went to the polls.
What a load of utter bull shit. Not one voter would have switched votes in '16 because of that. Clinton was paying women to shut up, and people still voted for him.

The hag colluded with Russia to buy lies about Trump that she used to try to influance the election.
....and was also used as the basis for a fraudulent investigation into her opponent.

Why do you never bitch about that?
One common thread connects nearly every major scandal involving Donald Trump: his absolute disdain for the democratic process.

That is certainly true of his recent conviction in New York on 34 felony counts.
You posted vids where the guy clearly explained how Trump's sixth Amendment Rights were clearly violated in this "trial", and even posted acknowledging that there are issues with the conviction, but here you are posting stuff that says it was all on the up and up.

The charges themselves focused on fraudulent business records created by the Trump Organization to cover up the paper trail left by hush-money payments made in 2016 to women who’d claimed past relationships with Trump
That's the expired misdemeanor though.

What was the crime Bragg alleged that made it a felony?
Why do you never bitch about that?

The hag's done. She's not running for any office.

I post both sides. Ya gotta take any political post fwiw and dyodd.

White House for sale: Donald Trump is selling policies for a second term to the highest bidders​

Donald Trump is no stranger to a quid pro quo — he was impeached for one, after all. But while campaigning for a second term in the White House, he has gone further than perhaps any other candidate in recent history to shape his policies in return for cash.

Trump is not making these bargains behind closed doors or in smoky back rooms, but at fundraisers and events attended by dozens of influential and extremely wealthy people.

On several occasions he has made explicit offers to reward donors by enacting or dismantling policy on their behalf should he win in November, often reversing his own previously held positions.

Democrat Jamie Raskin, ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, accused Trump of treating the presidency “as a for-profit business enterprise and money-making venture.”

He told The Independent that Trump was “brazenly offering to sell out U.S. policy to any corporate and billionaire campaign donors ready to make a deal, including telling Big Oil he will sign their executive orders in exchange for a cool one billion dollars.”

“Donald Trump will literally sell out the future of humanity for another billion dollars,” he added.


How come it didn't happen before, b!tch?

Yeah, Madcow needs to go to a camp. I'm not sure if it's a Detox Unit, or a straight-up mental hospital; but she's in need of commitment.
The hag's done. She's not running for any office.
Oh, so it's only ok to go after someone if they are running for office and you don't like them. Ok, got it.

I guess to hell with our Constitutional Rights and the equal application of the law.

I post both sides. Ya gotta take any political post fwiw and dyodd.
Do you not actually pay attention to the merits of what you post?
BREAKING: A Michigan judge just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State's election manual issued to local election officials is unconstitutional & against state law. He is also mandating strict signature verification for mail in votes in the upcoming 2024 election

"The Court declares that the "initial presumption" of validity in signature verification of absentee-ballot applications and envelopes mandated by the December 2023 guidance manual issued by defendants is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan. For similar reasons, the Court declares that the catch line referring to an "initial presumption of validity" in R 168.22 is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan. Accordingly, those provisions must be excised from the guidance manual and the catch line in R 168.22" - Judge Christopher Yates

Do you not actually pay attention to the merits of what you post?

Most definitely, especially when those posts are about Trump, the fools in the gov who enable him and the robed ones who want the rest of us to become serfs in some insane theocracy they dreamed up in their sick minds.

BTW............have you ever considered what these peeps think of you? Since they think their shit doesn't stink, they may have a higher opinion of their turds than they have of you, me and the rest of us worthless eaters.

As for post # 1690, that one was for a laugh.
the fools in the gov who enable him and the robed ones who want the rest of us to become serfs in some insane theocracy they dreamed up in their sick minds.

The TDS is bad enough that you actually believe that tripe?

News Flash! You already lived with him as potus. He didn't lock anyone up, he didn't become a dictator, gas was cheap, we had full employment, we had low inflation, we weren't on the brink of war, and we didn't have millions of illegals poring across the border.
....but with the guy you voted for, we got the opposite of all those things.

Those aren't my opinions, those are cold hard facts.

The red is income taxes? And I assume that the yellow is tariffs?
.....if so, what's the grey?

That idea is probably pie in the sky, but someting Trump could push for on income taxes, would be to take the original exemption rates they started the bs with, and adjust them for inflation. Do that, and most working stiffs today wouldn't owe any taxes on earnings.
Those aren't my opinions, those are cold hard facts.

Here's a few facts:


But I have to give credit where credit is due. He insults congress critters left and right, talks about their families like they're garbage and yet they bow down to the guy. I don't get it, but it happens. Yesterday, Mitch McConnell literally had Trump's goo dripping down his turkey neck as he gave a short presser.

I'd love to know what kind of dirt he has on them.

Edit to add: WTF???????????????

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Those aren't my opinions, those are cold hard facts.

