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From The Hartman Report (dyodd)


The Heartbeat of Democracy​

Your vote is the most important part of the American commons. The commons embrace those realms that we all own and jointly administer through our government. They include our air and water; our roads and skyways; the frequency spectrum we use for communication, radio, and television; our public school system; our military, police, and fire departments; the agencies we use to ensure the safety and quality of our food and medications; the systems and laws that keep people play- ing the game of business within legal boundaries; our jails and prisons; our oceans and public lands; and our social safety net—among other things.

That's what the Founders wrote the Constitution to try to protect us from. Lol
I'm not going to chase down the full quote...but Dr. Franklin's closing address to the Convention, touched on this.

He said, the document in final form was eminently satisfactory and should work well "For a score of Years, after which it will end in Tyranny, as the People will have become Corrupt and require Despotic Government - being incapable of (living under) any other."

A score is, strictly, twenty. Franklin figured the charter would last for a generation.

We exceeded the dark expectations of the dying old patriot; but here we are.
I'm not going to chase down the full quote...but Dr. Franklin's closing address to the Convention, touched on this.

He said, the document in final form was eminently satisfactory and should work well "For a score of Years, after which it will end in Tyranny, as the People will have become Corrupt and require Despotic Government - being incapable of (living under) any other."

A score is, strictly, twenty. Franklin figured the charter would last for a generation.

We exceeded the dark expectations of the dying old patriot; but here we are.
Yep, here we are.

Sadly, searcher seems to prefer the despotic version.
^^^ if you think I'm wrong, post the exact quote of Trump's where he says he will do any of the stuff that nbc idiot in your clip tried to say Trump said.
^^^ if you think I'm wrong, post the exact quote of Trump's where he says he will do any of the stuff that nbc idiot in your clip tried to say Trump said.
0.01-0.10 He's the head of a county - a strong country. When he speaks his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.
0.01-0.10 He's the head of a county - a strong country. When he speaks his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.
Is that an admission that no quote of Trump's show that he ever said any of the slanderous stuff your nbc stooge tried to say he said?
Is that an admission that no quote of Trump's show that he ever said any of the slanderous stuff your nbc stooge tried to say he said?

My take is that it's him (Trump) saying he wants Americans to be as obedient to him as the North Koreans are to kim jong un.


My take is that it's him (Trump) saying he wants Americans to be as obedient to him as the North Koreans are to kim jong un.
Heck you aught to get a slot on CNN and promote 'your take' as reality... Just like CNN does!
My take is that it's him (Trump) saying he wants Americans to be as obedient to him as the North Koreans are to kim jong un.
Well that may be your inference, but that's not what he said.

Your guy did far more dictator-ish stuff than Trump ever did. He caused people to lose their jobs for not following his dictates.

How many people lost jobs due to Trump's dictates? None, as far as I know. Yet you call Trump a dictator?
How many THOUSANDS have been denied justice and have been prosecuted for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCIES?

This is bovine excreta. "Biden's" de Partment uh Just Us is completely out of control. The FBI are now the Tonton Macoute. Prosecutors now persecute. Who goes for trial depends on what their political record, gleaned from PRIVATE MEDIA COMPANIES, tells the persecutors.

On top of it all is that little old man who's doing a Heinrich Himmler impersonation. And with NO checks or supervision from the senile puppet in the Oval Orifice.
Change of batter incoming... (Obamas in the basement)

Soft Coup, Remember Optics Are Important, Define Insurgency, Who’s Coming Into Focus?​

Love Lionel's grasp of the English language...

You're Supposed to Believe That No One Knew Biden Was This Bad Until the Debate​

Opinion piece from the Philadelphia Inquirer (dyodd)

To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial​

Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.

Published June 29, 2024, 4:30 p.m. ET

President Joe Biden’s debate performance was a disaster. His disjointed responses and dazed look sparked calls for him to drop out of the presidential race.

But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office.

In fact, the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.

Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that?


Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering
If you gonna post crap like that without posting an example of each allegation, why post it? Or are you posting ignorance and fear mongering stuff yourself?

In other words, post a quote of his exact lie, his exact hyperbole, his exact bigotry, his exact ignorance, and his exact fear mongering.

If you can't do that, then you are clearly posting false allegations.

Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility.
The only chaos was caused by the dems and their supporters.

Who lied to the nation about Trump/Russia collusion? Democrats did.

Who fear lmongered about Trump in his first term? Democrats and their supporters did. They told us he was gonna start WW3 and crash the economy and to be fearful of his Presidency.

Who committed corruption? The democrats did. The Crossfire Hurricane investigation your dems started was 100% corrupt, as there never existed ANY evidence to support such an investigation. If that's not corruption by the people in gov that you support, wtf is it?
Yep... (Q has) been pointing this out for several years actually...

