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Now the Bidenbots are screaming RESIST! and hinting of @$$@$$ination.

Of Trump.

This isn't Clown World.

It's Hell. Chaos and insanity and tyranny.
Biden's Odds of Dropping Out Jump to 55% on PolyMarket as Obama Raises 'Concerns' About Presidential Campaign

Traders are now giving a 55% chance President Biden abandons his campaign and a 42% chance he does it before the Democratic convention

  • Polymarket bettors give a 55% chance that Biden will drop out of the Presidential race.
  • Barack Obama has privately expressed concerns over Biden's campaign performance, according to the Washington Post

The chance that President Biden drops out of the race for the White House hit an all-time high of 55% on Polymarket after former president Barack Obama expressed concerns about the Biden campaign and debate performance.


No links but I'm starting to hear rumbles that Biden may not be the candidate this go-round. Time will tell.
No links but I'm starting to hear rumbles that Biden may not be the candidate this go-round. Time will tell.
'Starting to hear'??


I knew this from the Q thread for 2 years already!
Leading pundit Lionel gives his POV as only Lionel can... (don't forget your dictionary!)

The Demoncrats Are In Freefall: A Discombobulated Mess of Treachery and Abandonment​

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appeared to lose her composure with Newsmax White House correspondent James Rosen when he loudly questioned President Joe Biden’s cognitive health. The press briefing was dominated by inquiries from multiple reporters regarding the president’s mental state following his debate performance against former President Donald Trump. Jean-Pierre attributed Biden's performance to having a "bad night" and a cold.

“We acknowledge what people are seeing. But we do believe that, in this instance, it was just a bad night,” Jean-Pierre responded to one reporter's question. When Rosen interjected with, “Is he disabled? Is the president disabled?” Jean-Pierre curtly replied, “No, and let me finish with your colleague, please. Shouting out, come on. You know better. You know better. Come on.”

Another reporter inquired why the president had not contacted Democratic members of Congress following the debate. Jean-Pierre explained that while Biden respects congressional leaders, he had been engaging with them through high-level members of his team due to his schedule.

During the debate, Biden spoke with a raspy voice, appeared fatigued, and struggled to complete sentences, leading to concern among Democratic operatives and left-leaning voters. Various polls in March indicated that the majority of voters were skeptical about Biden’s ability to serve a second term due to his age and mental capacity.

In a related incident from September 2022, President Biden mistakenly searched for Republican Indiana Rep. Jackie Walorski during an event, despite her having died in a car crash the previous month.


No links but I'm starting to hear rumbles that Biden may not be the candidate this go-round. Time will tell.
Yea, now that the fact he is dementia-ridden can no longer be hidden.

The dem party shouldn't be allowed to change him out for someone else. They rigged the primaries so joe wouldn't be challenged. They even forced another dem to go independent. They insisted joe is as sharp as a tack. They said that anyone showing/telling the truth about joe, was spreading false information and lies.

No, you guys should be stuck with him.

81 million votes my ass.
Wasn't long ago that Joe was to far gone to be prosecuted. Now he's running for re election? Just more evidence that both sides are corrupt to the core.
Wasn't long ago that Joe was to far gone to be prosecuted. Now he's running for re election? Just more evidence that both sides are corrupt to the core.
Both sides? It sure wasn't Trump's side that did that. Maybe the rino's did, but they are on the other side anyways.
We didn't need Q for that one. Clearly he was not the guy like 3 years ago.... well before he even ran the first time. 15 people showing up to his events and such.

Bidet was pre-cooked, they just left him in the oven too long and now can't hide the smell of burnt turkey.
The MAGA's are the most on our side, and RINOs aren't republicans. They are undercover democrats.
Agree, they most probably were D's running as R's - almost as if they planned in advance to become R's even though they were Ds..?

Bearing false witness comes to mind.
Some people believe that just because Biden is dead doesn't mean he needs to resign.
Meanwhile across the pond.............

Labour Wins in UK after 14 YEARS‼️Meet new "socialist" PM Sir Keir Starmer 😅

Jul 5, 2024

Farage actually got elected. Parliament is going to be entertaining for the next few years.
As to our own elections................

- Term and age limits across the board.
- Physical and mental health tests for anyone one running for office. Tests to be made public once completed. All tests to be administered by a group of doctors who owe no allegiance to any political party.
- No more than one bankruptcy.
- No one who was convicted of financial crimes.
- No convicted felons
- No one convicted of sexual crimes
As to our own elections................

- Term and age limits across the board.
- Physical and mental health tests for anyone one running for office. Tests to be made public once completed. All tests to be administered by a group of doctors who owe no allegiance to any political party.
- No more than one bankruptcy.
- No one who was convicted of financial crimes.
- No convicted felons
- No one convicted of sexual crimes
What about hush money payments? Would you allow those?
What about hush money payments? Would you allow those?

Nah............no one who was convicted of financial crimes.

And when I said "across the board" I was talking federal, state and local. Would help alleviate a lot of the problems we have now-a-days.

And I know.................never gonna happen in my life time.
I'm too lazy to look it up for ya, but congress has a taxpayer funded hush money slush fund. So far they've used it to pay $17million to keep people quiet.

CNN has an article on it.
WOTR podcast on elections in France in the United Kingdom. Can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab. Contains several links and it's 54 mins long. Take it fwiw and dyodd.

congress has a taxpayer funded hush money slush fund

When I said across the board I was talking fed, state and local. Everything I mentioned includes congress and the supreme court. Term / age limits, physical and mental health checkups, bank accounts, investments, criminal background checks, foreign ties, political / religious affiliations. etc. No more than 2 four-year terms. Would end a lot of our problems and save a shit load of money.
How 'bout they just start applying the Constitution as intended?

That's what's truly needed.

What you are missing, and why your suggestions won't work, is that at the end of the day, it's just words on paper.
....which is ultimately what the Constitution is.

The only reason you see a need for your "rules" is because for several generations, our politicians have mostly seen their Constitutional limitations on power as a hindrance. As something to be defeated.
.....and they would see your rules the same way.

If they already have that type of attitude, how would your rules ( words on paper) be any different?

Ultimately, it takes people to WANT to follow the rules (words on paper) for them to work.
....be those rules the Constitution, or your ideas above.

Congress is who writes the laws. As long as they are willing (and seeking) to change the rules, they will change them to their own advantage.

Tories crushed. Labour, declining victory. Farage triumphs​


TDS MELTDOWN! Lies, disinformation, propaganda… The same old tricks to take Trump down​

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