Here's a few more facts:

American evangelical Christians used to see Donald Trump as a “useful idiot,” someone able to advance their agenda. They now increasingly view him as ordained by God to rule over Americans. Ken discusses with Rick Wilson, co-founder of The Lincoln Project.

^^^^ "... it would be a big tax increase for the bottom 90% and tax cut for the wealthy."

In other words, under the current system the wealthy pay the largest share (80%) of taxes collected.

On this point he is correct. Tariffs will be akin to a consumption tax, as the taxes will be on imported goods.
....but however ya wanna slice it, the little guy ends up paying it either way, as under the current system the "wealthy" pass along most of their cost in taxes in the form of higher prices for the goods and services they may sell, lower wages for any employees they might have (or fewer employees).

All tariff's do is make the cost transfer more transparent. When ya tax the hell outta some rich guy or entity here, that cost quickly gets passed along.
..... but when ya tax imports, the mfg's will lilely eat at least some of tax, as they want access to our market, and they will still want to undercut the "made oin Ameroca" price. We're the biggest, or at least one of the biggest consumer nations in the World. Access to it should come with a price, don't ya think?

Another way to look at it is if the tariff makes an imported item's retail price equal with the retail cost of that same item made here, it makes it where stuff can start being made here again.

Because if you need a new widget, and the one from China costs the same as the one made here does, which are you gonna buy?

The one where most of the money leaves the country to pay their investors and workers?

Or the one made in a factory where people in your own town might work?
.....and then go spend their pay on local goods and services?
Edited to add: that's why I think they'll eat a chunk of the tariff's, because they will still want to undercut our prices by at least some %.

There is always a cost to the pie in the sky plans of our elected "leaders" and there is no free lunch that so many are fooled into believing is there when they cheer on the gov to take money from anyone they see as having two nickels more than they do. People need to stop it already with the class envy the gov has goin' in this nation.
fear porn. Trump doesn't rule over Americans.

The Constitution is the rule of law giving EVERYONE freedom to be as happy or as miserable as they want to be.

Need a second opinion... also this relies on current and future government spending.

Imagine if Trump slashes the government in half...
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Black Man GOES OFF On Tucker About Trump And Democrats!​

I get so tired of hearing statements of bosses penalizing workers who do not vote for the choice of the corporation.

If an employer penalizes a worker for a "bad vote", then the voter should report the employer FOR A CRIME and look for new work. Put the criminal employer in front of a judge and jury for prison time.

I despise workers who will not stand up for themselves. Those who are too meek to do so MUST accept the consequences of their failure. And they deserve it because they make life harder for the rest of us. By accepting tyranny, they make things worse.

‘They could have killed me’: Spycraft, ballots and a Trumped-up plot gone haywire​

The scene is straight from a discount bin spy novel.

A black SUV arrived at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to collect Sabrina Keliikoa, a QAnon adherent and supervisor at the facility’s FedEx air freight terminal.

Keliikoa was scared out of her wits.

She did not want to go.

But late on this Friday night in early December 2020, Keliikoa felt as if she had no choice: A retired Michigan State Police officer nicknamed “Yoda” had just warned that her life was in danger.

Keliikoa called in another employee to finish her shift. She entered the vehicle driven by a Marine Corps veteran who had provided security for American diplomats in Iraq. They arrived at a hotel where the driver checked her in. There, Keliikoa stayed for the next two days. A rotating set of “guards” occupied the adjacent room in shifts.

What was possibly happening here?

As Keliikoa would later testify in legal deposition, a video of which Raw Story recently reviewed, a man entered her hotel room and asked her to write an affidavit about election ballots she’d seen — and considered suspicious — at the FedEx facility shortly after the 2020 election.

The man was part of a secretive team of Donald Trump supporters, operating without legal authority but under the leadership of former Trump national security adviser and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, that aimed to obtain information they believed could be used in lawsuits to change the outcome of the election in Trump’s favor.

More generally, they hoped to undermine public confidence that Joe Biden had won the 2020 election.

Keliikoa described the experience as being “detained” and complained she became a “pawn” of people determined to use her.

“So, I got a phone call that said somebody is coming in from another state with illegal ballots, and they were going to be looking for me, and they were going to try to kill me,” Keliikoa testified. “And I started crying because this turned into the biggest s---show when it shouldn’t have been.”


I guess stealing elections is okay when the Approved Party - the Party of Globalist Government - does the theft.

Otherwise, it's a capital crime. No pun intended, although the Jan. 6 martyrs would maybe sense the humor.

Roger Stone, now, gonna be Jones'd.

Trump Tax Ideas Could Cause 'Economic Warfare,' Summers Says​

Jun 14, 2024

Lawrence H. Summers, former US Treasury Secretary and "Wall Street Week" contributor, says former President Donald Trump's tax ideas are irresponsible and could cause "worldwide economic warfare." He's on Bloomberg Television's "Wall Street Week" with David Westin.

I'm pretty sure economic sanctions have already effected global economic warfare.

How to Protect Your Family During an Apocalyptic Election Year!​

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