This man is Spot On: “I have never in my lifetime seen a pre-convention debate… Debates are always after the two nominating conventions… It was a set up… And I believe the chief setter upper was Barack Obama… They set up Joe Biden for the takedown. They have concealed his mental decline for several years, and then all of a sudden they unseal it before the convention, that was a deliberate act of sabotage. Joe Biden's inner circle sabotaged his career. He's now finished…”

This was my thoughts completely. The Deep State stage a coup by SETTING Biden UP to FAIL with pre-convention debate because they know he CAN’T win and the only way to replace him is to show how incompetent he is and what better way to show that he is incompetent than to allow him to debate President Trump.

What we should be more concerned with is who they plan on replacing Biden with, but then again there’s Voter Fraud….
and the only way to replace him is to show how incompetent he is
From everything I've seen, it's too late to replace him. There are States where their laws don't allow a ballot change at this late of a time.

Unless you mean that the dems will show their criminal ways and break the law in order to replace him? That's always a possibility I suppose. They are the party of criminals, after all.
If you gonna post crap like that without posting an example of each allegation, why post it? Or are you posting ignorance and fear mongering stuff yourself?

In other words, post a quote of his exact lie, his exact hyperbole, his exact bigotry, his exact ignorance, and his exact fear mongering.

If you can't do that, then you are clearly posting false allegations.

The only chaos was caused by the dems and their supporters.

Who lied to the nation about Trump/Russia collusion? Democrats did.

Who fear lmongered about Trump in his first term? Democrats and their supporters did. They told us he was gonna start WW3 and crash the economy and to be fearful of his Presidency.

Who committed corruption? The democrats did. The Crossfire Hurricane investigation your dems started was 100% corrupt, as there never existed ANY evidence to support such an investigation. If that's not corruption by the people in gov that you support, wtf is it?

You can contact the editorial staff here:


Responses to articles in The Inquirer — including editorials, columns, op-eds and commentary pieces — should be made in the form of a letter to the editor. Letters should be emailed to letters@inquirer.com. Letters should be 200 words, at most. Writers should include their home address and day and evening phone number to allow for verification by our letters team. Letters are published in the Inquirer six days a week on the editorial pages and online.

Looking forward to you sharing your response to the paper and their response to you.
You can contact the editorial staff here:


Responses to articles in The Inquirer — including editorials, columns, op-eds and commentary pieces — should be made in the form of a letter to the editor. Letters should be emailed to letters@inquirer.com. Letters should be 200 words, at most. Writers should include their home address and day and evening phone number to allow for verification by our letters team. Letters are published in the Inquirer six days a week on the editorial pages and online.

Looking forward to you sharing your response to the paper and their response to you.
No, you post them. You made the allegations. You want us reading to believe what you posted. So supporting evidence needs to be provided.

If you can't everyone reading should assume that everything you posted is entirely false and is merely dem propaganda.

I gave specific examples of the dems doing exactly what you accused Trump of doing. Why can't you do the same by giving examples of what you accuse Trump of?
So allegations with no evidence are ok in your book?

If so, what differentiates lies from truth, if there exists no supporting evidence?

Joe, you actually crack me up.

What do you call everything Trump has done?

Let's see............Jan 6th, the Georgia phone call, the documents stuff. These are all criminal.........in my opinion. Now let's look at Trumps pep rallies. All the name calling, the threats against people he doesn't like, all the crazy shit he says. This is what a maniac does. I honestly believe he's stark raving mad.

For god sake..............if all of this isn't evidence, I don't know what is.

BTW............"supporting evidence needs to be provided" was good. Had me in stitches.
From everything I've seen, it's too late to replace him. There are States where their laws don't allow a ballot change at this late of a time.

Unless you mean that the dems will show their criminal ways and break the law in order to replace him? That's always a possibility I suppose. They are the party of criminals, after all.
I think if he died they have an exception...?


Biden is done. Bet on it. Too many prominent Democrats have suggested he’s brain damaged. They can’t walk that back. They have to remove him, and they will. The only question is when. If they’re smart, they’ll do it immediately. If Kamala’s going to be the nominee, she might as well be the president first. That leaves the question of Trump, and his sentencing on July 11. Biden’s collapse makes this a much more perilous moment than it was. At this point Trump is not just the Republican candidate, but effectively the presumptive president. If you’re going to put him in jail, it had better be for a very serious crime that everyone agrees he committed. Otherwise you risk destroying the system completely and forever. We’re in legitimate danger. Democrats need to pull back.
Same may allow it in cases of death, but not all.
Advanced dementia patients tend to decline quickly. They may have a rebound where they seem to be recouping, but then boom!

They go quickly.
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